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Darth Sion's Pauldron causing graphic errors on parts of female bodies.


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I'm having some display issues with Darth Sion's Pauldrons in game, the armor itself displays great, but the narrow skin gaps on female characters is having some issues. The following images are taken on a body type 1 yellow twi'lek female...


Darth Sion's Paulron Right Side

Darth Sion's Paulron Left Side

Darth Sion's Paulron Back


I hope we can find a fix for this, I've submitted bug reports on the subject but since I seem to be one of the few with this issue they might not be able to see what I see

Edited by Natrixa
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I'm having some display issues with Darth Sion's Pauldrons in game, the armor itself displays great, but the narrow skin gaps on female characters is having some issues. The following images are taken on a body type 1 yellow twi'lek female...


Darth Sion's Paulron Right Side

Darth Sion's Paulron Left Side

Darth Sion's Paulron Back


I hope we can find a fix for this, I've submitted bug reports on the subject but since I seem to be one of the few with this issue they might not be able to see what I see


I've submitted tons of similar reports on the Relaxed Vestments on females... the back portion clips into your butt when you run, so you see the underneath color flashing back and forth. Even if you manage to dye the bottoms the same color, it's still noticeable.


I keep saying as Cartel Market items these fixes should be priority (as we are paying real money for them, extra on top of any subscription fee, even if you bought yours on the GTN, somebody paid Bioware real money) it's different than a bug with a 'free' armor.


EDIT: OH I JUST looked at your screenshots... aside from the clipping, the Relaxed Vestments has the EXACT SAME COLOR glitch!!! Here is the bug report page about it, you can see in their screenshots the same issue you are reporting....




So the fact that not only did they not fix it on the Relaxed Vestments, but they now have ANOTHER armor with the same issue???? Arrrrgh...

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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I knew about the relaxed vestments (have that set as well and don't use it because of the bug), originally had some screens in this post, but decided to just focus on the Sion, since there is already a thread (or several) on the relaxed vestments
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They just keep pumping crap that is broken... never bothering to fix anything. People spend real money to get this stuff and then they receive broken items. I wonder if people could actually ask their money back because the product they buy has clear defects.


There's incredible amount of issues with armours in this game. Some are large flaws, some are not that large defects but visually annoying like Revered Chronicler's Jacket collar on female body type 2 (and at least face type 4) where the back of the collar snaps to head so that it looks stupid when character moves head. Miniskirt clipping issues are horrid, bracelet or what ever it's called in Jedi Sage's gloves on female body type 2 is wrongly aligned, floating shoulder guards on some sorcerer gear, ears clip through head gear, cloth is bugged on Traditional Thermoweave Vestments (female body type 2, republic), traditional nylite boots (republic) has broken textures, gaps between back and hood etc. the list is actually endless.


The guy/gal who leads their QA team should get fired.

Edited by Eraan
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I've submitted tons of similar reports on the Relaxed Vestments on females... the back portion clips into your butt when you run, so you see the underneath color flashing back and forth. Even if you manage to dye the bottoms the same color, it's still noticeable.


I keep saying as Cartel Market items these fixes should be priority (as we are paying real money for them, extra on top of any subscription fee, even if you bought yours on the GTN, somebody paid Bioware real money) it's different than a bug with a 'free' armor.


EDIT: OH I JUST looked at your screenshots... aside from the clipping, the Relaxed Vestments has the EXACT SAME COLOR glitch!!! Here is the bug report page about it, you can see in their screenshots the same issue you are reporting....




So the fact that not only did they not fix it on the Relaxed Vestments, but they now have ANOTHER armor with the same issue???? Arrrrgh...


I've bugged the Relaxed Vestments several times myself. No reply but cut and paste b.s. as expected... but the lack of any kind of acknowledgement on the boards is sad. The lack of quality control and replies on this and the many, many other issues with the Cartel gear has convinced me not to spend any more money on the CM.


I like the game. I will continue to sub... but I will not buy any more CC until QC gets it's s**t together.

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Why no 'official' acknowledgement of this?


I love how when you bug something in this game the CS bots tell you to post it on the forums... and you do, only to be ignored by BW/EA.


You'd think by now EA would understand the value of customer service. I see a 3'fer in the future. :p

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Why no 'official' acknowledgement of this?


I love how when you bug something in this game the CS bots tell you to post it on the forums... and you do, only to be ignored by BW/EA.


You'd think by now EA would understand the value of customer service. I see a 3'fer in the future. :p


Yeah, "reports" be they bug reports, or player behavior reports, that's one thing many MMOs annoy me how they don't tell you anything. Like, when you accuse someone of murder, do you get told "We will make arrests, or not at our discretion, but you will get no notification of what we do." and then you never again know... is that murderer still out there? So, why can't they say "Yes, thank you. After investigation we learned that AbsolutSucks is in violation of XXXXX rule for naming himself AbsolutSucks and sending you harassing messages." or whatever (I just made up that little violation but you get my point) then we have no clue whether our reports actually mean anything.

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I can't believe that not only have they not bothered to fix the glitch on the first set of armor that had the problem, but they went to use that bugged armor skin to make yet another paid-for armor set that they refuse to fix.


What. The. Eff. Bioware.

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I have had this same glitch happen when using some of Relaxed type armor (I forget exactly which ones) when equipped to Ashara Zavros. I had at the time chocked it up entirely to the fact that her skin texture was brand spanking new and that it wasn't really used to rendering all of the different types of armor in the game. But apparently this belief was incorrect and its something to do with the armor and not her skin texture?
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I have had this same glitch happen when using some of Relaxed type armor (I forget exactly which ones) when equipped to Ashara Zavros. I had at the time chocked it up entirely to the fact that her skin texture was brand spanking new and that it wasn't really used to rendering all of the different types of armor in the game. But apparently this belief was incorrect and its something to do with the armor and not her skin texture?


Yep, it happens no matter the skin color on all female NPCs and PCs that wear Relaxed Vestments, and now Darth Sion.


It has to do with the shadowing in that area is wrong, as in non-existant.

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Yes, that was my impression as well, the lighting seems to be off on the back. If I turn my character under a light, the color matches the rest of the body, if I move my character, so that the back is in the shadow, the shadow effect doesn't kick in.
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Bioware can you PLEASE make some comment about this glitch.


It was bad enough when the relaxed vestments were released with this glitch and nothing was said about fixing it.


Now you're apparently releasing new armors that are based on that armor and all contain the glitch. Do you just feel it's OK to eff female PCs and companions because you figure there aren't enough female players in the game to care? Are you going to continue to create more and more armor based on the glitched skin because it's got you your money so far, so who the eff cares about the people paying for it? Throw us a bone, here!

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Bioware can you PLEASE make some comment about this glitch.


It was bad enough when the relaxed vestments were released with this glitch and nothing was said about fixing it.


Now you're apparently releasing new armors that are based on that armor and all contain the glitch. Do you just feel it's OK to eff female PCs and companions because you figure there aren't enough female players in the game to care? Are you going to continue to create more and more armor based on the glitched skin because it's got you your money so far, so who the eff cares about the people paying for it? Throw us a bone, here!

Majority of my characters are females in SWTOR (body type 2) and it seems like that combo has way too many issues. Clipping, texture issues, other mesh issues... The list is long and there are many buggy pieces. At least my male characters tend to have less those issues but meh, I prefer looking at my female characters more (since you end up looking at their backsides most of the time... ehm). I just can't unsee some issues (like this jacket issue).


If they would actually fix these issues, I'd be awestruck. :eek:

Edited by Eraan
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Yeah Bioware I know you're super invested in ignoring this kind of stuff, but I'm going to keep updating this thread every few days until we get some kind of acknowledgement.


Yeah, just putting it on the known issues page would be nice... it's a SERIOUS issue for many of us since... you know... what our characters look like matters, they obviously know this when they gave us the ability to mod armors and such... so fix the **** clipping on these things.


In fact, you know how they could EASILY fix the clipping with Twi'leks? Have a look at other games that have big-eared characters. The helms, when put on a character with big ears, allow the ears to stick out and you can see where the helmet has nice looking holes that are obviously intended to be there, and not just laziness that they left the ears magically sticking out of the helmet cause they couldn't be bothered to care.


I'm not one to normally throw out the word "lazy" but in the case of these clipping issues, and the much greater problem with the twi'leks that I recently saw another game do so well with on non-standard human heads, well sorry Bioware but if the shoe fits...


EDIT: Also, they've obviously shown they CAN make different helmet looks for different species with the way they made so miraluka with a hat that would interfere with their facemask instead get the eyes-only facemask, so it doesn't seem to me like it's a big stretch to do the same thing with the twi'lek. HumanHood.gamefile and TwilekHood.gamefile

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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Yeah, just putting it on the known issues page would be nice... it's a SERIOUS issue for many of us since... you know... what our characters look like matters, they obviously know this when they gave us the ability to mod armors and such... so fix the **** clipping on these things.


In fact, you know how they could EASILY fix the clipping with Twi'leks? Have a look at other games that have big-eared characters. The helms, when put on a character with big ears, allow the ears to stick out and you can see where the helmet has nice looking holes that are obviously intended to be there, and not just laziness that they left the ears magically sticking out of the helmet cause they couldn't be bothered to care.


I'm not one to normally throw out the word "lazy" but in the case of these clipping issues, and the much greater problem with the twi'leks that I recently saw another game do so well with on non-standard human heads, well sorry Bioware but if the shoe fits...


EDIT: Also, they've obviously shown they CAN make different helmet looks for different species with the way they made so miraluka with a hat that would interfere with their facemask instead get the eyes-only facemask, so it doesn't seem to me like it's a big stretch to do the same thing with the twi'lek. HumanHood.gamefile and TwilekHood.gamefile

Speaking of ear clipping... There are few headgear pieces that have human(noid) ear clipping issues.

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Speaking of ear clipping... There are few headgear pieces that have human(noid) ear clipping issues.


Wow, ok if that is then that's just WROOONG. Oh and since we are on the subject, I might also add that Cathar men's heads fur sticks out the side of the Calo Nord hat. It's not the worst clipping issue, I've learned to ignore it but it bears mentioning if it CAN be fixed, I'd love to see it fixed.

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I'm having some display issues with Darth Sion's Pauldrons in game, the armor itself displays great, but the narrow skin gaps on female characters is having some issues. The following images are taken on a body type 1 yellow twi'lek female...


Darth Sion's Paulron Right Side

Darth Sion's Paulron Left Side

Darth Sion's Paulron Back


I hope we can find a fix for this, I've submitted bug reports on the subject but since I seem to be one of the few with this issue they might not be able to see what I see


That looks exactly like the bug on the Relaxed Vestments on females as well.

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