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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The positivity thread


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Yes the game has flaws. All games do. Plenty of frustrations to go around. I get that. But I am enjoying the game more than ever--certainly more than when I unsubbed a year ago! Perhaps its the hangover (ugh) but I need a little positive vibrations today.


So lets accumulate some positive happenings from the game in the thread. I'll start.


Just went on my second group activity with my new guild last night--world boss hunting for the old speeder quests. This led to my first trip into Toborro's Courtyard, a nice added bonus to the evening! Totally unexpected, and even if I missed the roll to complete my two piece, my guildie who won it finished off her 4 piece! w00t

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Congrats! How do you get these, if you don't mind my asking?


And here I was thinking "not even a pity reply, so much h8"


There are two ways to get Kell Dragon pets. The first, the Desert Kell Drake is from the planet Darvannis, from the Scum and Villainy operation. There the final boss is a Kell Dragon and you may be lucky enough to get a Baby Drake off of it.


The second is the Swamp Kell Dragon, and the Drake is from the Bounty Hunting reputation, specifically requiring hero rank. I'm going to be getting this one. :D


And as a little fun fact: Datamining also reveals a red Volcanic Kell Dragon, black Nightmare Kell Dragon, and a green Toxic Kell Dragon.

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In the mornings over coffee I like dealing with the GTN, crafting, and occasionally doing some dailies. This morning I decided to run Toborro's Best, and then spend some time with the seeker droid in one of my favourite hunting spots. This morning got a secure crate with necessary crafting bits for my next 31 mod/enhancement, hit champion with Makeb, and nailed the final piece for my Exploiter! All in all not a bad half an hour.
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I was running the interlude for the Makeb weekly, and had my instant travel on cooldown. Just finished the quest or whatever it is, and was wondering how I would get back to the transport point quickly when a bunch of imps jumped me. I made a fight of it (well, stayed up while trying to tab target to the actual players--seems they were mostly ranged DPS healer sorcs that sent their pets onto me) and when I died...free instant transport back to the shuttle point!
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I just wanted to say I love this game. I really appreciate seeing some positivity on the boards.


I've had a blast getting my Op healer and Sorc DPS ready for Arenas. Just now got my PT tank to 38k health and hit over 700k protection in a Warzone. I'm excited for Arenas to get here in a month and excited to be rocking them with my guild :)

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Had a great positive experience last night. Was on Nar Shadaa doing my sniper class mission and picked up the +4 heroic A Pound of Flesh. If you're not familiar it's pretty tough, with mobs of four golds at a time and lots of objectives. There were only 57 people in my instance, and after much calling I put together a 4-person group of all-DPS. Two snipers, two sorcerers. No tanks, no heals. It was one of the best heroics I've ever played! We just marked targets and focus fired them down one at a time, using what CC we had. No wipes, flawless execution.
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Just tanked my first 16 man TfB, no wipes (although I died twice, think I might have taken one add too far from the healer once). Good fun! Got Arakian bracers to drop. The day after I bought and modded the BM ones :\ Aw heck, prefer the stats off them anyway.


Might be the last 16 man though, man all those blaster bolts just crushed my system

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