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The behaviour of some players in swtor and mmos in general.


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lmao "grow a thicker skin"


man, i'd love to, i really would


except that crippling social anxiety doesn't just go away because i want it too, otherwise i'd spent a lot less time being randomly terrified in day to day situations.


And even something like that aside "It's just a game/the internet" isn't an excuse, you're still a giant douchebag. At least own up to that and admit you're a jerk instead of yelling at others for expecting some basic common decency from you.


You want people to show some "basic common" decency, and name call when they don't, yet are offended when people get upset at others for a lack of "basic common" knowledge about the game... Cool logic...

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This is why, IMHO, PvE servers don't belong in any MMO with multiple playable factions (they're fine with single faction). When players aren't allowed to do what they would do in-universe - attack you - they end up substituting other actions for it.


On a PvP server, they'd just kill you and move on. No hate, no bad feelings, just an extra point to the counter.


I agree with you. I don't really mind, I just find it rude when people continue to bash you when someone apologizes and isn't being hostile. I would have gotten my PvP on but i'm a tank and they were both DPS and would have destroyed me. I'm just glad I continued standing there to annoy them.

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You want people to show some "basic common" decency, and name call when they don't, yet are offended when people get upset at others for a lack of "basic common" knowledge about the game... Cool logic...


wait what


that doesn't even make sense


I said people who insult other and then yell when they're being called out in it about how people need to ~grow a thicker skin~ are jerks because... well, what else would you call that behaviour? It's certainly not being nice. And it's well... lacking in decency, since you're being insulting and purposefully upsetting another person for no good reason.


But I'm. honestly confused where I supposedly get offended at people being upset at others for a lack of decency. I get upset at people who can't be bothered with decency. I call it what it is. I'm very happy with people who also get upset with a lack of decency. I don't get offended by that. So um.


My logic makes perfect sense, unless you consider calling someone a jerk for being a jerk to other by attacking and upsetting them for no reason lacking basic common decency, which I wouldn't, because well... You're the one who decided to be a jerk and upset others and lack decency in the first place. (General you, btw.)

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wait what


that doesn't even make sense


Its pretty simple. You called somebody a jerk and a douchebag in the SAME post you talk about "common decency":


And even something like that aside "It's just a game/the internet" isn't an excuse, you're still a giant douchebag. At least own up to that and admit you're a jerk instead of yelling at others for expecting some basic common decency from you.


So apparently you dont have much "common decency" yourself either, if you have to insult someone to make your point.

Edited by The_Grand_Nagus
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This is my thinking. Me not wanting to watch the FP/OP before I attempt it is because I play the game for the story too. Having to study beforehand is like being told the plot of a film before you go into the cinema to watch it - it ruins the enjoyment. But I should add that I don't do group content in this game because I can't guarantee being at the computer for long stretches of time. So if I do any flashpoints I over-level them and then solo them. But I wouldn't even attempt HM at all.


Agreed on the point that I like to savor the story a bit. I don't like doing any group content when my teammates just run around blasting stuff without getting any dialogue from NPCs. Granted I understand that some may have done the mission a dozen times and know the dialogue so they don't want to hear it again. Its all good.

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This guy seems like he is trolling everyone..... I at least hope so...


I would hope a person would understand that this is a game. And learning the game at your own pace is a common thing. Everyone starts out being dumb and doing things wrong or badly. Because this game is so easy to play a person can make it all the way to max level and be completely doing things the wrong way. Its not that they have a lack of basic Knowledge of the game.. its BECAUSE they have Basic Knowledge of the game. They will learn just like everyone else. Making them feel inferior and making fun of them just proves that a person is a jerk and most likely one in real life as well. You can chuckle at them... its ok.. we have all done the /facepalm at others and when we look back at what we have done. But to then ridicule them and to treat them with no common decency... is a dick move. I suggest to those that do that to really take a long hard look at your life. You need a break..... learn social skills.. because you do that in real life.. you get punched. And since you act like an elitist.. I would suspect you are not that great physically to handle that punch.



This game is suppose to be about having fun..... you help these people who are still learning.. you may just meet your next best friend online.

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Its pretty simple. You called somebody a jerk and a douchebag in the SAME post you talk about "common decency":




So apparently you dont have much "common decency" yourself either, if you have to insult someone to make your point.


Oh, no, no, I got that, though I disagree, especially since I didn't mean him but people that make personal attacks and get really rude to others just to be hurtful and then cry about being called out on bad behaviour. I dunno if he does it in game or just defends that kind of behaviour on here, but i guess I could have made that more clearly, my apologies.


what i'm still confused by is this:


yet are offended when people get upset at others for a lack of "basic common" knowledge about the game


I don't know, maybe this is because it's 4 am and english isn't my native tongue actually, but if I understand that right, he said I'm getting offended by the people who get upset at others being intentionally hurtful to players that make mistakes? which i don't, i'm one of the people that get upset about that. I am offended -- or well, better said, greatly annoyed -- by the notion that saying "but it's just the internet!" excuses you from bad behaviour. Which attacking others for no good reason is (and no, making a mistake in a game isn't a reason to yell at and insult someone.) I suppose you might say calling people who do that jerks is bad behaviour as well, though obviously I'd disagree, because what else do you call someone who is intentionally hurtful and then tries to shrug it off with "but internet!" as if that somehow doesn't mean that they just intentionally hurt another person for their own satisfaction.

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For me, it's a very simple solution: If someone offends me, I leave. I don't argue or say goodbye or badmouth anyone. I just drop and move on to doing something I enjoy. I play games online to have fun. If someone offends me, then I consider that situation to be bad and I do what's best for me.


I was an "Elitist" when I played EQ in a raiding guild. Big raids. Most MMO's don't have anything over 24-player raids now, but I did raids of 60+ and no boxing. When you're at that level, the expectations of a player's skill level goes WAAYYYY up, especially if there is one mechanic that can cause the entire raid to wipe. We didn't have a zero-tolerance policy for people making a mistake. **** happens, but if the same person made mistakes on a continuing basis, then they simply weren't allowed to raid.


I love crafting and it is the main reason why I continue to play SWTOR. I've been playing for about a year and my highest level character is 38. I know nothing about FP/OPS. I never group. I just do my own thing and I'm having a lot of fun. :D


However, I also understand that if I want to start participating in doing FP/OPS stuff I'll need to study a little bit so I am prepared and have a general idea of what is going on. I would let the group know right away that this is my first time and if anyone in the group has a problem with that, say so and I will leave so they can get someone else. Not a big deal to me. I'll eventually find a group and learn the content, but beware: Once I've learned and am in the end-game, don't expect me to group/raid with you if you were a complete dick to me in the past. I don't have time for any of that bs. :p


BOTTOM LINE: If you want "perfect" groups when doing high-end/end-game content in SWTOR, I would suggest forming a solid group of like-minded people who enjoy the high-end/end-game as much as you do. Not just guildmates, but others who are as "hardcore" as yourself. When I played EQ I had a very tight circle of friends from different guilds that loved to do crazy stuff. We constantly pushed the limits and wiped a lot but we had so much fun doing it. You can be hardcore and still have fun. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be the best at something. There is, however, something wrong with expecting everyone else to have the same attitude. It doesn't work, so devote some time in finding other "hardcore" players. Ask around. If people tell you that this person is a dick or something, who cares. Find out for yourself. Not all "elitist" players are jerks. :cool:

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Simple solution:


Follow your consicence and be friendly to the people you dislike.




Some people dont understand until you leave, you were useful


Two ways.

Edited by ZahirS
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One thing is missing, respect.


I seen too many peudo-romans roaming around trying to be supremacist over the rest, this need to stop the roman empire died out, we live in peaceful societies build in common effort I dislike this behavior and they should keep it home.


*big thumbs up*


I just came back from being away 12-14 months and honestly think Ive put more names on ignore in the last month then I did for the first year of game I was here for.


You nailed it

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This guy seems like he is trolling everyone..... I at least hope so...


I would hope a person would understand that this is a game. And learning the game at your own pace is a common thing. Everyone starts out being dumb and doing things wrong or badly. Because this game is so easy to play a person can make it all the way to max level and be completely doing things the wrong way. Its not that they have a lack of basic Knowledge of the game.. its BECAUSE they have Basic Knowledge of the game. They will learn just like everyone else. Making them feel inferior and making fun of them just proves that a person is a jerk and most likely one in real life as well. You can chuckle at them... its ok.. we have all done the /facepalm at others and when we look back at what we have done. But to then ridicule them and to treat them with no common decency... is a dick move. I suggest to those that do that to really take a long hard look at your life. You need a break..... learn social skills.. because you do that in real life.. you get punched. And since you act like an elitist.. I would suspect you are not that great physically to handle that punch.



This game is suppose to be about having fun..... you help these people who are still learning.. you may just meet your next best friend online.


Nobody has nothing against people that are genuinely confused. But they should be confused about a specific rotation, not about their role in general, or cunning gear on aim toon, on MY time.


If they are, they must say it ASAP, so everybody can decide if to proceed or not, not after 10 wipes and suspension of disbelief ruined by a gear examination.


You see, there is a difference between a newbie and an aggressive noob with a big mouth. And yes, newbie and noob are not the same thing.

Edited by Styxx
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yes, and it should be made abundantly clear by the game that FPs and PvP is clearly not intended for everyone to try out. What I am trying to say that the game pointers confuse a new and inexperienced player into thinking that it is just another experience in the game. It is NOT. It is very different than a normal SP game. The game tooltip should not read: If you do not have friends available, you can line up for a Group Finder to do a Flash Point or a "The content is normally much harder than the game content." Those are misleading and severe understatements.


What it should read is: "The content of the Flashpoints is extremely hard, and we do not recommend attempting it if you have no extensive previous experience working in a group environment with this particular character (aka completing every Heroic 4+ mission in the game or previous MMO experience)."


The PvP should probably have an optional New Player Group finder with easier areas.


The flagging for PvP should be easy to get rid of (like clicking it off easy!), and should never be placed as a trap on the way to a companion/class quest with misleading map directions.


In other words, there should be much, much, MUCH more red tape and flagging around the FPs and PvP stuff that would give a non-MMO devotee a clear idea that you are just not expected to show up and have fun. You are expected to be professional.


And FPs should have never been important to the story!!!!


I was really, really, really lucky not catching flack for being really bad player when I tried FPs. Thing is I really want to see the FP content but I am becoming more and more afraid of grouping for them. Even on a fresh gear up. Never with a melee DPS character, that's for sure. And absolutely no way with a Tank.


I mean, how's person even supposed to learn to play a Tank in a group for the first time, if leadership is assumed to fall to a Tank?

Edited by DomiSotto
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I can agree with PVP, but SM FPs aren't *that* hard, at least not as hard as you're making it out to be. My friend and I nearly managed to two man HS without being overleveled or geared with my op healer and her sin dps and only failed at the last boss (and I think some of that was her suffering from horrible lag when we tried him so by when the adds showed up they and the boss ate me alive while she was standing there waiting to be able to move again <.<) And we did manage to two man Athiss on my sorc heals and her op heals (and got through the Foundry until HK murdered us :'))


I wouldn't queue on my Shadow for example, because I still don't quite have the hang of him (but I'm also only currently doing Taris), but SM should be able to be done even without doing all heroics 4 and stuff. I mean, yeah, you'll make mistakes, and it might take a bit to get used to group play, but it's doable -- it only gets ugly when other players start throwing verbal abuse at a new player for not playing perfectly. Which is the thing that *shouldn't* happen.

Edited by freeoftime
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If you played with a friend, you have played as a group with someone you know. Like, personally. If you are an SP, getting into an FP with 3 other players on a higher level... I did exceedingly stupid in Jedi Prisoner #2. I was lucky the guys where nice. But yeah. Wish I did not. Story was good. Public humiliation was not worth it. And even on the lower level... well, I managed to wipe a group on Athiss. 'Cause I am clueless. Again, thanks goodness, folks were fine and laid back. I guess it helps to play at 4 am. Edited by DomiSotto
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If you played with a friend, you have played as a group with someone you know. Like, personally. If you are an SP, getting into an FP with 3 other players on a higher level... I did exceedingly stupid in Jedi Prisoner #2. I was lucky the guys where nice. But yeah. Wish I did not. Story was good. Public humiliation was not worth it.


Well sure, but the needed skill level isn't necessarily as high as you made it out to be for SM FPs. We're not even a good team at that, we constantly screw each other over by accident |D


Though yeah, you don't have to worry about humiliating yourselves in front of strangers, which is why I don't like to group either. ...Though somehow I think I'd be just as anxious if I had more confidence in my abilities because, well, anxiety issues.

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Have you been through an FP, where people used speeders all the way, barred through every conversations, setting themselves up in the exact location like a dance, and ripped through it in under 30 min? My husband and I spent 3 hours to get Esseles on the fourth try.
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mmo's are a good example of why a % of the human population needs to be liquidated.


Execute Order 66!!


Seriously though, be helpful. If players are d***s, /ignore and move on. It's the people who THINK they know what they're doing and don't listen when you point out what's going on (To this day, I hate running Mandolorian raiders because of the first boss. People don't listen). Be polite, be curteous, and be a teacher. When someone doesn't agree with you, accept it and move on. You don't HAVE to group with them in the future, and chances are if the group's communication is off, you probably won't finish the fp anyways.

Edited by SammyGStatus
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Oh, no, no, I got that, though I disagree, especially since I didn't mean him but people that make personal attacks and get really rude to others just to be hurtful and then cry about being called out on bad behaviour. I dunno if he does it in game or just defends that kind of behaviour on here, but i guess I could have made that more clearly, my apologies.


what i'm still confused by is this:




I don't know, maybe this is because it's 4 am and english isn't my native tongue actually, but if I understand that right, he said I'm getting offended by the people who get upset at others being intentionally hurtful to players that make mistakes? which i don't, i'm one of the people that get upset about that. I am offended -- or well, better said, greatly annoyed -- by the notion that saying "but it's just the internet!" excuses you from bad behaviour. Which attacking others for no good reason is (and no, making a mistake in a game isn't a reason to yell at and insult someone.) I suppose you might say calling people who do that jerks is bad behaviour as well, though obviously I'd disagree, because what else do you call someone who is intentionally hurtful and then tries to shrug it off with "but internet!" as if that somehow doesn't mean that they just intentionally hurt another person for their own satisfaction.

this isn't rocket science


you're calling people names for calling people names


we say "grow a thicker skin" because some guy saying things you don't like thousands of miles away on the internet should matter as much to you as what your neighbour had for breakfast.

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this isn't rocket science


you're calling people names for calling people names


we say "grow a thicker skin" because some guy saying things you don't like thousands of miles away on the internet should matter as much to you as what your neighbour had for breakfast.


And again, I get that part. I think he meant it that way too. But as I had explained in the very post he quoted. either I'm being dumb and can't do English, or he actually said a completely different thing than he meant to.


And I'm saying, throwing verbal abuse at someone and generally being a not so nice person to them (is that better worded now?) is lacking decency. Because you know what? It doesn't work like that. People can have anxiety issues, people can have depression, people can have had a really bad day or bad week or bad month... And making them miserable just because oh my goodness they made a mistake in a game how very dare they!? is ****** behaviour. And you can defend that kind of behaviour all you want with cries of "grow a thicker skin! it's the internet!" it doesn't change that fact.


Ideally? It wouldn't matter to anyone. But since we don't live in an ideal world, which I think we all realize and can agree one, I honestly don't see why anyone would defend being verbally abusive to someone and potentially ruining their fun with something that is supposed to be fun and relaxing.

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