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2.0 PVE DPS Competition v2


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y u so good Calur?!

Vigilance DPS is probably more proc based than any other spec. If you don't get at least 16 Master Strikes and 14 Dispatches in a 5 min parse you might as well reset the parse. The critical percentage for Dispatch and Overhead Slash also have a decent impact on dps which is why I was trying out some more crit on my gear.

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Prostyle <Evil Intentions>


Hybrid (8/22/16)


2898 dps



PTs can easily break in to the 2900 bracket this parse was done with only 1 72 adept enhancement the rest are power min/maxed 69s. i also am missing 1 UW implant i have the basic comm crafted one.

I'm not sure what to tell you but looking at that parse does tell me that your moves were, in general, hitting just as hard or harder than the same moves in Olos' parse. Either the current PTs on the dps chart were also in 69s or you have more average bonus damage than they do.

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Character name: Muldoon <Crimson Sky>

class: Guardian

Spec: vigilance

parse link: http://www.torparse.com/a/428584

You might try activating your adrenal and relic during your jump rather than before you start the fight. That will optimize the amount of the boost you get and Saber Throw / Force Leap don't really benefit as much from those. Nice parse though.

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I'm not sure what to tell you but looking at that parse does tell me that your moves were, in general, hitting just as hard or harder than the same moves in Olos' parse. Either the current PTs on the dps chart were also in 69s or you have more average bonus damage than they do.


i believe Olos runs the 2/22/22 hybrid while i run the 8/22/16. Either one is viable from what i've seen. Olos i believe has better gear than me. If he prioritized flame thrower over his other abilities i think he could run a really good parse.

Edited by Classicguru
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i believe Olos runs the 2/22/22 hybrid while i run the 8/22/16. Either one is viable from what i've seen. Olos i believe has better gear than me. If he prioritized flame thrower over his other abilities i think he could run a really good parse.


Yeah, there's not really much difference between the two. I like the 2/22/22 for extra aoe when it happens to be needed. 2/22/22 will get a bit better crits (and allows for a bit more crit on gear which I have currently), and 8/22/16 will have a bit better non-crit damage due to rail shot damage talent and burning damage talent.


And yeah, I still tend to play the spec like a pyro PT with flamethrower added in, rather than prioritizing the FT. Haven't done any serious parsing in a few weeks now though, and now have basically full 72, so might be able to get close to 3k if I put some time into doing a few.

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Bluebérry - Gunslinger - Hybrid - 5/18/23 - 3159.66

Log Link - http://www.torparse.com/a/434258/time/1379995315/1379995615/0/Damage+Dealt


I really like this spec, but im stil learning it and experimenting with how much crit I need. Supposedly you can run this with 0 crit like SS, but I haven't had great success with 0 crit.


You sure make them all look easy though! :)

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Update for Mace in Watchman. I think I will start aiming for taking the top spot for overall Sentinels with it (before my sub runs out or if I decide to keep playing). If only I could get some good RNG for a parse...




Watchman 36/8/2

3071.07 (The first four minutes weren't very good, but the last minute really carried that parse :eek:)

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