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perception problem!


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Obligatory, "Can I have your stuff?"


But in all seriousness, are you ******** me? Stop crying and test the PTS changes for pete's sake. There is plenty of time for the Devs to make even more tweaks to the class before 2.4 goes live; so get in there and either prove that the class needs more buffs, or find out that they're in a good place with the buffs.

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Obligatory, "Can I have your stuff?"


But in all seriousness, are you ******** me? Stop crying and test the PTS changes for pete's sake. There is plenty of time for the Devs to make even more tweaks to the class before 2.4 goes live; so get in there and either prove that the class needs more buffs, or find out that they're in a good place with the buffs.


You have a perception problem!

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The problem with Vanguard/Pyrotech is that vanguard dps is non-existant while other tank classes (Guardian/Jugg/Shadow/Assassin) have viable dps.

Vanguard have no burst dmg like most , less than mediocre dmg, half the abilities are meelee and dmg output is non-existant compare to other class.


Generic response from Dev. tells me one thing, they have never played as a vanguard dps and are content as spewing garbage like "working as intended" to their customers.

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even not able to check dmg/DPS statistics, where u can see which class is REALLY underpowered. A dev should know very well how to fix class balance isssue scientifically using the hard data.


as intended works, as intended go coffee :csw_yoda:

Edited by X-Boson
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