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Jung ma "Adopt a noob" program


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On the issue of duplicity, the spike and low cut duplicity ignores the rate limit of proc duplicity. This means you can spike maul low cut maul, there is no reason to space them by 10 seconds. This also means you can get a proc duplicity, maul, low cut, maul.

Yes, Spike and Low Slash proc Duplicity off its normal rate limit, on its own separate 10-second rate limit. Once you have used Spike or Low Slash to do that, the other ability shares that separate rate limit. This is easily verified by going on your ship and using a training dummy. Spike>Maul then Low Slash immediately. You won't get a second Duplicity proc (unless you're very lucky and Low Slash procs your normal Duplicity buff) because its already been burned up by your Spike.


Oh, and i never vicious slash :-) running out of force isnt really an issue for me unless i trigger my blackout at the wrong time.

I'm going to assume you meant Saber Strike so I don't get an aneurysm. :p

Edited by Aetrus
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So, this "Adopt A Noob" program intrigued me. However, I would like to expand on it.


Instead of random people asking for help, perhaps those of us who are skilled at their classes (or at least feel like they have something to teach), Join up on a certain day, say next Friday, and coordinate to adopt their own new player and take them under their wing. Sort of like a Master / Padawan or Commander / Lieutenant ( For Non-Force Users).


The 55 community could maybe meet on Tython at the Jedi Academy or Sith Academy on Korriban (for those of you would like to have an Apprentice) during peak hours and pick out their Padawan in a RP fashion. If there are Padawans who would like to have a master . It would encourage RP on an RP server and it would foster new friendships as well as help server solidarity.


What say you?

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So, this "Adopt A Noob" program intrigued me. However, I would like to expand on it.


Instead of random people asking for help, perhaps those of us who are skilled at their classes (or at least feel like they have something to teach), Join up on a certain day, say next Friday, and coordinate to adopt their own new player and take them under their wing. Sort of like a Master / Padawan or Commander / Lieutenant ( For Non-Force Users).


The 55 community could maybe meet on Tython at the Jedi Academy or Sith Academy on Korriban (for those of you would like to have an Apprentice) during peak hours and pick out their Padawan in a RP fashion. If there are Padawans who would like to have a master . It would encourage RP on an RP server and it would foster new friendships as well as help server solidarity.


What say you?


That is actually an interesting idea and cool that it incorporates RP as well.


My original intent of this thread was just to share the concept of arenas are coming soon and our server has an abundance of newer players that try hard but need some guidance or even just some crafting help.


Since creating this thread, i have fully outfitted 3 more level 55 players i have seen in warzones and have also been selling a lot of mk-9 kits for 40k each to people that know how to pvp but don't quite have the resources.


An unfortunate effect of a mass offer of help is that the few who need it most will rarely ask for it, and the majority of the ones asking for it just want free stuff.


That's why i pick people i see in warzones that are trying to help the team but need help. I hope a few players here have taken a similar approach.

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More ppl need to start doing this "adopt a noob".


Just a few days ago I was solo queueing WZ's on my pyro, and I was the one that hade the most dmg in my team at the end of the WZ's. Those of you that do more than your Daily WZ's know that I'm not known for my high dmg.

I bet most of the guys I had in my teams should be able to do 100K more dmg than me without any problems, and give it a little know how and a few augments, topping me with 200K is not a problem for most classes.


Most of you guys that hang here on the forum are sitting on a lot of know how, please help ppl out as you see them preforming in the WZ.


Our Community will be alot better and bigger even if you guys just help 1 person out per week.



I saw a few post ago that someone wanted to implement this on RP or PvE, and thats great.

However, I do recommend that you guys (in the pvp Community) take a look in the WZ and see who is worthy the time.

After all, there are some bad players out there that just simply will not listen, or is not willing to even take the surgestions that more experienced player give.


"adopt a noob" is a great idea that will give us all a higher pvp standard in the WZ!



And last, if anyone read this that was in my team in the WZ's I mention above. The fact that you are fighting a 4 man premade of regulators is not = to roll over and die.. Yes, the odds are not on your side if there isnt a premade in your team, but dont just roll over, make em work hard for the win, or better yet, work harder so they dont win!




Edited by Strumpan_SWE
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More ppl need to start doing this "adopt a noob".


Just a few days ago I was solo queueing WZ's on my pyro, and I was the one that hade the most dmg in my team at the end of the WZ's. Those of you that do more than your Daily WZ's know that I'm not known for my high dmg.

I bet most of the guys I had in my teams should be able to do 100K more dmg than me without any problems, and give it a little know how and a few augments, topping me with 200K is not a problem for most classes.


Pyro sucks because I can't break a million dmg at 10 FPS like I can on my Marauder. AP is better for solo queuing because you probably won't take half a mil or more in dmg every other WZ. Don't be like Dreddgun and run AP with the Eliminator's set bonus though. Combat Tech es #1.

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I keep finding myself saying, in sub 30 matches, "Ok, show of hands, who here has never been here and needs to know how to play this map?" Typically after someone has run the huttball the wrong direction, has planted themselves (snipers) even though they have the huttball and don't pass it, leave a node, over-correct when they see that a node is under attack, or don't bother to call out that there is incoming to a node.


I think there are enough of us willing to help the poor unfortunate souls, if they will just accept the help.

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There are two level 55 sorcerers on the server who just...I don't even know how they hit 55. One is something like Anlini or something to that effect, who actually has a strength mainhand and a strength implant, with tank bracers. The other name starts with an O, he's got 33k HP because he uses a fortitude stim and has full Partisan Survivor set...and even the Conqueror Survivor gloves. One would think that when the set bonus is for moves you don't even have as a sorcerer you'd get the picture.


People like these don't need help. They need to be sterilized so they can't pass on the stupid.

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