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Holy Crap dude ... get outside & get some sun


First, I didn't write all that it was from the test I found. Second, it's for to,which takes time and effort. Third,if you can't figure out the first two then you are just looking to incite a negative response because you are ignorant of the discussion of this thread.


That being taken care of.


The typical person starting out doing is almost always used to single player games and they want that center stage feeling. Most moms these days center around the single player, unlike older ones which took their queue from table top games where you needed others to balance out your strengths and weaknesses. People tend to forget this when they start to show interest in to. Luke didn't do it all alone, there was an entire rebellion with him, including a princess, a puckish rogue, a hairy brute, an effeminate droid, and the quirky hacker(droid).


Playing the part of a force user is daunting for most, Anakin seemed to be able to do it all, pilot star ships, destroy enemy capitol ships, build droids, bed the queen, win a war, befriend the emperor, become one of the best duelists, master the force, and still find time to balance the force.


How does one compare to such high standards? I look to super heroes. Superman being the most broken hero of all time, until his revamp in 1984 he could make up super powers on his own at will, his sneezes could destroy solar system, and eventually he becomes immune to kryptonite. I try to never go that route because flaws are just as important to a well rounded character as their strengths are. So I aim for something like batman, his strength is his intelligence, his weaknesses are his being human, his emotional scars, and some might say his code to not kill.


I like playing a Sith, I have my own set of rules, and I respect the people I rp with,not downplaying anyone's importance.

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The typical person starting out doing is almost always used to single player games and they want that center stage feeling. Most moms these days center around the single player, unlike older ones which took their queue from table top games where you needed others to balance out your strengths and weaknesses. People tend to forget this when they start to show interest in to. Luke didn't do it all alone, there was an entire rebellion with him, including a princess, a puckish rogue, a hairy brute, an effeminate droid, and the quirky hacker(droid).


Playing the part of a force user is daunting for most, Anakin seemed to be able to do it all, pilot star ships, destroy enemy capitol ships, build droids, bed the queen, win a war, befriend the emperor, become one of the best duelists, master the force, and still find time to balance the force.


How does one compare to such high standards? I look to super heroes. Superman being the most broken hero of all time, until his revamp in 1984 he could make up super powers on his own at will, his sneezes could destroy solar system, and eventually he becomes immune to kryptonite. I try to never go that route because flaws are just as important to a well rounded character as their strengths are. So I aim for something like batman, his strength is his intelligence, his weaknesses are his being human, his emotional scars, and some might say his code to not kill.


Yes, it is very problematic as the motivation behind playing a Sith or Jedi to most people is the same kind of mentality writers of comics have about super heroes: to make them the most powerful character against anything else in existence. The problem with that is, unfortunately, there is not a really effective method to "test" that sort of mentality in RP even if a good Sith RP character mentality is to downplay rivals and people who disagree with you and make yourself the strongest character.


In PvP, it is simple because players that claim to be better have a way of showing it through WZ performance and impressive actions. However in RP, it takes literally zero effort and skill to claim your character can destroy the galaxy by sneezing, and there is no accurate method to test that because you can only solve one of two problems:


1) You are not fair to the other players involved and OOCly hold the advantage. The overall respect aspect of this is clear, but it can be argued that this is a good RP method simply because there are going to be cases when your character is going to be in over his head (IE, a smuggler back talking a Sith Lord without a real plan to defeat him). This, while being more realistic in certain situations, is damaging in regards to being respectful to others unless both players are supportive of the result.


2) You are too fair and give both parties equal opportunities through roll systems. This being the most effective and respectful method to both sides, can also prove to be very unrealistic in certain situations. IE, when in a roll duel, it is possible that smugglers can defeat Sith Lords without even blinking or trying, creating a situation that is very unlikely as non Force users will have to overcome a huge disadvantage to defeat experienced Force users.


Which again, is a question of how to you solve that? Of course, realism holds precedence to me in terms of actual gameplay that is happening, but I also believe in respect to all no matter their characters, and will avoid playing in situations that hint at someone not liking the overall setup. It's all about what the other player is willing to accept in terms of where the characters stand, and since Force users always have the advantage over non-Force users as a majority, it's a very skeptical zone. :/


I like playing a Sith, I have my own set of rules, and I respect the people I rp with,not downplaying anyone's importance.


Which is great! Although, there is a distinct difference in downplaying someone's importance ICly and doing it OOCly.


In truth, most great stories will always have different parts of different "sizes" that characters fill. It just depends on making sure everyone is happy with their character's role and making sure they like the idea of being that certain piece in the story along with the other roles characters are playing, whether it's a random bartender that has one line to a Mary Sue that's stealing the show.

Edited by ZooMzy
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It isn't obscure slang. It's pretty basic. Any regular RPer should know the term.

If I don't know it, it's obscure. And I've been RPing since I was a zygote.


What I don't get about so may tavern RPers is that they seem to be most interested in growling and being as much like an evil version of Aragorn as possible. It's very unrealistic to reply with "I'm going to stab your eyes out" to a cordial greeting. I was trying some cantina RP and an in-game buddy (PvPer, no interest in RPing) dropped in to check it out and he was a better RPer than the regular RPers, because he acted more or less like a normal person. "I'm the baddest a** of the all the bad-a**es" is entertaining for about as long as it takes to press the period key to end this sentence. After we both gave up, I PM'd him with "Holy frakking sh**, those people are boring." And he agreed whole-heartedly.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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What I don't get about so may tavern RPers is that they seem to be most interested in growling and being as much like an evil version of Aragorn as possible. It's very unrealistic to reply with "I'm going to stab your eyes out" to a cordial greeting. I was trying some cantina RP and an in-game buddy (PvPer, no interest in RPing) dropped in to check it out and he was a better RPer than the regular RPers, because he acted more or less like a normal person. "I'm the baddest a** of the all the bad-a**es" is entertaining for about as long as it takes to press the period key to end this sentence. After we both gave up, I PM'd him with "Holy frakking sh**, those people are boring." And he agreed whole-heartedly.


Depends on how the person plays the character. A common ideal is that people play characters that are BA of the BA because they just want to be better than everyone else and enlarge their epeen through it.


Of course, there are ways to make characters that are amazing BA interesting, as flaws themselves aren't the only way to make a character someone a player can sympathize with. But given that a majority of the people are playing those types of characters just because they wish they were as BA as that, I can agree that those types of people are not very interesting to RP with in the slightest (although, it's pretty funny when they challenge you to PvP and you happen to be a PvPer ;))

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Depends on how the person plays the character. A common ideal is that people play characters that are BA of the BA because they just want to be better than everyone else and enlarge their epeen through it.

That, unfortunately, is the majority. Now that's the limitation of their imagination and creativity, so I don't fault them for that (i.e., I don't criticize their RP in-game). But neither do I want to spend time interacting with them.


Of course, there are ways to make characters that are amazing BA interesting, as flaws themselves aren't the only way to make a character someone a player can sympathize with. But given that a majority of the people are playing those types of characters just because they wish they were as BA as that, I can agree that those types of people are not very interesting to RP with in the slightest (although, it's pretty funny when they challenge you to PvP and you happen to be a PvPer ;))

"Meet me in the Outlaws' Den after 3:00."

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