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Flashpoint entry problem

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i've got the same ANNOYING problem since 3 days now...

tried everything but nothings works....

please fix this asap...

i see my guild friends farming flashpoints after flashpoints. making real progress with their gears... and im still not able to do so too...

cmon guys a little official statement here.

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Kinda figured it out...

Try to remember the last Flashpoint you entered before this bug started happening to you.

That is the flashpoint with the bug. If you can manage to enter that specific flashpoint again. try resetting the quests and try switching hard mode and normal mode. also try to enter and resetting the flashpoint.

If you can not remember... just try this with all flashpoints you recently entered.


hope this helps...

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I've had the same issue not once, but twice now. Relogging, resetting, switching chars, restarting the game, nothing works. It is not an issue with the quests. I've cancelled and reabandoned tons of time. I have put 3 tickets in now and the only response I get is "Our Specialist are looking into it" This is TOTALLY game breaking as it is impossible to group with this bug. When you are invited to a group the only options you get are Decline and Reset which automatically declines the gorup invite anyways.
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Same problem. Yesterday we did some guild runs on the flashpoints with no problems, today, no matter what we do (relog, drop and retake quest, all join convo etc etc) and NOTHING fixed this.


We could go in as individuals, we could go in as pairs but the 4 of us just could not get in. Either the damned "Reset the instance" message or the difficulty message.


I pay to PLAY the game, not for constant frustration.

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I've had this same problem. It first happened when my group and I were doing Cademimu, and one person in the group couldn't enter. We all dropped the quest and picked it up again to solve the problem. However, for The Foundry that did not work. We've tried every method in solving the problem. Even if we can find a way to work around it, it's a real pain in the ***.
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So, same here, no reply to my ticket so far, and the theory with the Virus seems to be correct. My g/f had it first, now we both can't do any Flashpoint. None so far, except Black Talon once. This... is not nice to put it politely, not finding any official response to it either.:mad:
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Player groups are not currently able to have more than one active Flashpoint. If your group has recently entered a Flashpoint and attempts to enter a different Flashpoint, players will see a message prompt. The message will incorrectly state that you cannot enter because of a different difficulty selection, but it is actually because the first Flashpoint is still active.


Workaround: The group leader must right click on his or her portrait and select reset all active Flashpoints from the context menu. Then you should be able to enter. Note that you can only reset Flashpoints once every 5 minutes. If the party leader recently reset, players will need to wait for the timer or leave the group and create it again using a different leader before resetting the active Flashpoint from the context menu.


For goodness sake fix this asap please. It's a nightmare with everyone swapping leadership and trying solo and relogging and still no success in getting into an instance. This is really killing instancing with a non-guild group. tbh I have no clue what "active flashpoint" means anyway, and nor does any guildee or anyone in the L30-ish party. I've seen workarounds that make the Sicilian Dragon look like noughts-and-crosses. The workaround posted by devs does not work. This is not beta, we paid serious cash for this and we should expect better.

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Having the same issue, already for 4 days. Tried to create a ticket, but recieved auto-answer. Boiware guys, i want to play flashpoints, not just farm battlegrounds. Do anything already, please. It is frustrating. Even when i'm trying to enter SOLO, with no any flashpoint quest taken, beside that i'm trying to enter, it still show a message "your party leader bla-bla-bla". I am entering SOLO, what's that "party leader" stuff all about? Please fix it.


I know man, its happening to me. This is just plain ridiculous, i REALLY hope they fix this issue in this week maint.... no joke... fix it... now. :mad:

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This is a game breaking problem, and clearly it's pretty widespread. If this is any indication of how BW is going to deal with bugs of this magnitude, I give this game 6 months tops before it's just another broken and abandoned MMO left in the dust. I submitted a ticket about this problem earlier tonight and got a response back that "there was nothing they could do but I should look for updates in future patches."




My character can't group with anyone or enter any instanced content, and there's NOTHING YOU CAN DO? Wow. Customer service doesn't get much worse than that.

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I found a cure! it's like a *********** virus


if you or your friends have this bug, Create an alt Get the alt to invite you to a party, it will prompt you saying they will become owner of the flashpoint, you are now cured and he is bugged.

Just wanted to say that this was crazy, but his method totally worked.

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DARTH IS RIGHT! My friend and I were trying to do one, he was initially broken, then he broke me. We tried the alt thing and it worked. I like how Bioware can't say one shred of a solution and the community finds one before they do. I understand the complexity of programming, but all I want is an answer Bioware, like Darth provided.
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I had the same issue tonight. Four us in a pick-up group had individually received the mission before grouping. After grouping, we could not enter the mission. We disbanded, rebanded, didn't work.


Then we each abandoned the mission. Grouped up, got the mission again. Did not work. We gave up.


Later, I was able to do the mission with another group. Strange.

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