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What are we going to do?


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Instead of whining over this, better try going over to the question page and work there. Here you're just wasting time.


Kbn has been approved by musco so well if you like it nice (he did a good job with sentinel question and he's a nice feeling with xinika), if not just understand that he'll pick the questions from the community and deal with it.

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So seriously, what is going on here? Rep position is not about wearing a title. Starting to sound like some are power hungry, biased and frankly jealous. Grow up.


It's almost like EMusco meant this to be a direct attack against Waka, and Yoda, by some weird explainable connection. right?


Not that they chose the runner up in the relevant poll...

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It's almost like EMusco meant this to be a direct attack against Waka, and Yoda, by some weird explainable connection. right?


Not that they chose the runner up in the relevant poll...


Just like they did with the Scoundrel rep right? I don't know Waka, I just feel he would be a representative that has our best interests in mind. So sorry I have a differing opinion on a forum, didn't realize this was an "agree with whatever is said thread". Ill adjust.

Edited by Yodawizard
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I'm not going to trigger even more disruption by participating in yet another Class Rep swap. We're in the stage now where questions need to be drafted, refined and submitted. How you view this decision is your own business. It is what it is.


You said it doesn't matter who the class rep is. But I guess what you meant was "It doesn't matter who the class rep is, as long as it is me".

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We Vanguards got terrible answers and we didn't coplained about our Rep. You even don't made your questions and you are complaining about KBN witch is known by guildmates of mine as one of best players out there. Just LOL. :rak_03: Edited by Michalrajtar
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Argh, Yoda, you're just flaming and trolling. I'm not going to defend my choice to defend Tam because its useless to defend against someone (Yoda) who doesn't matter. I'm dropping this discussion and leaving Yoda to rage in his cage. Now, let's get back to the questions!
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Oh Thank Baby Jesus that was resolved....I was afraid that you guys may get someone that knew what they were talking about and actually start playing your class correctly instead of just complaining about it. It's good to know that the incompetence is going to continue. Hallelujah! Edited by Nursejenna
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Argh, Yoda, you're just flaming and trolling. I'm not going to defend my choice to defend Tam because its useless to defend against someone (Yoda) who doesn't matter. I'm dropping this discussion and leaving Yoda to rage in his cage. Now, let's get back to the questions!


You matter.

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I can list various reasons why KBN is currently the best choice for Shadow Rep and augmentative to myself as the mirror Rep. There really isn't a better choice. So seriously, what is going on here? Rep position is not about wearing a title. Starting to sound like some are power hungry, biased and frankly jealous. Grow up.


I am not asking for power, I don't want to be the rep because of the responsibility it includes therefore I am not Jealous. "Grow up", classic I have a different opinion than you so I will insult you by calling you a child thus making myself look like one.


I would just like a representative that received the vast majority of votes. It is obvious you have motivation to want KBN as rep xinika as you and waka have very different opinions of where this class needs help. To me it seems that if you want to insult "some" people maybe you should look in the mirror first.


Now leave me alone in my cage of rage lol.

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Since this is the AC that mirrors the assassin , i would like to just list my opinion as well , for what it's worth.

I will start by saying that i am a casual player , that means I've never went to ranked WZs constantly and stuff like that , and on the pve side , i do NiM ops when time permits me ( now that summer is ending i will do more :p ) .

That being said , the point i would like to bring is that alot of players on the forums ( at least on the assassin pages ) are apparently only interested in the pvp side of the game , and most the improvement ideas are shut down with that part of the game in mind. I would like everyone to try to comprehend that changes to the class impact both pvp and pve , also the changes listed in the forum pages are just ideas thrown around in the hopes that some of the devs get to see them and pick up on 1 or 2 that are actually worthy of being implemented , so there's really no need for anything else than actual constructive criticism aimed at the thoughts posted ( this should hapen with BOTH PVP AND PVE IN MIND , not just 1 side ).

Instead of arguing who the class rep should be , i would recomend that you guys on the shadow forms work with ninja guy on the rought draft of the 3 questions , and xinika will do the same with us assassins , since we are mirror classes we get to ask 6 questions , if we can play our cards right :D

As a last note , @EatenByDistance - in the past i actually looked at your posts for sin builds for pvp and took tips and tricks from what you said to get better at the class , but with the reply that you gave to Xinika's post , i gotta admit my respect to you dropped. I am aware that doesn't actually mean anything on the internet , but honestly i was expecting much more from you considering the way you normally structure your posts , oh well guess everyone has to vent some frustration ;) , but i would have liked to see some improvement ideas from you , instead of "what the **** this doesn't even....what? lmfao like WHAT?! Why?" , and after someone replies to you , you say that you back up your clains with logic and reason , but the changes you propose are almost entirely pvp oriented , no matter how you look at it ( at least that's what i see from what you posted , and aparently i am not the only one , since others say the same thing ) , and someone actually brought some arguments to that as well :)

Anyways , this is turning into a wall of text and stuff like this usually gets looked over , but i would really hope that , for now , the discution about whos class rep and whos not , is put aside and the focus comes back to the class questions and again , guys if you see the drafts the 2 ppl make , please , please , please , try to see the game from both aspects ( pvp and pve ) and provide your feedback after you take into consideration those 2 points of view.

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Just like they did with the Scoundrel rep right? I don't know Waka, I just feel he would be a representative that has our best interests in mind. So sorry I have a differing opinion on a forum, didn't realize this was an "agree with whatever is said thread". Ill adjust.


I'm not familiar with the Scoundrel rep issue, nor do I think it has any bearing on the Shadow rep issue.


And essentially this is an "agree with whatever the BW employee says'" forum, as I'm sure they'd be quick to point out that a.) this forum is a privilege included with a subscription and b.) that they would reserve all rights regarding class reps and anything they put in place in case they need to settle issues like this.


Understandably, you do have a differing opinion, however like above, I'm sure that BW would point out that the forums are not ran in a democratically elected fashion, but in a way that they choose to implement. And with that in mind, it seems our dictator has chosen who should be a replacement. Is it fair? Is it proper procedure? Maybe, maybe not, but those questions essentially don't matter as BW has the first and last say in these sorts of situations.


And really, judging by the responses we have seen for other classes, is there really going to be a huge difference in assassins come 2014 whether KBN or Waka ask the questions? It's not like shin or KBN is going to drastically redesign an entire AC with 3 questions. In all likeliness they'll tell us to stealth out and heal to full or something stupid...

Edited by Simmerr
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Congrats KBN on the position, i know you have only just picked up the position but i'm curious as to when we will get to see the questions being worked on so far even just a rough draft as I believe we only have 2-3 weeks before our questions are due (not sure couldn't see it anywhere), but am curious so that we can try to improve these questions as much as possible to get the most benefit out of them so we don't get responses like stealth and H2F.
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I am not asking for power, I don't want to be the rep because of the responsibility it includes therefore I am not Jealous. "Grow up", classic I have a different opinion than you so I will insult you by calling you a child thus making myself look like one.


I would just like a representative that received the vast majority of votes. It is obvious you have motivation to want KBN as rep xinika as you and waka have very different opinions of where this class needs help. To me it seems that if you want to insult "some" people maybe you should look in the mirror first.


Now leave me alone in my cage of rage lol.


KBN got the most Shadow votes. Doesn't matter what went on in the Assassin vote. Xinika won that by a mile anyway. EatenbyDistance is a great shadow, however, he did not get 2nd place in the Shadow vote. Therefor, it makes sense to put KBN in this position. That is that.

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Just like they did with the Scoundrel rep right? I don't know Waka, I just feel he would be a representative that has our best interests in mind. So sorry I have a differing opinion on a forum, didn't realize this was an "agree with whatever is said thread". Ill adjust.


Sorry to step into your flame world here but BULL *****!


WAKA is yet another PVP assassin. So is Xinka. KBN knows the math, knows the tanking issues, knows the madness issues, and the MAJORITY of shadows have voted for him.


The majority of players in this game PVE. Having two PVP oriented reps would be stupid, and would not represent the majority of players.


I, for one, feel like KBN and Xinka are a good balance. Gratz and well deserved KBN. I hope you can get them to fix this class so I can re-sub.

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Congrats KBN on the position, i know you have only just picked up the position but i'm curious as to when we will get to see the questions being worked on so far even just a rough draft as I believe we only have 2-3 weeks before our questions are due (not sure couldn't see it anywhere), but am curious so that we can try to improve these questions as much as possible to get the most benefit out of them so we don't get responses like stealth and H2F.


I have mostly-finished drafts in a text file on my laptop, and I've spent some time talking with some respected shadows with differing opinions to refine the ideas. I'll be posting them soon (probably next Monday) for community feedback, after Xinika and I have had a chance to work on them a bit more.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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I am not asking for power, I don't want to be the rep because of the responsibility it includes therefore I am not Jealous. "Grow up", classic I have a different opinion than you so I will insult you by calling you a child thus making myself look like one.


I would just like a representative that received the vast majority of votes. It is obvious you have motivation to want KBN as rep xinika as you and waka have very different opinions of where this class needs help. To me it seems that if you want to insult "some" people maybe you should look in the mirror first.


Now leave me alone in my cage of rage lol.


Bro, now is not the time for in-fighting between us Shadows/Assassins. Did you see what buffs Pyrotechs just got? Then they went and asked for buff to Thermal Detonator so that it can crit for 8-10k damage. I fought them for 2 days on their hunger for OPness. If we don't unite now and get our act straight, we will be rolling over for every class by October in both PvP and PvE.

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@Ashuranrx - i applaud your effort in trying to unite the Shadow/Sin players , but that's not gonna happen with people like the person you just quoted unfortunately.

They all seem to have forgotten how each tree behaved pre 2.0 , Darkness being a strong stable tank spec , deception having great burst and decent sustainability with a bit of a force regen issue if you forgot to pace yourself at the proper time , and madenss , same as deception , with decent burst and excellent sustainability but with a high ramp-up time for burst.

All 3 specs from the ACs were performing their jobs well in both aspects for the game ( PVP and PVE ) , but now Darkness is the spiky tank who can get 1 shoted in NiM ops , and have its HP reduced to execute range in pvp in 4 GCDs if he gets unlucky with shield procs. , deception lost its sustainability , and madness , well some many things wrong with it , but lets say it lost its burst.

As far as i can see , the camps are divided between pvpers who cant seem to comprehend that the game doesn't revolve around that 1 aspect only, and people who actually try to contribute to the ACs well being with usefull ideas and constructive feedback that may help the devs pick up on something that could be implemented.

Then again , this same thing happened with Smash spec. , i think 1.4 was the patch where they decided to actually correct the issue of smash not being instant due to the animation , before that day , you could hardly see a Rage specced Mara or Jugger , but after that they were the go to dps pvp spec for warriors , for the people who actually know the freaking class and were excellent with it before the patch , the change wasn't that radical , it was more of a QOL thing , but it meant that it was easier for the rest of the keyboard face planters to be good at something. Same thing is happening with sin/shadow now , the burst in deception has always been there , just distributed a bit differently , you can obtain it a bit easier , but at the cost of sustainability ( gave this one as the example since people are afraid of it the most) .

Oh well , at this point , i only hope the the 2 class reps , are working together in preparing our 6 questions in a way that we can get some satisfactory replies.

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I have mostly-finished drafts in a text file on my laptop, and I've spent some time talking with some respected shadows with differing opinions to refine the ideas. I'll be posting them soon (probably next Monday) for community feedback, after Xinika and I have had a chance to work on them a bit more.


Very much looking forward to seeing them. You did a great job with the Sentinel questions, here's hoping your win streak continues :)

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Bro, now is not the time for in-fighting between us Shadows/Assassins. Did you see what buffs Pyrotechs just got? Then they went and asked for buff to Thermal Detonator so that it can crit for 8-10k damage. I fought them for 2 days on their hunger for OPness. If we don't unite now and get our act straight, we will be rolling over for every class by October in both PvP and PvE.

Firstly the number used was 7-8k on a crit, infiltration can do that with shadow strike no?

Secondly 8k was an idea proposed by the commando rep, its hardly going to be implemented anytime soon

Third you "fought them for 2 days"? what? You jumped into the thread declaired that cashogy's idea somehow makes pyro a arsenal merc with no casting, then responded to everything with "you just wanna be OP"


This is digressing anyway, shadows function entirely different from PT and the comparison isn't exactly fair, not to mention the PT "buffs" where QoL survivability buffs to the damage dealing tree

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Firstly the number used was 7-8k on a crit, infiltration can do that with shadow strike no?

Secondly 8k was an idea proposed by the commando rep, its hardly going to be implemented anytime soon

Third you "fought them for 2 days"? what? You jumped into the thread declaired that cashogy's idea somehow makes pyro a arsenal merc with no casting, then responded to everything with "you just wanna be OP"


This is digressing anyway, shadows function entirely different from PT and the comparison isn't exactly fair, not to mention the PT "buffs" where QoL survivability buffs to the damage dealing tree

The buffs to Pyro/Assault are balanced when you look over at the AP/Tactics tree, but that's about it.


Other classes should be moving towards that standard, because it's now Knights/Warriors, Slingers/Snipers and VG/PT that have a balanced set of options and abilities in PvP. Theorycrafting says they're ok in PvE too, but some are clunkier than others in practice.


That said, I can see the numbers on the Assault buffs being toned down.

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I have mostly-finished drafts in a text file on my laptop, and I've spent some time talking with some respected shadows with differing opinions to refine the ideas. I'll be posting them soon (probably next Monday) for community feedback, after Xinika and I have had a chance to work on them a bit more.


can't wait to see them

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It is time to decide what message is going to accompany the cake balls I send to Austin. The one I am most in favor of is:


Spread the love - Shadows and Assassins (Red Velvet and Salted Caramel Cake Balls)


What do you all suggest? I will submit the order on 10 September.

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idk what you mean by toned down, remember 8k was what cashogy believe it should hit for, on live it does half that plus a crappy dot.


but please this is not the thread for this discussion the original arguments where posted here, if you feel the further need to discuss it.

That was my final word, and I should have noted I was referring to the defensive buffs, the offensive changes were/are balanced.

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