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Chair Emote Put It In The Legacy Vendor


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Charging for emotes that are so basic they should be a free part of the game? What part of mmo*RPG* are the Devs not getting here?!


Oh. Wait. How silly of me. F2P. 'We can and will charge you for whatever the hell we want. No we don't care about reasonable."


You verminous scumf- ...

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These gambling packs man, I hang my head every time I see them. If people would wise up, we'd be able to buy the items a la carte from the CM at the very least (because businesses don't continue to make what doesn't sell.) Of course, people talking about their latest hypercrate are all too common around here, and so I'm left having to wonder what kind of credits they'll go for on the GTN. It's a cryin' shame.
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lol "reasonable prices" ******** xD


i agree, i'd like for it to be in the legacy vendor.


If you purchase cartel market items on the GTN while the cartel pack is current, they're really cheap.

Edited by Glumish
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These gambling packs man, I hang my head every time I see them. If people would wise up, we'd be able to buy the items a la carte from the CM at the very least (because businesses don't continue to make what doesn't sell.) Of course, people talking about their latest hypercrate are all too common around here, and so I'm left having to wonder what kind of credits they'll go for on the GTN. It's a cryin' shame.


Welcome to the F2P MMO industry. It sucks, and I hate it, and always will. Which just makes me a 'whiner' and 'crybaby', rather than someone sick of seeing the same junk repeated over and over everywhere =/

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These gambling packs man, I hang my head every time I see them. If people would wise up, we'd be able to buy the items a la carte from the CM at the very least (because businesses don't continue to make what doesn't sell.)


I don't want to waste my Cartel Coins on buying individual items sorry. I rather just buy the item from GTN and if I really want it use my coins to add to my collection. Sorry I don't agree. I rather not waste my coins this way.

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the RP community has been asking to be able to sit in chairs since launch. while I HATE the term, this emote is kind of a "slap in the face"


It's funny because RPers tend to be overly loyal to a game in my experience. It has been such a pain to get some of my friends to play something other than WoW because they want to be there "for the RP" and nothing else.


To see RP still being strong in games such as TOR and GW2 shows this as well, yet games never cater to them.


edit: Then again SWTOR does have a lot of animations for emotes and strong storylines.

Edited by Glumish
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Yes. With the force you can do anything.


You don't even need a chair.


(thats not an emote, its a bug)


I can't believe there are morons here actually defending Bioware when they are making us PAY MONEY THAT WE WORK EVERY DAY OF OUR LIVES FOR to SIT DOWN


Yes, Bioware will now charge for all new content. I have come to like many things about the game now and I enjoy playing it, but the moneygrabbing attitude is too prevalent. Especially with the most ludicrous "free-to-play" I know of in any MMO. I have spent lot of RL money for cartel stuff, just because I am capable of, but I don't see this as a good thing.

Edited by Karkais
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You really shouldn't blame Bioware or other game publishers for that matter, for putting their content in cash stores and lottery packs. Especially vanity items.


There's a reason they do that, same as why so many games move towards the various F2P models. Simply put, people are more willing to pay for the games they play, via lottery packs and the like, than they are paying for a subscription.


So really... point the finger at your fellow consumers, not at Bioware, if you are unhappy with the way things work in this game.

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There's a reason they do that, same as why so many games move towards the various F2P models. Simply put, people are more willing to pay for the games they play, via lottery packs and the like, than they are paying for a subscription.


Says who? Was there a poll? A form to fill in? I sure as hell never got asked. I was perfectly happy paying subscriptions for MMOs and getting stuff free in updates, with maybe the odd paid for expansion.


But no, now it's 'ok' for MMO devs and publishers to all be greedy, cash-grabbing ****s who charge for the most asinine little things. I don't know what needs to happen for that to change, but dear god I wish it would happen.

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the RP community has been asking to be able to sit in chairs since launch. while I HATE the term, this emote is kind of a "slap in the face"

Thank goodness. We haven't had one of those since the last one.


Says who? Was there a poll? A form to fill in? I sure as hell never got asked. I was perfectly happy paying subscriptions for MMOs and getting stuff free in updates, with maybe the odd paid for expansion.

Then go find a sub-only MMO and play it. That's your only recourse.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Then go find a sub-only MMO and play it. That's your only recourse.


Yeah, except that the industry as a whole has apparently lost the ability to make MMORPGs, and is making cash-grab F2P MMOs instead. My last game got killed off by NCSoft (greedy, inconsiderate Korean ****s...), so here I am. Because TOR is actually quite fun, and has the potential to be even more so...if the devs would just stop launching all out assault on peoples wallets for once...

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I do not know about any chair emote, and I cant risk looking it up on the net, without running into a virus/spyware. What I do know is this. If Bioware put emotes out there for sale for say 300 coins. I would buy them. As a man with a brain, I refuse to turn into trash and gamble all my money away. This is exactly the problem with the cartel packs. Now lets look at it from another stand point, with the collections we could pick up good armor, and for a cc price give them to all our toons. Straight up no tricks, and no gambling. Funny that now they have not added anything by way of direct buy that even resembles good for a long time now. You want to have your f2p fine, but stop trying to turn people into gambling addicts. Do you even understand what a person is bioware? Do you even understand what is happening in the country right now? Do you even give a damn that most people are tight with money now? Of course you don't you are rich devs with plenty of money to go around. I am not asking for free I am asking for straight up no tricks involved. The things the trooper guild I belong to could have done with flourish alone is astounding. Funny how you removed the flourish animation from the trooper section. Didn't want people know what kind of people you are? What I am saying your not going to change anything.
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I think this one is going to be the final straw for me.


Charging extra for an emote that has been begged for by your players for nearly 2 years?


EA/Bioware, you have absolutely no concept at all of consumer relations. You seem intent on alienating the entire MMO-playing community with your absolutely brainless decisions.


You have now sunk to such a pathetically new low with this ridiculous cash-grab that it makes my skin crawl to even think of ever providing you with another cent of my money.


Yes, I know a sitting emote is a terribly minor thing which is what makes the decision to sell this even more ridiculous. At every chance you get to show even a smidgen of goodwill to your customers you instead always choose to screw us.

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If there wasn't going to be probably 1000 chair emotes up on the GTN in a day or two, I'd be mad too, but I guarantee you that with the commonality of this item and the amount of people who are buying this pack shipment for the Varactyl, it's going to be an item like "boohoo" that people can't get rid of fast enough.
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My last game got killed off by NCSoft (greedy, inconsiderate Korean ****s...), so here I am.


Point of clarification on this. It was shuttered because the studio management team tried to get up in the faces of home office in Korea and make demands. Foolish move... and showed a lack of understanding of Korean business culture.


So... really... while what NCSoft did sucks.. the fault lies with the studio management team. They whacked the studio.. to make an example of them. The game was collateral damage. Carbine Studios was hopefully paying attention here.

Edited by Andryah
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If there wasn't going to be probably 1000 chair emotes up on the GTN in a day or two, I'd be mad too, but I guarantee you that with the commonality of this item and the amount of people who are buying this pack shipment for the Varactyl, it's going to be an item like "boohoo" that people can't get rid of fast enough.



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