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sith lightning sorcerer worst DPS Build at NiM?


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hey guys.


i need some opinions about the dps from sith sorcerer with lightning build. today me and my guild have tried to clear the first boss an Asatio NiM and my DPS was static at 2,4-2,7k. im wondering about because last week i had arround static 3k DPS. today was 3k dps only with global cooldowns possible..


now my question for you guys:


is the sith ligthning sorcerer a worst DPS Class or Just a bug from my MoxParser (dps counter) programm? Or is the equipment worth from the bosses in NiM so high?


about my gear:


im almost full underworld 4 boni equiped just 1-2 things are left. my accurcy at forcepower is at 108.49% if its important


and sorry for my bad english :rolleyes: hope you guys can understand it

Edited by xRoxo
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You need a bit more accuracy. Chances are you got lucky before and had more attacks land. You want it at ~110% (though 109.5% is what most people shoot for)


yeah.. already thought so, but is Accuracy at ~110% so much Diffrent to run on more DPS?

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From what i understand the higher the accuracy, the more chances to land your attack and the more chances to crit. Once you crit, or get forked lightning we get a temp buff that increases damage and can stack up to 3 times. Not landing a forked lightning can reduce your overall dps. Can't wait for them to fix the crit system.
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Just doing a real shoddy back of the envelope calculation....If you assume your average DPS to be 2550, and a 98.5%accuracy rating, the average DPS that you would have done, if you did not miss would be 2588, a 38DPS increase, just by bumping your accuracy up.


I know that kind of math is in a vacuum and doesn't account for secondary stat loss in bumping your accuracy up further, but missing attacks (and in turn crits/procs etc.) can throw off a lot DPS wise. I don't have a lightning sorc, so I don't know how import procs are...or if there are any DoTs in the spec used frequently, which are also prone to missing when Acc<100%.


I'm sure it was a combination of bad procs/luck, moving around re-learning NiM WH, buffed bosses, etc...


EDIT: With regards to Force accuracy, the extra ~10% is used to reduce the inherent F/T resist chance an enemy has. (around 10% I believe) So i think the same idea applies as w.r.t my calculation

Edited by JMagee
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Just doing a real shoddy back of the envelope calculation....If you assume your average DPS to be 2550, and a 98.5%accuracy rating, the average DPS that you would have done, if you did not miss would be 2588, a 38DPS increase, just by bumping your accuracy up.


I know that kind of math is in a vacuum and doesn't account for secondary stat loss in bumping your accuracy up further, but missing attacks (and in turn crits/procs etc.) can throw off a lot DPS wise. I don't have a lightning sorc, so I don't know how import procs are...or if there are any DoTs in the spec used frequently, which are also prone to missing when Acc<100%.


I'm sure it was a combination of bad procs/luck, moving around re-learning NiM WH, buffed bosses, etc...


EDIT: With regards to Force accuracy, the extra ~10% is used to reduce the inherent F/T resist chance an enemy has. (around 10% I believe) So i think the same idea applies as w.r.t my calculation


The lightning Sorecer have 3 procs and one (i called it buff, if its reach 3 stacks, your force power will increase like 6%)


butt that procs are not global cooldown to reach more DPS or have better accurcy, its to cast my instant chain lightning or tick my force lightning.


is that true that when i reach my ~110% accurcy that my average 2,8K Dps without global Cooldown like recklessness or relic?

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The thing about accuracy is this: every attack that is a miss is a dps loss and is wasted time. Part of the reason I stopped raiding in this game, other than guild disorganization, is suddenly having to slot for a stat I never had to slot before in SWTOR. Years of raiding in WoW and needing that ~17% increased spell hit never bothered me then, but not needing it and then needing it killed pve in the game for me.


Watching a Thundering Blast miss sucks. Watching a procced CL miss sucks, too. Get your hit cap and your dps will improve a fair amount.

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The thing about accuracy is this: every attack that is a miss is a dps loss and is wasted time. Part of the reason I stopped raiding in this game, other than guild disorganization, is suddenly having to slot for a stat I never had to slot before in SWTOR. Years of raiding in WoW and needing that ~17% increased spell hit never bothered me then, but not needing it and then needing it killed pve in the game for me.


Watching a Thundering Blast miss sucks. Watching a procced CL miss sucks, too. Get your hit cap and your dps will improve a fair amount.


my crit cap is at 26% raid-buffed. and my surge on 73%.


im full ap and accuracy, trying now to get ~110% accuracy. then im gonna watch how my average DPS increase, if its not so much increase im gonna switch to my maroduer, hoppely that it makes more DPS


but thanks you guys for alle the replys. :)

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