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Best attack spells to use while leveling Sage Healer?


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Just hit 16. For the most part I've just been using Project and Telekinetic Throw with Mind Crush as well if the enemies are strong or elite while leveling. I suppose an alternative would be to use Weaken Mind and then spam disturbance which might be simpler but less damage?


Anyways, just wondering what spells you other sages are using to bring down mobs while leveling with Qyzen and if there is some ideal rotation?



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i am fully healer specced even while levelling, but i obviously still deal damage out while healing. I go for mindcrush, weaken mind, force project and force throw (or whatever the pebble attack is :p) then back to force project, force throw, heal heal heal force shield, and repeat) This is of course for fighting elite mobs which are no bother (even the champion ones) for a sage and his/her companion.
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My Sage is only 15, but I follow a similar trend. i sub in double strike for disturbance when I'm in melee range (just cause tryign to cast while being hit feels dumb), but they're really only fillers for me while i wait for project and the telekenetic throw thingy...those are my two big ones.


So I throw, then project, then filler, perhaps a CC, then back to my 2 favs. I think at higher levels talents will make some other skills attractive to throw in the mix, but at our level project and TT are big hitters.

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Disturbance is your most efficient damage dealing spell and won't gimp ur healing too much. Weaken mind, mind crush, telekinesis. Project is cool and all but keep in mind it is heavy on your force so if u are healing at the same time, you will get better results using disturbance.and more force to heal. I play as 33 seer at the moment. Mind crush, very good to open or use after force stun or mind snap.
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I've not had any real issues healing, so I've spent 8 points in balance, 3 in tele for the cheaper bubble, and the rest in Seer. At 32, I could heal Maelstrom well. This means for grinding: Force Crush, Project, Pebble STORM!, and then whatever fills the gap. I cut through mobs like they're not there. Elites are slightly challenging, but nothing bothersome. I'd say pure heals before 50 is something of a waste. Keep 8 in balance and you can face roll.
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Shield, Mindcrush+Weaken mind, Telekinetic Throw, Project, force potency, TT, Project, Shield, TT, Project, weaken mind, mind crush/stun TT, Project.. etc.. if its still alive TT + heal/shield till its down.


bah, forgot if its melee to use knockback in there.

Edited by OCoChoco
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		Dmg	Cast[size="1"](3)[/size]	Cost	Dpsc[size="1"](1)[/size]	Dpfp[size="1"](2)[/size]
Project		476,0	1,5	45,0	317,3	7,1
Throw		994,0	3,0	30,0	[color="magenta"]331,3[/color]	[color="magenta"]11,0[/color]
Disturbance	384,0	1,5	30,0	256,0	8,5
Mind Crush	931,5	2,0	40,0	[color="Magenta"]465,8[/color]	[color="magenta"]11,6[/color]
Weaken Mind	625,0	1,5	35,0	[color="magenta"]416,7[/color]	[color="magenta"]11,9[/color]


1 - Dmg per second cast (+GC)

2 - Dmg per force point

3 - Cast + Global Cooldown


EDIT: as per post below


Disturbance still crap =)

Mind Crush and Weaken Mind awesome (if the fight last at least the duration of the debuff)

Throw is the goto spell for everything

Project still good, not that mana efficient

Edited by Draczeq
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I don't think some of those dps values are calculated correctly (in the post before mine) with regards to Global Cool Down (GCD). GCD is not triggered is the cast time is longer than 1.5 secs. For example, Disturbance has a 1.5 cast time, so when you are done casting it, you can cast it again immediately. So when factoring is the time is takes to spam it to figure out the dps per cast, the number is not (1.5 + 1.5 = 3), but just 1.5 total. That will increase the dps per cast considerably. Same thing with Telekinetic Throw, not GCD is triggered, so it is just 3 secs total. Instant cast spells, like Project do trigger GCD, so that total cast time is 0 + 1.5 = 1.5 secs.


Someone correct me if this is wrong, but it appears that I can spam Disturbance over and over again with no GCD being triggered.


Also the cooldown on Telekinetic Throw (6) begins as soon as you trigger it, so you have to wait 3 more secs after you finish it to use it again.


So given this info, how does that change your dps calculations?

I am only 12, so I don't have any of the higher abilities yet.


Good luck, have fun!



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Disturbance is only a filler spell to bridge between two cooldowns.


Depending on what enemy I fight, I normally use Mind Crush while Fess is running up to them, then I cast Weaken Mind on them as well, so it has time to tick.


From then on I hold Project and Throw on CD, with Disturbance in between them.


Of course normal or weak enemies can be easily killed by Forcequake. Single normal enemies can be killed by a Project-Tumult-Combo quickly.


If you have to save force against very powerful enemies (like a H2-Boss that you're doing on your own), you should only use the most efficient spells (Mind Crush, Weaken Mind and Throw).

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Pretty simple.


Single: Force in Balance -> Telekinetic Throw Procs Presence of Mind -> Mind Crush-> Weaken Mind -> TK Throw procs PoM -> Disturbance.


Group: Force in Balance -> TK Throw procs PoM -> TK Wave -> Force Quake.


Shield whenever necessary/off cooldown.

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I tend to use a Mind Crush -> Weaken Mind on Mind Crush CD (Weaken Mind aligns perfectly with the MC CD) and then use a TK Throw -> Project -> Disturbance Rotation when I'm not healing right now. In groups of 3 or more weak enemies I use Force Quake.


You should also consider using Tumult when knocking Lifted range enemies out of CC since it frontloads quite a bit of damage and looks totally awesome (See that healer there? He's gonna kick in your FACE!).

Edited by PossibleBit
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Similar to most really - on elites I'll dot and then TT/Dist/Project cycle, on groups of normal mobs I don't bother CCing so companion tanks one whilst I burn the others, usually project then TT to start as that mitigates damage to the companion (as mobs are stunned) and then disturbance to finish them off. I find CCing normal groups slower and focusing on companion target although it's as fast he ends up needing more post-fight healing (or med time) which is slower overall.
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