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[Grievance] hosting Republic +10 Datacron - Sunday, August 25


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[Grievance] will be hosting a Republic +10 datacron run on Sunday, August 25 from 9:30 - 11:00 PM EDT. We will have people in place to open the door, operate the bridge and pull you up to the datacron. All you need to bring is yourself!


Finzi will be broadcasting in general, so just ask for an invite and we'll get you through. Come by, get +10 to all your attributes, and meet the members of [Grievance]!


For more information about [Grievance], please feel free to check out our recruiting thread and our website:






Hope to see you on Sunday!

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. All you need to bring is yourself!


been a while since i've done a +10 datacron, but do you need the red crystal or any other prerequisite work done if youre gonna get pulled?


I would be willing to make a guild bank donation to show my appreciation.

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been a while since i've done a +10 datacron, but do you need the red crystal or any other prerequisite work done if youre gonna get pulled?


I just did this last weekend on both Imperial and Republic side, so I can say with certainty you need the following doing this Republic side for each toon you want to get the +10 Datacron on:


  1. Be a minimum of level 45
  2. Obtain the blue Cormium Crystal Shard (CCS) from the museum at the Gav Daragon


This is assuming what the OP said about having someone opening the door for you already.


Apparently, the blue CCS was not previously a requirement Republic side, and it wasn't a pre-req Imperial side as of last weekend.


But we confirmed that if a Republic toon of the appropriate level went up to the Datacron door without the CCS in their Mission Item inventory, it would give you a red Access Denied error message. Getting the CCS and clicking on the door again would give you the datacron.

Edited by AlixMV
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Thanks for the additional information, Alix!


Liryc, we will be in place to help you get the blue crystal on the Gav Dragon - it's right at the entrance to the +10 datacron area. After that, you don't need anything else other than what Alix said - you must be level 45. You do NOT need the red crystal from Corellia nor do you need an MGGS. We've got the rest covered for you.


Come on down =)

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No problem, Britten. :3


After I saw the comment, even though we did this last weekend, I've gone ahead and put this up on our Guild Calendar as well (and displaying on our Ally's calendar, just in case).


Thanks for organizing it!

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