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(Jedi Consular) Rise of the Sith Lords:


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A Prelude to Darkness

(First Impressions)


I couldn’t stop looking at the blue skies over Tython; it had been so long since I had seen the sky. The skies over my homeworld were nothing but ash soaked clouds and black smoke from the battlefields. I was so used to feeling that heat of the flames on my skin that had forgotten what a breeze of cool air felt like on my skin. As I gazed down at the cool waters below the master’s retreat, the whole planet seemed so serene; it was hard to believe that anything could seem at peace when war still ravaged my homeworld.


I sensed them coming long before they arrived. A woman with long blond hair with blue ribbons intertwined throughout pulled tight behind her head, her features were warm and inviting, she was dressed in very formal robes, that I was certain concealed a lightsaber; she had an air of knowledge and importance about her. She was followed by a young lavender Twi’lek, her lips were painted pink, and she a wore a dark blue sleeveless midriff top, dual lightsabers hung off the sides of her hips, a stark contrast to the formal attire of the woman in front of her.


“Hello. I am Master Denai Rann, and this is my Padawan Areeva Ban.” She said.


“Kradok… Kradok Kaeyd.” I was unsure of what this Master and her Padawan wanted from me, but their names didn’t sound familiar or close to the name of the Master I was supposed to be meeting here today.


“Master Satele sends her apologies but recent events have made it unable for her to come and meet you herself. We are still dealing with the flesh raider attacks on our training grounds and… unforeseen complications, have taken up the councils attention. She also has asked me to inform you that she has yet to find a master suitable to your specific needs and has asked me to assist your training while things are sorted out.” She said, the situation seemed a shock to her as much as it was to me


“I don’t need a babysitter. So don’t do me any favors.” I was angry. This Satele woman had dismissed me like I was some errant child that she hadn’t the time to deal with. She seemed to forget that the Jedi had requested my presence here on this forsaken planet.


“I’m not going to babysit you. The work you are going to be helping in is vital to the preservation of our order. Grand Master Satele felt that your experiences on Iridonia would prove useful in our endeavors.” Her tone was abrupt, but not unfeeling, “I know you’ve been through a trying ordeal, and for that I am sorry, I think it would be beneficial for you to tell me about yourself before we proceed.” She seemed genuinely concerned, but that didn’t mean that I wasn’t bothered by her request.


“I don’t want to talk about it; I came here to train to be a Jedi, to learn how to defend against the empire, to be able to prevent what happened to my people from happening to other worlds.” I lashed out; the pain was still fresh in my chest and I felt that at any moment I would burst into tears.


“I know this is painful, and you want to move forward, but trust me, the best thing you can do right now is to tell me what happened.” She was both firm and gentle and although I wanted to it was impossible to refuse her.


“Two standard months ago, the imperial warships filled our skies and their soldiers razed our lands, burned our cities. My older brother Kordak, a member in the republic military, was assigned to the frontlines; I haven’t heard anything from him since the start of the battle. My younger brothers and I tried to get as far away from the fighting as we possibly could, but every day we were surrounded by explosion and blaster fire as our world turned to ashes, Adarok, my younger brother… he betrayed us, he set a trap and handed us over to the imperials all for enough credits to buy transport off-world, I was held in a cage for more than a week, they tortured us, they took my baby brother Kadrok and me, they were going to sell us into slavery. The shock collar around my neck, I disabled it somehow… I ran, as my world blew up around me. I couldn’t leave my brother… so I tried to go back, but the imperials surrounded me. They were going to kill me, but… I stuck up my hands… and their blaster fire went back at them, I was able to lift objects with my mind… the force as you call it, and throw them at my enemies. I was about to go back into the enemy camp to get my brother, when one of your people showed up, he wouldn’t let go in… I fought him with my new-found abilities, he knocked me unconscious. When I woke up I was on a republic ship. The Jedi, I think his name was Kobu, he told me he was bringing me here and that I was to be trained to be a Jedi…” That’s when Master Denai broke protocol she put her arms around me and hugged me as the tears I’d been holding back began to fall. Areeva averted her eyes, her face solemn, she pitied me.


“I’m sorry, when Master Satele told me of your situation; I had assumed… it doesn’t matter.” She pulled away and exchanged a worried glance with Areeva. “We are needed in Kalikori Village, a local Twi’lek settlement. Areeva will take you there. I will join you soon, Master Braga and I must determine how to proceed.” She put her hands on my shoulders, “Everything is going to be alright,” and with that she disappeared somewhere off into the retreat.


“Come on, your life is about to get a lot more interesting.” Areeva grabbed my hand and practically dragged me forward, “I can tell a lot about people, and I know, you and I we are gonna have a lot of fun together.” She smirked at me, her eyes full of the good kind of mischief.


“I thought Jedi were about tolerance and restraint. I didn’t think fun was part of the program.” I said to her as we settled into the transport. Areeva looked at me, her smile seemed to dance across her face and she looked from side to side as if to make sure no one was in listening range.


“That’s only if you want to become one of those stodgy old masters, you and I, we’re meant for much more than Jedi politics.” And with that we were off.

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  • 1 month later...

(Rumblings in the Dark)


Areeva and I had been working for hours to help the citizens of Kalikori village, the sun had long since set and still we had not heard from Master Denai, the sky was dark and the torches at the edge of the village burned bright. I could sense the Twi’leks terror, at night was when the flesh raiders became vicious, even with me Areeva standing next to me and her lightsabers couldn’t calm them. The flesh raider’s cries rose up loud and violent in the distance. Strangely, the Twi’leks seemed more worried about us than the monsters in the woods.


“Areeva am I crazy, or do they not want us here.” I said. Areeva sighed at looked at the ground for a bit.


“Master Denai said not to say anything...” She started, “There is a creature hunting us, in the last month several Jedi have gone missing, Padawans, Knights, even Master Kael, at some point during the night. Every night it is like darkness wakes up and starts hunting us; we can feel it even in the temple, it’s this primal sort hunger and we have no idea what it is or where it could be.”


“So they’re afraid we are going to attract this creature.” It suddenly made sense; in the daylight they wanted our help but a night we posed a greater threat than the flesh raiders. “Areeva, if this creature comes for us I have no way to defend myself.”


I had no lightsaber, and I had only channeled the force on Iridonia when I was consumed by the rage and desire to save my brother. Areeva agreed to teach me enough to be able to defend myself even though she risked getting in trouble with her master, and for the next hour we sat in the middle of Kalikori and Areeva taught me how to awaken the force within myself.


“You’re a quick study; pretty soon you’ll be training along with the best of us.” Areeva’s lips twitched up into a half smile, as the boulders I had levitated around us began to swirl. I was starting to get the hang of this force thing after all. Suddenly Areeva stopped smiling; she got this terrified look on her face as if something had just gone terribly wrong. Then I felt it. I was as if all the energy had been sucked out of my body and only this gnawing hungry remained, an insatiable black pit the seeked to devour me.


“Its awake.” Were the only words out of Areeva’s mouth. Her holocomm began to beep rapidly, and she quickly pulled it out of her pocket, It was Master Denai, “Areeva, you and Kradok must…. to the temp… before the te…” the comm shorted out.


“She wants us to return to the temple, we should hurry before we bring this beast upon my people.” We went back to the taxi, but Areeva was unable to get it going, and while she was busy cursing the machine and trying to get it to work I noticed something altogether unsettling, “Do you hear that?”


“Hear what?” Areeva said to me exasperatedly, she was angry. “No flesh raider cries.” There was no noise everything seemed perfectly still and calm, with terror lurking in the shadows. Areeva’s face became contorted with fear as if some dark realization crept into her mind. “It’s coming… for us.”


“I have to lure it away from my people, return to the temple, I’ll join you as soon as I’m sure I’ve led it away.” I tried to reason with her but she would hear none of and with that Areeva used the force and raced off into the distance, with only one problem. I had never been to the temple and had no idea where it was or how to get there. All the twi’leks had disappeared into their huts and there was no way they’d answer for me. I was going to have to find my own way to the temple.


I began to follow a path up a hill; it made sense to me that the Jedi academy would be at the top of mountain, sort of like a fortress, but as soon as I saw misshapen huts and rotting meat hanging from hooks I realized I’d gone the wrong way and was in the heart of flesh raider territory so I hurried along another path that led me through a forest and up against a waterfall I sensed that if I turned around and went the other way I’d find what I was looking for and the darkness seemed to have abated, but as I turned around a creature leapt down from the mountain side blocking my path. It was a large white monstrosity with a shield-like head with horns and teeth like pikes, its hands were enormous claws and its eyes were an endless, shapeless void that were staring directly at me.


I ran. I could hear its stomping along behind me and bellowing with rage, it was on my train following me into a cave above the waterfall; it was so dark I couldn’t see where I was going but I was somehow able to navigate the pathways through the cavern. The creature was having trouble keeping up I could hear it running into walls and hitting its head on the lower overhangs. I emerged on the edge of a cliff, I couldn’t see the bottom but I could hear rapids rushing below, I turned to see if I could run along the cliff side but the creature emerged from behind me, it was enraged, drool poured down from the edges of its mouth. I had no choice. I jumped off the edge of the cliff and fell into the rapids below.


I hit the water hard, doing my best to ignore the pain and remain calm all while keeping my head above water; the rapids took me under the mountain. It was impossible to see anything. Something in the water grabbed me, fearing it was the beast I tried to fight it off, but it overpowered me and swung me on its back and began to swim against the current, I could feel the scales on its skin as I swam, not out into the open but up a different path up into the dark, gradually I began to see a light, not a natural light, torches, lots of them ablaze in alcove up ahead.


I was then thrown up onto damp land; I turned around to help pull my rescuer from the water when something struck me from behind. I fell to the ground, a blinding pain emerging from the back of my head. I could hear them arguing over me in a language that sounded like gargling, one of them grabbed the back of my clothes, lifted my chest up off the ground and began to drag me deeper into the cave. Darkness crept in from the corner of my eyes, as I slipped into unconsciousness.


Can't wait for the rest! Great job so far


[A/N: I'm sorry it took so long to update I lost my internet connection there for a while and couldn't even play the game, but as a plus I did get a lot of writing done so readers will see the conclusion to certain arcs in this story faster than usual, comments are appreciated.]

Edited by Billupsat
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(Jagganath Rights)


I awoke in the cave the next day, sunlight poured in through a hole in the roof, and a long pathway wove a circular path around to an exit near the top, all along the walls there were small alcoves. However, much more important, and terrifying was the presence of Trandoshans. Some of them carried dead Tythonian wildlife on their back, such as Horranth, and Manka Cats, others stood guard around a large pyre at the base of the encampment. But, no matter what any of the Trandoshans were up to, they all had one thing in common aside from their yellow skin, they were watching me.


“Careful, small hunter, if you try and run my brethren will hunt you.” A voice gargled from behind me. I turned to see a blue-gray Trandoshan warrior behind me, by his relaxed posture I could tell that he had been there a long time. He wore light, white mesh armor with a silvery-blue hunting staff strapped along his back. He was easily twice my age but still only a young adult by Trandoshan standards. His eyes were light-blue.


“And why do they not hunt me now?”


“I saved small-hunter, brothers would kill in sleep, I tell them that you are my hunt; your life is my bounty, they will not hunt you as long as I am with you.”


“So you’re the one who fished me out of the rapids… Thanks.” I was shocked, and curious, why had my Trandoshan friend decided to rescue me.


“Thanks not necessary, I saw escape from force-eater, small hunter smart on feet, would have been shame for you to drown, would have lost many points had I not saved your honor.”


I remembered reading something about Trandoshan lore, they worshipped a goddess, their Scorekeeper and by hunting they earned her favor and Jagganath points. “Thanks anyway, I owe you my life, I’m Kradok.” I stuck out my hand in friendship, my Trandoshan friend just stared at in.


“Rarsk,” his eyes were busy watching the Trandoshans by the pyre, and I could feel their eyes burning into my back.


“Well, thanks again Rarsk, but I really should be getting back,” I began to walk away toward but instantly I could hear him following me, “I should be able to make it back by myself, you don’t need to escort me.”


“Small-hunter not understand, brethren will hunt if I am not with you.”


“So what you’re saying is, the moment you are not with me all your brothers are free to kill me.” This day was just getting better and better. My predicament was precarious, nothing was more firm than Trandoshan customs, a deal with them was a binding contract that was honored under penalty of death. A thought suddenly wormed its way into my mind, a scheme that could end my life but would solve several problems facing this planet.


“Rarsk, which one of your brothers would I have to fight to strike a deal for your people to agree to defend the Twi-lek pilgrims from the flesh raiders,” Rarsk looked at me like I suggested he start cutting off parts of his anatomy.


“Our leader, Ssravek, your life-end would meet bef…”


Rarsk never finished his sentence. I cut him off almost immediately after I heard the name, I knew what I was doing was foolish, but I was never one to stop and analyze what I was doing. I just did whatever popped into my head, however, this time I’ll admit, I might have been in over my head.


“Ssravek! I challenge you to the Jagganath Rights.” A large golden Trandoshan leapt out from behind the pyre, he had scars all over his face, as if it had been stitched back together many times. He had a sick smile as he looked down at me. Rarsk stepped back and gave me a sorrowful forlorn look, a twinge of regret crept up my spine.


“What terms will you forfeit for life, small-hunter.”


“Simple, if I win you extend your protection to the Twi-lek pilgrims from the flesh raiders and anything else that threatens them… and you will give no trouble to the Jedi.” I almost didn’t think to add the last part, “And your terms.”


“Simpler, I will gnaw on your bones after victory.” He was rather direct.


“Agreed.” The moment the word left my mouth I was punched back, almost into the pyre, Ssravek certainly didn’t pull any punches; I was able to use the force to leap to my feet. Ssravek grabbed a steel edged electrostaff and began to run at me, I should’ve specified what weapons we were allowed to use. I force-lifted one of the flaming logs and hurled it at Ssravek, he simply cut it in half and kept charging, I force-leapt to a ledge across the cavern, I could sense Ssravek right behind me, so I rolled out of the way. His electrostaff was impaled in the wall, I took the opportunity to use the force to throw a boulder at his chest, his electrostaff broke in half, with half stuck in the wall, but Ssravek was barely fazed. At this point I realized I was in trouble as I leapt to another ledge in what became a very scary game of cat and mouse.


We continued on like this for several hours, Ssravek blindly following me destroying whatever got in his way, me using every opportunity to attack what few weak points I could perceive. Sweat beaded off my forehead and stained my clothes. Ssravek’s movements only slightly slowed. My breath had become labored as I stood in front of the pyre, I was completely drained of force, and I braced myself for the end as Ssravek began his final charge toward me. Suddenly I felt the force, but not from me, it swept out in a wave and knocked Ssravek on the ground face first, and sent the remnant of his electrostaff barreling toward me. I grabbed it in midair and quickly stood over his body with the blade positioned over his neck.


“Tricky Jedi!” Ssravek howled and tried to wiggle out from under the blade, I felt it appropriate to cut the back of his neck just slightly. Ssravek stopped struggling, “Small-hunter has won Jagganath Right,” he yelled loud enough for all the Trandoshans to hear. I tossed the broken electrostaff off to the side and Ssravek stood to face me, it was obvious that he was furious at having lost to me, but there was respect in his eyes, a respect echoed in the eyes of every Trandoshan in the clan.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

(The Demon of the Forge)



Rarsk and three other Trandoshans were assigned by Ssravek to escort me to the Twi-lek settlement and were to remain there to guard the pilgrims against the Flesh-Raiders; they would remain there until Ssravek sent others to take their place. Rarsk was the only one who would talk to me, I learned on our trek that Rarsk was something of an outcast as his father had been from another clan, explaining why he was blue-gray instead of yellow, and because of this none of the other Trandoshans trusted him and viewed him as a stain on their clan, Ssravek was the only one who treated him as a fellow warrior.


When we arrived at the settlement Areeva came bursting out of one of the Huts and wrapped me in what felt like Twi-lek death grip but was only her relief and excitement at seeing I was still alive. She apologized profusely for what happened the evening before and proceeded to gawk as I explained both my ordeal with the creature and then with what happened in the Trandoshan cave. The Twi-leks were wary of the Trandoshan warriors occupying their camp but their matriarch Ranna Tao’ven thanked me for what I’d done and assured me that her people would in time. There in the Matriarch’s House Areeva proceeded to explain to me and Rarsk why Master Denai Rann hadn’t come for us the other night…


“How could someone poison a Jedi Master,” was the first question on my mind.


“No one knows, Master Braga thinks that whatever this beast is it can reach out with the force and its killing her…” Areeva’s face was calm but I could see the fear in her eyes.


“Beast worth many Jagganath points would be hunt of lifetime,” Rarsk gargled.


“We can’t rush into this and I for one don’t want to be hunted by this thing again.” Just talking about the beast was enough to send chills down my spine.


“Not hunted, have tracked beast before with clan, hides in caves under Jedi weapon place.” Rarsk should his head in the direction of the waterfall.


“The Forge, we have to go, we have to kill it, before my master…” Areeva trailed off, I could sense her fear every time she mentioned Master Rann.


“Shouldn’t we tell the council, they could send a strike team and maybe…” Areeva cut me off.


“No. The council will want to sit around and discuss the problem and every second we waste is a second my Master could die, we need action! The masters could debate this for days and Denai doesn’t have…” Areeva was at the point of tears, “please, Kradok, trust me on this.”


I liked Master Denai, and I had wanted to run after the beast the moment Rarsk revealed he knew where the creature lived but my encounter with Ssravek had made me cautious against rushing into fights, but I couldn’t say no to Areeva, not when I felt as strongly as she did, “All right let’s go, before it gets dark.”


“No. Small-Hunter need Jedi weapon,” Rarsk pulled at a glowing orange lightsaber crystal, “Ssravek said to give when you went to forge weapon, sign of respect, gift between brothers.” I was touched; I knew winning the Jagganath Rights had earned me great respect with the clan, but brothers. Then I remembered my own brothers…


“Rarsk is right; you need a lightsaber, which means you’ll need these.” Areeva went and got a trunk and dumped its contents onto the table we were standing around, she explained that I was to pick a lens fixture, beam emitter, emitter matrix and various other parts that were necessary to construct a lightsaber, she briefly went over how to construct it by disassembling and reassembling her own within seconds in front of me, she offered to show me again, but I was determined to get to the forge before dark so I selected the components I liked the look of or spoke to me as a person and we left.


We followed a trail I recognized well, it was the exact same trail I ran along the night before, when I asked Areeva why we didn’t go past the temple and she told me that we couldn’t risk the masters finding out about our plan. Rarsk led us through the Waterfall Caves, his clan had thoroughly explored them and he knew the fastest way through to the forge. We had to do little fighting with Flesh Raiders as we raced through the ruins of an ancient Jedi Temple and through another set of caves that led us to the forge, one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen.


“Kradok, hurry and construct your lightsaber, I’ll summon the beast.” We had figured out the any use of the force was an irresistible lure that drew the beast to the force-user, which is why it came for us the other night. Areeva’s body radiated with the force, I could see it coming off of her in waves and her eyes glowed bright purple as she lifted off the ground and turned away from the forge.


“Rarsk watch small-hunter’s back, prepare for fight.” Rarsk growled as he whipped out his electrostaff and assumed a guard position at the top of the steps as I went in to construct my lightsaber.


I took out the components I’d chosen and the orange crystal Ssravek had given me and I let the force guide me through the motions, my lightsaber came out looking rather quirky, with its obvious construction from mismatched parts all of different eras, but I liked it none the less. I had just ignited the blade and was reveling in the power I felt coursing through me when I felt it. The dark hunger from the night before, I turned around as the beast leapt up from somewhere way down the mountainside.


I recognized the creature almost instantly from what little studying I’d had of Jedi History. It was a Terentatek. A force-killing monster and weapon of the dark side of the force; a creature birthed to bring about the death of all Jedi. This monstrosity looked ancient, centuries old, like it had been here since the ancient Jedi left Tython. It may have been the reason the Jedi had left. I could sense that Areeva and Rarsk felt the same way I did. We were going to die here. I exchanged one last look with them both, and with sadness in our eyes we charged into battle.


We had numbers on our side the Terentatek couldn’t decide who to focus on me or Areeva, and Rarsk who sneak in to leave large wounds on its sides; whenever the beast had one of us down, the other would either attack, in Rarsk’s case, or unleash the power of the force to distract it. We must have been at it for hours, the sun was sinking below the mountains and the sky was pink and purple and all three of us were exhausted but the beast hadn’t faltered.


That’s when Areeva charged at the Terentatek, I screamed out for her to stop but the beast merely turned and with its enormous arms batted her off the edge of the mountain. I felt all the blood rush from my face, Areeva was… gone. Then the Terentatek turned on me, it bellowed and knocked me on my back as it charged forward to devour me. I closed my eyes and braced myself for the end, chastising myself for being so stupid.


Then I felt a strange presence, the force, but not Areeva, the same force I’d felt in the Trandoshan cave. The Beast must have felt it to because it had stopped its charge and was looking around. I opened my eyes and noticed a large, sharp stalactite hanging off the wall of the forge and an idea bubbled up in my brain. I reached out with all the force I had left and tried to rip the stalactite off the wall but I wasn’t strong enough, the Terentatek must have realized what I was doing because it resumed its charge. In desperation I pulled even harder, that’s when I felt someone else begin to pull with me and the stalactite ripped off the wall and plunged in-between the creature’s eyes. It fell to the ground dead. I immediately raced over to the ledge to see Areeva hanging on barely to some rocks, with Rarsk’s help I managed to pull her up and into my arms.


“Did we actually… win?” she panted, a smile beginning to stretch across her lips, we were all exhausted. Both Areeva and I were unable to stand, Rarsk stood over us with the closest thing I’ve ever seen to a Trandoshan smile plastered across his face.


“I think so.” I breathed out excitedly, positively beaming. A loud cry of joy came out of Areeva as she pulled me back into her Twi-lek death grip; I could still sense her fear but I assumed it was only for her master. That’s when she kissed me.



This absolutely excellent! You must continue with this, i can't wait to read more!!!!


[Thanks, its been awhile since I've been online or in game, sometimes real life gets in the way, I'll try and make up for that with more frequent postings.]

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(Chance Encounter)



I had been sitting outside the council chambers for over an hour, after we defeated the Terentatek I told Areeva that I couldn’t reciprocate her feelings, that it was against the Jedi code, she smiled coyly and whispered while trying to nibble on my ear, “One day, the Jedi code will mean less to you, than it does to me,” and I have to admit there was something ominous yet enticing about the way she said it, together the three of us trekked slowly back to the Jedi temple, Areeva insisted on walking almost right next to me and Rarsk barely gargled two words the entire way there.


When we arrived the Jedi were awaiting us in full force, they immediately took Areeva and I before the council, Grand Master Satele looked at us, cold as ice, and she told us that not only had we endangered our lives but the lives of every Jedi in the temple with our foolish behavior, I couldn’t help but feel guilty as Areeva stood there arms crossed, openly defiant, Satele was about to sentence us when Master Denai burst in, Areeva dropped her defiant act the moment she saw her master, and that was when I was asked to leave but told not to go far. So I sat down outside their chambers and waited with Rarsk standing by my side.


Master Denai came out of the council chambers with Areeva at her heels, she looked unwell, I figured she must still be recovering from being poisoned. She sat down and looked at mean with great sorrow, “I’m so sorry Kradok, the council has decided that you are not to be trained, Master Satele thinks you are far too volatile to ever become a Jedi, and despite my best efforts the council agrees with her decision.”


“But… this isn’t… I’m not…” I was overcome with grief, my chance to do some good in the galaxy, to make up for all the evils I’d suffered on Iridonia, to atone for not saving Kadrok, It was all I could do not to burst into tears , none the less tears slowly slid down my face.


“I know Kradok.” Master Denai pulled me into a hug, she was almost motherly, she suddenly stopped cold and pulled back as she realized something, “There is another way.”


“How?” I said as I wiped the tears from my eyes.


Denai looked around making sure no one besides the four of us could hear her, “Kradok you must go to Coruscant and speak to Grand Master Schria Davan, I’ve only met with her a few times but I believe she will want to help you.”


“I don’t understand.”


“There isn’t time for me to explain properly, Master Braga and I are trying to convince Satele not to banish you from the order, I will join you soon,” and with that Master Braga came out of the chambers and told Denai that her presence was needed, she gave me a final hug and disappeared behind closed doors.






Areeva and I got passage on a republic transport, Rarsk was forced to hide in the cargo hold as the Republic wasn’t about to let a ‘wild’ Trandoshan on their vessel, we arrived on Carrick Station within a day and were told we would have to wait a few hours before we could book a flight to Coruscant, and if that wasn’t enough we were running low on credits.


“I still think you should just let me persuade them,” Areeva suggested as we stood around the bar talking about our credit crunch. She figured we could manipulate the shuttle guards to letting us on for free.


“No! We can’t use the force just to get our way.” I was finished doing things underhandedly, that’s why the council rejected me in the first place.


“Who said I was talking about using the force,” Areeva said as she demonstrated her dance skills and began to undo her vest.


“No honor in that either, small-hunter is right.” Rarsk grabbed her hands preventing her from taking her top off.


“Fine.” Areeva slapped Rarsk’s hands away, fixed her clothes, and turned her attention to the Trandoshan, “Come on Rarsk, let’s find a crate big enough to stash you in.”


“Rarsk not like hiding like Gizka!” Rarsk was very displeased sneaking around; I was amazed we got him to stowaway the first time.


“Well you should have thought of that before you decided to be honorable,” I could have sworn Rarsk mumbled ‘Schutta’ under his breath but Areeva was too busy dragging him off to a cargo hold to notice, “Kradok you should get some corellian ale while you wait, it’ll make you feel so much better.”


“I don’t….” Areeva cut me off, again.


“Come on! Live a little!” She smirked as she and Rarsk disappeared down a hallway. She was right, I should do something to take my mind of things, and while drinking wasn’t my first choice, it was better than nothing, so I made my way to the bar.


I noticed the moment I sat down that the person a couple barstools down had a strong force presence about him, I mistakenly turned to get a better look at him, and that’s when he noticed me, “Greetings, young one.”


“Greetings, master…” I trailed off, hoping he didn’t expect me to have the names of every Jedi in archives names and faces alphabetized.


“Shi’ka Teradid.”


“Kradok Kaeyd.” I was a little less leery of this stranger but I kept my guard up just in case he wasn’t what he appeared.


The Jedi Master calmly sipped his tea “What brings you to the republic fleet, Kradok?”


I quickly scribbled down my order for corellian ale and handed it to the server droid, hoping Master Teradid wouldn’t think too much of it, “Just passing through, been travelling through the hyperlanes, I’m bound for to Coruscant.”


“I’m curious what is your main area of interest in the Jedi order, diplomacy, peacekeeping, fighting?”


I was becoming intrigued, why was this Master still speaking to me, surely he recognized my name after the slam-job the council had done on my reputation, “I haven’t given it a whole lot of thought, but I suppose I want to prevent what happened to my homeworld, Iridonia, from ever happening again,” I tried hard not to think much on what happened, especially to my family, and the hard orange liquid of the corellian ale was starting to look really good as I stared into its depths.


For whatever reason this Jedi showed an interest in me, an interest only Master Denai had shown up till then, “How would you feel about fighting on the front?”


I quickly slid my drink down the bar towards a smuggler, I wasn’t about to do anything to solidify the councils opinion of me in this Jedi’s eyes, “Honestly?” “I would relish the opportunity, but the masters on Tython said I wasn’t ready for battle”


“Kradok would you walk with me,” and with that Master Teradid rose and began to walk leisurely with hidden purpose towards the elevators, I rose cautiously but with a barely veiled interest as I followed him below and into one many hangers onboard Carrick Station, I came to stand next to him and a ship that I could only assume was his, “Kradok I have heard many things about you.”


I smirked slightly; my deeds on Tython weren’t exactly approved of, “All good I hope…”


He laughed a little at that one, I could sense he was looking for something, but if he’d find that in me remained to be seen, “No not all good… however… you see my beliefs are slightly different from most masters.”


I thought I’d make a stab at humor, “So… You’re not a staunchy beaurocrat?”


“I hope I’m not a staunchy beaurocrat.” He seemed rather amused.


“Well then what are you saying, exactly?” At this point I could barely hide my intrigue.


“I am attempting to ask if you share this view.”


I paused only for a moment to consider my words, but there was no way around how I actually felt about the council, but I could at least do damage control, “Yes. I don’t share the same beliefs as the Jedi masters, not that they’re wrong, I just agree to disagree.”


My answer seemed to please Master Teradid, “Good… Kradok, I’d like to speak on another occasion…” he seemed rather pensive and lost in thought, “after I’ve talked to some people.”


“Well then, I guess I’ll see you around.” I said as we parted, He got onto his ship and blasted off somewhere into hyperspace, I decided I should probably go find Areeva and let her know I hadn’t been kidnapped, and I had a flight to catch.

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Our transport arrived on Coruscant a day or so after we departed Carrick Station, Areeva spent the entire flight in the cargo hold discussing my conversation with Master Teradid, occasionally Rarsk would chime in from the crate he was hiding in. It must have looked funny; the two of us standing around talking with a crate. After landing, we managed to smuggle Rarsk out of the spaceport without causing a scene. We learned quickly that we were on our own on this world. We were creditless and we weren’t allowed with fifty feet of the senate tower because of Rarsk. Fortunately, Areeva managed to ‘secure’ us transport to the Old Galactic Market where we found an abandoned apartment in the middle of gang territory, Rarsk was intimidating enough to keep most of the gangsters away.


Areeva traveled frequently over the next couple of days to the senate tower to see what she could find out. Apparently, no one knew where Grand Master Shcria Davan was or if she was even on planet and Master Denai was unreachable, or so we thought, a few days after arriving Areeva received a message from her master’s private channel, not a holocall, just a message.


“Why would she want us to meet her in the Silent Sun Cantina?” I asked. Not only would we have to fight our way through black sun territory, but it was the last place a Jedi let alone a Master would go for a meeting.


“It’s definitely suspicious, but it’s all we’ve got.” Areeva looked nervous as she paced back and forth across the barren floors.


“Rarsk have bad feeling, feel like prey.”


“Rarsk’s right, this… feels like a trap,” I didn’t want to go even though I knew we had to.


“I’m feeling that too… what do we do?” There was one thing different about Areeva on Coruscant than on Tython, here she seemed to have lost a lot of the nerve she had previously possessed.


“We hunt hunters.” Rarsk gargled amusedly, and he filled us in on his plan. We would all make our way to the Cantina separately, Rarsk would go first and hopefully clear out most of our opposition, I would go next and to dress scene appropriate, so I put on my old clothes that I wore on my shuttle ride to Tython, and Areeva would go last, dressed as is, and wait at the bar for Master Denai, that way if there were any ‘complications’ we had the element of surprise.






I had been at the Cantina for almost half an hour before Areeva showed up, we all made our own way to an empty room on the second floor of the cantina to review the game plan, Rarsk stay on the second floor and watch, he had stolen clothes from the black sun, so while he wouldn’t look inconspicuous no one would suspect he was in league with the Jedi. Areeva would stay at the bar, and I was to stay down at the lower level and pretend to watch the dancers. I didn’t like it.


“What am I supposed to do down there?” I was mad and I felt like I was being relegated out of the way in case something bad actually happened, like I was a child, I know that’s not what they were trying to do, but it didn’t change the way I felt


“I don’t know… Play nice with the strippers.” Areeva smirked as she shooed me on with her right hand, she’d gotten her groove back, she seemed very comfortable in unsavory places, “Besides you’ve got the fun part, while I’m stuck playing the Jedi prude,” She started to slink out but cast one backwards look as she said, “A dangerous prude, but still a prude.”


“Have fun.” Rarsk was muffling something that sounded a lot like laughter as he left me alone in the room.


I begrudgingly made my way down onto the lower and took a seat at the back end of the Cantina, that way I could watch everything that went on. I pretended to watch the dancers as while I watched Areeva pretend to lecture the bartender about the evils of spice and alcohol, and slap away every hand that reached out to touch her, even though it was clear that’s what she wanted them to do. Rarsk was busy pacing around the upper level; he looked like he was watching the Black Sun members who were meeting at one of the tables not far from the bar. I was so busy watching the my friends, I never noticed anyone approaching me.


“Care for a private show?” I looked up to see a female Chiss standing off to my side in one of the skimpy dancers outfits, she hand short almost sleek hair pulled out of the way of her face, she hand her hands wrapped around her neck and she began to slide them, slowly, down to her sides.


“No I… don’t have the credits.” I had been about to say I wasn’t interested, but I didn’t want to blow my cover.


“That’s alright,” She had a strange way of moving her lips, a seductive way, “I’m on break anyway,” She said as she slid to sit down next to me and placed a very cold hands on my shoulder… and lap “So what’s such a cute guy doing in a place as ugly as this?”


“I find the ambiance relaxing,” I gently took her hand off my lap and set it on hers, I had a very bad feeling about this.


“I think we both know why you’re hear,” She said as she swung her legs around and began run her hands around the sides of my body.


I quickly shoved her back into her seat and stood up to face her, amazingly she wasn’t hurt by the rejection, as a matter of fact she looked very excited, “Look, I’m not really… looking… for that...”


“I know,” She said as she rose up out of her seat, there was something both sinister and seductive about the way she said that, and in the way she behaved in general.


I heard screaming from behind me, I turned around to see most of the patrons running out of the Cantina or hiding behind things as a group a cloth clad warriors came into the bar, the wore solid black vestments, and had black cloth wrapped around them from their legs to the top of their head, no break in the fabric at all, not even to see. Immediately, the six or seven of them drew there double-edged electro-staffs and leapt for Areeva.


Areeva pulled out her lightsabers, which glowed bright-yellow against the staffs of her assailants. Rarsk came flying down from above his saberstaff knocked one of them into a wall, where he seemed to jerk rather erratically before slumping to the ground. I reached to grab my lightsaber where I’d hidden in my clothes. It wasn’t there.


“Looking for this,” I turned around to see the Chiss woman twirling my lightsaber in her right hand, she must have taken it when she pounced on me before, with a triumphant look on her face. I reached out to grab it from her but she pulled her hand back and she did that weird thing with her lips, “Would you like a kiss for luck?”


That’s when she dropped into what I recognized as an Echani stance jumped into the air and roundhouse kicked me across the room. My back hit the wall, hard, and I barely had time to recover when I looked up to see her descending on me, her hands balled into one fist, looking for a knockout. I barely had time to roll away before she leapt at me again. This time I had enough to use the force to send a chair flying her way, it collided with her midair and she landed on her with the chair resting on top of her.


“That was very ungentlemanly of you.” She said as she flung the chair off of her and leapt back into position.


“No offense,” I said rather mockingly as I dropped into a position that mirrored hers, “But you’re not exactly a lady.”


“How rude,” She scoffed as she jumped at me again. Everything seemed to be a game to this woman, nothing mattered to her whatsoever. She was coming at me with every possible move she could think of, I’d had no training in hand to hand combat but I like to think that I managed to block her pretty well for the most part. She leapt into the air again for another assault when used the force to slam her into the ground as hard as I could, she looked up at me blood running from the corner of her mouth, “Nice move,” suddenly a thousand volts of electricity were sent coursing through my body, one of the warriors had snuck up behind me with their electrostaff, and I fell backwards onto the ground.


The next thing I knew the Chiss was leaning over me, her lips an inch away from mine, “But I win,” everything was growing black, and the last thing I felt was her icy lips lingering over mine before I drifted into unconsciousness.

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I came to what must have been hours later, I could feel the electrical burns running along my spine. At first everything was blurry, I couldn’t make out shapes or faces and it would be a couple minutes before my sight fully returned, but I could hear voices, one I recognized as the Chiss woman who captured me, and the other sounded familiar, yet distorted, I knew I’d heard it somewhere but I couldn’t tell who it was.


“You let the Trandoshan escape!” the voice berated the Chiss.


“I had my hands full with our Zabrak friend over there,” the Chiss replied.


I couldn’t make out the next couple of words as a loud clanking noise sounded from overhead, it sounded like someone had dropped several large metallic sheets on top of each other, but it didn’t concern my captors as they kept on chatting.


“His vision was clear, we will fail if we don’t have the Trandoshan, fix it Li’Rinna!” with that the other person left the room rather hurriedly.


“So your name is Li’Rinna.” I said as my eyesight returned, I had no idea where I was but the décor, ruins, and well placed obelisks made me guess I was in the basement of the old Jedi temple. My hands were inside electronic cuffs that had me suspended a few inches above the ground connected to an energy field that cut me off from the force, only the faint blue light of energy that connected the cuffs to the field allowed me to see what was around me.


Li’Rinna turned and pouted her lips, apparently she didn’t like that I knew her name, and she slowly strutted over and began to wave her finger at me in a chiding manner, “Bad things happen to eavesdroppers Kradok,” she smirked.


“How do you know my name?” I certainly didn’t tell her.


She slowly began to run her hands up and down my chest, “Let’s just say I can be very,” she paused as she smiled and ran her tongue over her top front teeth, then she ripped my shirt right down the middle and put her cold hands on my skin, “Persuasive.”


I didn’t want to think about what she was capable of doing to me so I had to shut her down, fast, “You have no power over me,” she looked up mischievously as before she looked like she was about to continue, I needed to seriously insult this woman, “In fact I find you repulsive!” I could feel the venom in my voice, what I said wasn’t true, but I doubted simply telling her she wasn’t my type would’ve sufficed.


Li’Rinna pulled away, her face contorted with hurt and rage and she slapped across the face with all her might, “That wasn’t a very nice,” she seemed to be barely holding onto her icy seductress façade, “but I’ll forgive you,” she said as she leaned in putting her lips next to my ear, “If you tell me where your Trandoshan friend is.”


“I’ll tell you,” I said softly into her ear as if it was some dark secret between us, “He’s going to hunt you down like the animal you are!” and then I spat into her face.

Li’Rinna pulled back her dark red eyes had become malicious voids of hate and she screamed as she grabbed my head with both hands yanking it back by my hair, “I tried being nice, but you don’t want nice, so now I’ll be mean,” She screamed until she got to those lost words and then she looked at me her face perfectly relaxed as she whispered, “it’s time for your punishment,” as she pulled out a small vibroknife and put it against my cheek, “don’t worry I just going to cut that pretty little face,” her soft voice became loud and enraged, “To pieces!”


I felt the searing pain as she began to cut into my cheek I screamed out as loud as I could but somehow I felt her laughter was far louder. Then from the corner of my eye I saw Rarsk drop down on all fours next to Li’Rinna and he quickly pulled his saberstaff off his back and knocked her off of me as he stood up and took on a guard stance between us, Li’Rinna recovered quickly and dropped into her echani stance but before she could use her skills on Rarsk she was force pushed into a wall. Then, Master Denai dropped down as well; Li’Rinna seeing she was outmatched cast a final furious glance at me and disappeared down a corridor.


Rarsk broke my force restraints and I fell over his shoulder, he set me down on the floor and began to wipe the blood from my cheek, it stung. I could barely move thanks to the burns along my spinal column, Master Denai bent over to make sure I was alright, I could see the concern I her eyes and Rarsk’s as they watched me lying there, practically lifeless. Rarsk turned me over and removed what was left of my shirt and pointed out my injuries, he must have seen me get attacked from behind, and Master Denai began to slowly heal my wounds.


“How did you guys find me?” I managed to ask as Rarsk pulled turned me back over and let my back rest against his chest, I think they were afraid to move me.


“Rarsk followed your trail,” Master Denai began, as she ran her hands through my hair, “he was hiding at the spaceport waiting for me to arrive, he told me everything and that you and Areeva were captured,” she began to heal the cut Li’Rinna left on my cheek, it would leave a scar, “I’m just glad we got to you in time.”

“Where’s Areeva?” she had become one of my best friends I just hoped Li’Rinna hadn’t gone to her first.


“Rarsk have Twi-lek’s scent, Areeva not far,” his gargles had become very reassuring to me since we first met, it was hard to believe it was only a few days ago.


“Areeva’s a strong girl Kradok, she’ll be alright a little while longer,” Denai said as she and Rarsk slowly pulled me to my feet, I could barely stand, I had one arm over Rarsk’s shoulder, my wait was nothing for him, “and I think we should get you out of here.”


“Jedi right, Kradok in no condition to hunt,” that was the first time Rarsk used my name instead of calling me small-hunter, it was comforting.


“Are you sure you’ll be able to save her?” I wanted to object but I figured I’d be more hindrance than help.


“Sweet Kradok, you’ve had such a hard life here lately,” Denai put her hand on my shoulder, her touch was soft and gentle, “I swore to myself after I met you I would never let anything like what happened to you happen again, alas the force had other plans,” she sort of half-laughed as tears began forming behind her eyes, “I wanted to train you, teach, show you the ways of the force, and I feel like I’ve been cheated out of all those experiences,” she wasn’t crying but all the same tears ran from her eyes even though her voice was almost calm, “please don’t risk your life here, If you were to die I…” she trailed off as she was being overcome with emotion, “I will have failed as a Jedi, please don’t do that to me,” she pleaded with me.


“…Alright, I’ll go,” what else could I say after that?


“Thank you Kradok,” she gave me one final hug before she ran off to search for Areeva, “I’ll meet you at the senate tower, may the force protect you,” and with that she was gone.


“Come Kradok, Rarsk show you way out,” he gargled as I limped along with him down the corridors, my arm wrapped around his neck, sometimes he seemed to be dragging me more than me moving with him.


We came around a corner into the central room of the Jedi temple, Rarsk stopped, and we could both sense we weren’t alone. Abruptly the lights came on and we stood surrounded by the shadow warriors from before. Suddenly, I was force pulled away from Rarsk all the way up onto the balcony where I landed with a thud, I gazed up to see Li’Rinna strutting towards me, her eyes aglow with devious mischief.


“Did you really think I’d let you skip out on our game,” She said as she pouted those big lips of hers and rather sinisterly she did that whispering thing she’s so fond of, “I’m just getting started.”

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  • 2 weeks later...

(Rarsk’s Secret)



I barely managed to force push Li’Rinna backwards and propel myself to a standing position, she seemed to be barley phased by my attack, she laughed as fixed her hair, which seemed to be the only thing I’d done any remote damage to and began to slink her way slowly toward me, I leaned against a column, bracing myself for what I was sure would be either my recapture, or my death. Li’Rinna put her hand on the column next to my head and looked at me with her dark, almost soulless, red eyes and begin to lean in towards me, pouting her lips, in what I feared would be, the kiss of death.


Abruptly, I sensed a strong force presence, at first I thought it was Areeva or Master Denai, but I recognized it as the presence that helped me take down the Terentatek and Ssravek. I heard what sounded like a high pitched shriek down below and turned to barely see Rarsk spin around lighting fast with his saberstaff, and cut down all of the surrounding shadow warriors, parts of their chests were missing, which revealed that they were limitedly programmed assassin droids. I watched in awe as Rarsk used the force to leap up onto the balcony and as he forced pushed Li’Rinna with so much force that she went sliding backwards through the debris, she managed to come to a halt before colliding with anything and jumped up into her echani stance. She must have figured that she couldn’t have taken Rarsk solo because she leapt off the balcony and sped off down the adjacent corridor.


“Rarsk… you’re force sensitive?” It made sense; he was the only one both in the Trandoshan cave and at the forge.


“Yes. Rarsk not have control over power, only sometimes am able to use.” He admitted almost as if he was ashamed.


“Why didn’t you tell me?” I had thought we were close, friends even.


“Rarsk not tell anyone, secret even from clan, if brothers had found out, Rarsk would be banished, unnatural, Rarsk already taint clan with birth, Rarsk not taint clan with Jedi powers.” I think I understood, Rarsk possessed abilities that gave him an unfair advantage over his brothers and the creatures he hunted, he would’ve been considered a cheater.


“I’m sorry; I know what a burden this must have been,” I didn’t know what else to say.


“This secret, stay between Kradok and Rarsk, no others must know,” he was firm, but there was also something pleading, something desperate in his eyes.


“If you don’t want me to say anything I won’t, you have my word,” after all it wasn’t my secret to tell.


“Rarsk grateful, Kradok is truly Rarsk’s friend, there are no others,” I realized then that Rarsk had taken a leap of faith in saving me, he had never even told his clan about his abilities, essentially isolating himself from his family. I could only imagine how alone he must have felt.


I had been about to tell Rarsk not to mention it, that he was my friend too, I think he could see what I was about to say in my eyes, and in that incredibly brief moment we bonded. However, that moment was over the same second it began, a loud scream erupted from down the corridor that Li’Rinna had dashed off down to escape, the blood running through my veins turned to ice, I recognized the screaming voice, Areeva. Rarsk and I exchanged a brief glance and together we jumped of the balcony, landing gracefully, and we raced off down the hallway to find Areeva hopefully before it was too late.


We came to what I believe was the old Jedi Master’s chambers, a couple of chairs were overturned but mostly the room was still intact, everything was covered in dust. Areeva was on her knees bent over in front of the Holoterminal in the middle of the room, I could tell she was holding someone; I came up slowly behind her, my legs felt as if they had turned to lead. Areeva turned to look at my tears streaming down her cheeks, sobbing, and there in her arms was Master Denai, lifeless.


I slumped slowly down next to Areeva and looked at Master Denai’s body. Her eyes were closed, she looked like she just fallen asleep, like she could wake up at any moment, except for the lightsaber wound in the middle of her chest. Rarsk turned his head toward the ground and began to say the Trandoshan chant for the loss of a great warrior. I looked into Areeva’s eyes, trying to find words, but there weren’t any. I couldn’t think of a single thing to say, I couldn’t say anything to comfort her, I couldn’t even ask what happened.


“It was Li’Rinna, she found us after Denai rescued me, she struck her down before she even knew what was going,” Areeva finally said in-between her sobs, I still didn’t understand how it happened, Master Denai was killed with a lightsaber, which made me think a Sith had been responsible. Then I saw it, there next to the Holoterminal, my lightsaber, the lightsaber Li’Rinna had taken from me, she killed Denai with my lightsaber.


I reached out with the force and my lightsaber shot into my hand, I stood up slowly and proceeded toward the only way Li’Rinna could have escaped. “Where are you going?” Areeva asked, still clinging to Denai, and her hopes that her Master would wake up.


“I have a score to settle.” The words hurt my throat; I was fighting back my own grief.


“Rarsk come with, Kradok need help against devious woman.” He gargled solemnly; Master Denai’s loss hit us all hard.


“Not so fast, Kradok,” a voice echoed out from the Holoterminal, and the machine sprang to life, and a very buff, very sleek, very black Cathar appeared.


“All right, everyone seems to know my name, but I know none of yours.” I replied icily.


“I am Drakkus, you’ve become something of a problem for me and my organization.” He grinned with his animalistic teeth.


“I have done nothing to you; you are the ones who’ve attacked me for no reason.” I was angry, if he had been there in person, I would’ve cut his head off.


“True you haven’t done anything, yet,” he smirked, “An, ‘associate’ of mine has ‘foreseen’ that you are going to cause a lot of problems for me, we figured we would merely, ‘subdue’ you until such a time when you no longer posed a threat.”


“Too bad your ‘plan’ was a colossal failure,” I answered mockingly.


“Too bad for you,” his toothy grin just got wider and wider, “You see we can’t have you mucking up all our hard work, so to some degree congratulations are in order.”


“Congratulations, did I win a fancy speeder,” sarcasm rolled off me in waves.


He laughed, a deep roar kind of laugh, “No, you have the rare privilege of making it to the top of the Genoharadan ‘hit’ list,” I froze, the Genoharadan was the most elite organization of bounty hunters and contract killers in the known galaxy, how did I pose a threat to them, “Enjoy what’s left your life, Kradok, trust me, you don’t have long.” He gave me one last toothy grin, and with that the Holoterminal went off.

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  • 2 weeks later...




Drakkus’s words should have immobilized me, put me into fear for my life, but they didn’t, they made me numb. My only thoughts were of Master Denai, and how kind she was to me when we first met on Tython, all of that was over because of some force premonition that was more likely than anything else a mistake and because of that Denai was dead. Areeva held her body in her arms, she had stopped sobbing even though there were still tears rolling down her cheeks and she had begun to sing what sounded like a lullaby as she brushed Denai’s hair out of her face. I lost it, I stormed out of the room with Rarsk right behind me, and we were going to find Li’Rinna.


Rarsk followed her Chiss stench through the halls to a long flight of stairs, all the way up to the roof, in what looked like a meditation room that looked out over all of Coruscant. Li’Rinna stood at the far corner hanging onto to one of the archways, she turned her head slowly to face me with her empty red eyes, and she had the nerve to smile at me, she proceeded to strut her way towards me batting her long lashes.


“I knew you couldn’t stay away from me,” she was doing that weird thing with her lips for what seemed like the umpteenth time.


“You killed my master.” I growled.


“Did I?” she said placing her index figure on her bottom lip and looking up at the sky, “I don’t remember killing anybody, must not have been too memorable,” she smirked.


“Murderer!” I screamed as I force jumped at her punching her squarely in the jaw, she seemed to spin flip out of control through the air catching her balance and landing sideways on of the archway walls, she abruptly shook her head up to look at me, I could tell she was going to have a very big bruise on her cheek right next to those infamous lips of hers. She was furious.


“Fine no more games,” Li’Rinna looked absolutely feral as she jumped at me from the wall, tackling me with full force, we rolled for a bit on the ground, she kept trying to claw my face off with her nails so I force pushed her off me. She tried another one of her force spinning roundhouse kicks but I caught her foot in midair and reversed the effect and she spun backwards crashing through one of the arches and rolling out onto a terrace, I walked out slowly, Rarsk following behind me, I came up on Li’Rinna as she spat out a mouthful of blood, “You’re not supposed to be this strong.” She gasped.


I almost felt sorry for her, she looked completely and utterly defeated, “Give me a reason why I should spare you, what mercy did you show Denai,” she laughed a sad defeated pitiful laugh and she looked me in the eyes.


“Because you’re not a murderer,” there were tears forming behind her eyes, “I don’t want to die.”


I couldn’t kill her, even though she deserved it, I looked over at Rarsk and he nodded, there was no honor in cold blood. I pulled Li’Rinna up to her feet and she fell into my arms barley able to stand and she laughed a little, “I guess thats what happens when you’re thrown through a wall, you lose all control,” she then pushed herself back from me and looked at me, for the first time I thought a saw a little humanity in the depths of her red eyes, “You did me a favor, you could have killed me, so I’ll do you one in return,” then she leaned in real close and whispered into my ear, “The Lord of Hunger… his mask is close to being found…” and with that she brushed her lips over my ears, “we’re even.”


I was about to ask what she meant when I heard a shriek come from behind us and I turned to see Areeva draw her lightsabers and leap through the air toward Li’Rinna. On Instinct I drew mine and blocked her strike. “How dare you protect that monster!” Areeva screamed with hate as she began to continually strike at me over and over, I barely managed to parry her blows with only one lightsaber, Rarsk took up a defensive position in front of Li’Rinna, he knew that to kill her like this was shameful, she belonged in custody and would face a trial for her crimes.


“We can’t kill her Areeva, it isn’t the Jedi way,” I was desperately trying to reach her in-between lightsaber blows, but she would have none of it.


Areeva force pushed me across the ground, I almost went off the edge of the building and she leapt at me, I was barely able to pull me lightsaber up in time to bloke her blow, as it was her glowing yellow blades were less than an inch from my face, “What would you know of the Jedi way, you aren’t a Jedi, you were deemed unworthy!” she spat.


I threw her off me with the force, her comments had made me furiously made so I started lashing out with my lightsaber, she was now having parry my blows, while she was preparing to swing at me with her offhand saber I kicked it out of her hand, and then I force-punched her into a column causing her main hand weapon to fall to the ground before she could reach to grab it I picked her up by her shoulders and slammed her back against the column, “That’s enough.”


“I hate to cut and run but,” I turned my head around while still pining Areeva to the wall, Li’Rinna had knocked Rarsk out and was standing on the ledge of the temple, she looked at me with those big red eyes and for the first time she looked genuinely sorry, “I look dreadful under low-watt institution lighting,” she gave me one last smile and jumped backwards off the edge.


I stopped restraining Areeva and we both ran over to the edge to see what had become of Li’Rinna. She fell about twenty feet spinning in the air before she used the force to gently land on the back of a taxi and sped off into the unknown. At first all I heard was a low moan from Areeva, “No,” she said quietly to herself at first, then she screamed it at the top of her lungs and started sobbing and screaming uncontrollably, I took her in my arms and held her, together we slumped to the ground, she wouldn’t stop screaming, I could feel her pain and anguish, I felt it too. Master Denai was gone and she wasn’t coming back, and I had let Li’Rinna go and even though I didn’t understand it, I knew it was for the best, and somehow I knew I hadn’t seen the last of my Chiss nemesis.

Edited by Billupsat
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(And So It Begins…)



I stood outside the spaceport with Areeva and Rarsk, Master Braga was getting ready to take Master Denai’s body back home to Tython and Areeva was going to ride back to Tython with him, Rarsk and I were going to go back later because Master Braga had told us that Grand Master Schria Davan wanted to meet with me outside the spaceport before she left Coruscant, and we both knew that this was probably the last time we were going to see each other for a while.


“So I guess this is goodbye,” the words stung as they left my mouth.


“For a little while, Master Braga says that I might be able to begin my Knight trials soon, and then maybe we…” I stopped her before she could finish.


“We can never be together the way you want us to be, If I’m going to even try and convince Master Davan that I’m capable of begin a Jedi, I have to follow the code,” there was nothing else to say.


“I… understand, but for whatever it’s worth… you’ll always be my dearest friend.” She hugged me as a single tear fell from her eye, Master Braga came out and called to Areeva that it was time to go, and Areeva began to head toward the spaceport, she turned around just before she went in, “Goodbye.”


“Areeva,” I called out, she turned around, “You’ll always be my best friend too,” Areeva smiled and disappeared into the spaceport.


“Rarsk will miss small-Twi-lek,” he gargled softly, I thought it was amazing that even though they fought all the time a bond had been forged between all of us.


“I’ll miss simplicity, with the Genoharadan hunting me down, I’ll never be able to truly relax again, even on Tython,” I sighed resigned to a fate of constantly looking over shoulder, being wary strangers, never truly being able to trust the people who need my help.


“What Kradok think about Chiss Schuttas warning,” he must have overheard Li’Rinna whisper that in my ear, I forgot about Trandoshan hearing.


“I don’t know… but I’ll definitely be spending a lot of time in the Jedi archives to find out,” I was determined, Li’Rinna had given me a hint, a hint to what exactly I was unsure, but I was going to figure I out.


“Rarsk will be there, help Kradok figure out Chiss puzzle,” he put his hand of my shoulder, I was grateful to him for being my friend.


“I guess we’re going to travel the galaxy together for a long time, huh?” I smirked and Rarsk seemed to find it humorous as well.


“You not get rid of Rarsk easily,” he gargled. At that moment I felt a strong force presence and Rarsk and I turned to see a woman approaching us, a woman very powerful in the force, she walked straight up to me and looked me in the eyes. She had soft features and kind eyes and she said to me, “I am Grand Master Schria Davan.”


“I’m…” I began but she cut me off.


“I know who you are Kradok, and there will be plenty of time for formal introductions later, I’m here to personally give you a message,” She paused, I wanted to plead my case with her to allow me to train to be a Jedi, but I sensed this wasn’t the time, she smiled at me before continuing, “Master Shi’ka Teradid wants to meet you on the Bridge of the Gav Daragon, I wouldn’t keep him waiting if I were you,” she smiled with that comment, and proceeded on into spaceport like she had somewhere important to go.


I looked at Rarsk shell-shocked, “What just happened?” he shrugged.





I stepped onto the bridge of the Gav Daragon, the crew was busy bustling around all of their terminals, we were just off port of Carrick Station and were about an hour or so away from launch, Rarsk was waiting for me down by the transport shuttle they wouldn’t let him accompany me to the bridge. I made my way across the bridge occasionally getting bumped out of the way by the busy officers. I came up right next to Master Teradid, he was staring out the viewing window, and I have to admit, seeing open space like that was absolutely breathtaking.


“I see you got my message to meet on the Gav Daragon,” he said without turning away from the view, “and you’re right on time.”


“Right on time for what?” I was confused, but I had a good feeling about this.


Master Teradid turned slowly to face me, “Kradok do you wish to be a Jedi?”


I looked back out the window and rather somberly I added, “More than anything, but with my reputation…”


Shi’ka grew very stern all of a sudden, apparently my self-pity wasn’t winning his respect, “Your reputation is no concern of mine, and everyone makes mistakes,” his tone softened a little, “that does not mean we cast them aside.”


“I’m not looking to cast anything aside,” I was angry, angry at Denai’s death, angry at Li’Rinna for killing her, and angry at the council for casting me aside in the first place causing all of this to happen, “I just want a fair shot,” that’s when I realized he meant we don’t cast people aside for their mistakes, I had thought he meant cast our mistakes aside. We both had a good laugh at that one.


“I want to give you that chance,” he said with his good mood back intact.


“Are you saying, what I think you’re saying,” I was starting to have a really good feeling about this.


“Always remember life is not fair or unfair, it merely is, it is up to us to be fair,” his said all Jedi Master like, and looked me dead in the eye, “I want to be fair and give you a chance, will you be my Padawan?”

“Yes!” I said instantly, I was so overcome with joy I almost forgot to be humble, “I will be your Padawan and thank you for believing I was worth it.”


“Everyone is worth it Padawan,” were the first words Shi’ka said to me as my Master, and I felt they were probably the most important words I’d heard since the councils judgment, “remember that.”


“After what I’ve been through I’ll never forget,” for the first time in a long time I was happy.


“You best go pack your things and meet me in hanger bay two, tomorrow,” I had a feeling my training was going to be intense, but I looked forward to the challenge.


“Yes master, hanger bay two tomorrow, you won’t be disappointed,” I replied. Master Teradid returned his gaze to the view as I made my way back down to the transport so I could return to Carrick Station; I still had to pay my last respects to Master Denai on Tython, but I knew she’d want me to be happy, so I tried to do what she wanted. I knew that the Genoharadan would be hunting me now, and I knew I had to discover what Li’Rinna meant by the lord of hunger’s mask and it being close to being found, and I would deal with all my problems, the day after tomorrow, I felt I’d earned a short reprieve, and I wanted to enjoy my happiness, I finally had some sort of hope that everything would turn out alright, and I was going to hang on to that for as long as possible.



End of Prologue

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I sat in the council chambers on Tython, for the last month we had been going over the recordings taken by my ships security feed, and that of my droid 3C-FD, I had been forced to watch everything that had occurred during the past few years of my journey to stop the Genohardan and the New Sith Order from purging the galaxy of the Jedi and the Purebloods, a few things I didn't know about, but wish I had. I looked at the group of Masters overseeing my Trial, Satele who was never my biggest fan, Masters Schria and Shi’ka, probably the only two Jedi Masters who had ever really believed in me, Master Tol Braga who blamed me for the failings of his Padawan, and others from both The Academy Sect. and the main Jedi Order, looking down on me, judging me, when I had done nothing wrong, I watched as the final piece of recorded evidence began to play on the Holoterminal, I watched as the Voss entered my room on my ship, I just sat there on the bed looking defeated, even though I had just won, I watched as I heard the last words I ever spoke to the sole remaining member of my crew, I couldn’t hear the first part of the conversation, I still couldn’t believe it had come to this, “And do you?... Have something you want to say?” were the first words I heard.


“I can only understand your behavior today as a response to a history of pain,” the Voss said standing in my room, acting like I was to blame, “and I hope you won’t try to justify it.”


I leaned back in my chair as tears began to well up in my eyes, I remembered all too well how this all began, and try as I might to put it out of my mind, I couldn’t help but remember…


Rise of the Sith Lords

Chapter One

Genoharadan Wrath

(The Truth Not Told)




It has only been a few weeks since I began training under Master Teradid, I have spent most of my time on Tython, and when I’m not with my Master, Rarsk and I scour the Jedi archives searching for any reference to the Lord of Hunger and his mask, but we have been unable to find anything. I asked Master Teradid if he’d ever heard of a Lord of Hunger, I skirted around most of details and only made a vague mention of a Chiss telling me about a mask, I didn’t want to nor did tell him about the Genoharadan for fear he might reconsider taking me on as his Padawan. Rarsk tells me I’m being irrational, but being hunted by the most notorious group of assassins is not something I’m going to take lightly. My Master has told me he will look into the restricted files of the archives, but what if that turns up nothing… what if he doesn’t tell me everything, I don’t tell him everything… We’ve already talked about trust, and I do trust him, I just don’t trust myself, I know my Master doesn’t believe I’ve told him everything, I’ve got to become a better liar. I wish Areeva was here, she’d know what to do, but Master Braga took her on as his Padawan and then they went off to Corellia to join the war effort. I have no other choice, I have to slice the archives, so I holocalled Areeva and she set up a meeting with an expert slicer, Hal Ordoo, she met on some backwater planet; we’ve set up a meeting on the Upper Ring of Carrick Station to discuss…


I shut off my Holorecorder as the green Rodian Hal Ordoo came into view, he came over slowly and sat down in the chair across from me. Rarsk lingered not far off from the cantina to watch our meeting, making sure nothing went wrong, “I hope you have my Credits,” he said.


“Five thousand… All the money I have in the world,” the money wasn’t mine, I received a small portion of Master Denai’s savings, it was blood money, and I wanted to be rid of it, “Now explain this to me, how are you supposed to slice into the Jedi archives from the Republic fleet?” I was skeptical to say the least.


“Jedi,” the Rodian scoffed, “No imagination. All the ships in the vicinity of this Station are linked through a central hub, creating a potentially enormous computer network, I could hack into a Hutt bank account on Nar Shaddaa from here and they’d never trace it all the way back,” Hal kicked his feet up on the table, putting his hands behind his head, calm eased from him in waves.


“Fine, let’s test your system,” I said mockingly, I didn’t like this guy, “ I need you to find me anything about or pertaining to a lord of hunger, and his mask, hidden in the Jedi archives,” I didn’t think he could do it.


“Watch,” Hal said squinting his already beady eyes, he rose slowly and strolled over to the Galactic Network Hub and began typing furious at the terminal, I rose slowly and made my way over, doing my best to make it look like our business was unrelated, “Learn.”


“Aren’t you worried someone is going to see us,” I was looking around making sure no one was looking our direction.


“That’s why I chose the Upper Ring, look around, everyone here is involved in shady dealing, there isn’t anything legitimate happening, so they won’t squeal on us unless they want us to squeal on them, unspoken blackmail,” the way Hal talked it sounded like he more than enjoyed the prospect, “We’re in,” he said with quiet excitement, and he began to work feverishly on the terminal, “You’re Jedi council is good, they already know someone’s in there system, I have to find that file quickly…” sweat was beading off of Hal’s head, I was beginning to have second thoughts about this, “Dammit!!” he hit the terminal.


“You didn’t find what I was looking for I take it,” I was a little taken aback by the sarcastic apathy of my tone.


“No I saw you’re file, but your Jedi shut down the archives before I could even download any useful information,” I sighed, I figured I should probably just wait until Master Teradid found something, “But this job may not be a total wash,” Hal smirked over at me.


“What?” I looked at the terminal and I could see a very partial part of a semi-decrypted file, the parts that were readable made a very brief reference to Telos IV and something about a ship called the Ravager. I remembered when I was exploring the archives finding a mention of a Jedi enclave on the Telos orbital station, it wasn’t much but I had a lead, “You’ve been most helpful Hal, you’re excused.” I said abruptly.


“What no thank you,” Hal said mockingly but I gave him a look that said rather unpleasantly, go away, and he backed up slowly, “Alright man, don’t ever call me to help you again,” and with that Hal was gone, he disappeared off into the crowd over by the cantina, Rarsk came over and stood beside me, “Found something?” he gargled.


“Yes, we’re going to Telos IV,” I began to make my way to the elevator with Rarsk on my heels, I had to make it to the Transport shuttles and hope one was on its way to Telos, as we arrived on the bottom level we began to make our way through the crowd, I turned the corner to go down to the shuttles when I saw my master and Grand Master Schria Davan approaching me, did they know I’d broken into the archives, were they coming to tell me they no longer thought I was fit be a Jedi, the rational part of my brain took over and told me that this was a seriously ill-timed coincidence, so I bowed before bow of them attempting to show the utmost respect.


“Padawan Kaeyd it is very good to see you,” Master Teradid smiled at me and erased completely my suspicions they knew what I was up to.


“It is very good to see you too Master,” I calmly replied.


“What a coincidence, it is very fortuitous that we ran into you,” Schria said, tranquility came off of her in waves.


I looked over at her and lightly smiled, “Very.”


“Indeed,” Master Shi’ka began, “Kradok I will be going with Master Davan to Voss and I may be out of contact… I thought I should inform you,” he paused and his face took on a slightly more seriously demeanor, “Also, I have been doing some research into on that topic you told me about… when I get back we will have to meet and talk about it.”


Immediately I was nervous again, I looked around out of reflex to ensure no one was watching, then I returned their gaze and falsely smiled, “I have been doing some research myself and I’ll be going Telos for a few days to follow a lead… if you don’t mind,” I tacked on at the end for good measure.


Shi’ka just nodded, “Very well, I wish you the best of luck.”


I bowed once more before Master Davan, “Always a pleasure, I’ll see the two of you when I get back.”


“Padawan Kaeyd,” Schria said her tone becoming more solemn, I became worried that she did indeed know what I was up to, “I never got the chance to tell you how sorry I was about Master Denai,” My heart was suddenly full of sadness, my fears all but forgotten, “I’m only bringing it up now because I have been left in charge of her personal effects and I’d think she’d want you to have this…” Schria handed me a ship ID transmitter and a Carrick Station security card, she was giving me master Denai’s ship, “You’ll find it in Hanger Bay four, Good luck on your journey,” she smiled as she and Shi’ka began to leave.


“Thank you, Master Davan,” I replied with the utmost gratitude, “I shouldn’t be doing anything dangerous, just some information hunting, good luck to you as well.”


Master divan turned around, “Thank you,” and with that she and Master Teradid left to go to her ship on their flight to Voss.


“What Now?” Rarsk gargled placing his hand on my shoulder.


I smirked, “We make our way down to hanger bay four, we’ve got a ship to catch after all,” and with that we were off. It was going to be so much easier sneaking around the galaxy trying to dig up information about the Lord of Hunger and the Genoharadan now that we had ship, and I was confident that someday, some way, somehow, we were going to get out of this mess.

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