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Plz make tankasins not suck


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Compared to the other tanks they are a joke yet you give a dps class named assassin a tank spec that is half arsed and continually avoid buffing their crap tank tree that is only decent for pvp or give them any survivability in dps spec that isnt even anything other than the worst dps out of any class


Theres nothing better than being an assassin that slowly tanks someone to death

Edited by mmjarec
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Its not a matter of l2p its a matter of the fact anything a sin can do other classes can do it better thus theres really nothing unique about them or reason to play them.

Dps. Nope

Stealth. Nope

Tanking. Nope


So really why are they even there they have 0 usefulness

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Guess the assissin tank must be not the mirrow class of the shadow tank, because even after all the nerfs my class had over the time, I still don't think it is bad... sure would BioWare buff my class I wouldn't complain, but I am fine that we are not the favour of the month class and that I have actually to know how to play and not just faceroll everyone.
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As a healer ive never had a problem healing a assassin tank or any tank class, i have had problems healing ppl who cant play there class right though


I never said it was a problem tanking i can tank fine too it is just not as good as other tanks they are more spikey and have fewer tank role beneficial things to do. Why tank with a sin when a jug can do the same easier and with less hp lost. It matters in harder encounters like ops i think that their trees should be on par with other classes trees of the same thing. A light armor dps that is worse dps than a medium armor dps makes no sense just cuz you see a big maul spike doesnt mean good dps. Their survivability is crap in dps spec and in tank spec their dps is crap and tanking is subpar so what is the benefit of a sin more squish less dmg. Sign me up

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why should i heal on my sorc when i can heal better on my operative? why should i dps on my merc when i can dps better on my maruader?


i enjoy all roles for what they can do an i play all roles for what they can give, i'll say it more clearly, our guild MT is a assassin and i have never ever had a problem healing it ever, because the person in control knows how to play the character.


I've tried to heal assassins where the person in control just cant play the character an that is when problems begin, but again the same can be said for any tank, the problem is probably more likely the assassin is not as forgivable to the person in control or to the healers when not played right

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I'll bite.






We are raiding with 2 shadows NiM and thats absolutely perfect.

Kiting with speed, vanish at the right time, and other things you can avoid some essential mechanics. Thats what the shadow makes better then every other tankclass.

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why should i heal on my sorc when i can heal better on my operative? why should i dps on my merc when i can dps better on my maruader?


i enjoy all roles for what they can do an i play all roles for what they can give, i'll say it more clearly, our guild MT is a assassin and i have never ever had a problem healing it ever, because the person in control knows how to play the character.


I've tried to heal assassins where the person in control just cant play the character an that is when problems begin, but again the same can be said for any tank, the problem is probably more likely the assassin is not as forgivable to the person in control or to the healers when not played right

Because the classes you listed can do at least one thing better than the others. A sin can do nothing better than ANY class

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Because the classes you listed can do at least one thing better than the others. A sin can do nothing better than ANY class


Really? Tell that to all the Deception Assassins hiting 8k crits on their Mauls in PvP. And the notion that a Sin can do nothing better is ludicrous because the class itself can be played to perfection in the right hands. The only issue is the spikiness but even that can taken care of with a good healer as well as the person playing the Sin.

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Really? Tell that to all the Deception Assassins hiting 8k crits on their Mauls in PvP. And the notion that a Sin can do nothing better is ludicrous because the class itself can be played to perfection in the right hands. The only issue is the spikiness but even that can taken care of with a good healer as well as the person playing the Sin.


Try to not use selective readingbecause i already stated one random maul crit is nothing because its random burst that by nature is unsustainable and also due to lack of defense after your 8k maul is healed thru you will be swiftly destroyed. Its not about omg one 8k crit its about lack of reliable defense despite tactical mastery. My marauder does 10k ravages and masscres regularly and massacre can be spammed and guess what they have more armor.


Do you realize maul is a positional attack that cannot be spammed and even if u try you get maybee two or three before your force is gone Maul is the least eficient dps a sin has.

One big number means nothing. Obviously youve never seen a sniper

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Try to not use selective readingbecause i already stated one random maul crit is nothing because its random burst that by nature is unsustainable and also due to lack of defense after your 8k maul is healed thru you will be swiftly destroyed. Its not about omg one 8k crit its about lack of reliable defense despite tactical mastery. My marauder does 10k ravages and masscres regularly and massacre can be spammed and guess what they have more armor.


Do you realize maul is a positional attack that cannot be spammed and even if u try you get maybee two or three before your force is gone Maul is the least eficient dps a sin has.

One big number means nothing. Obviously youve never seen a sniper


How about the fact that assassin/shadow tanks have the 2 best defensive cd's on the shortest timer of the tanking classes?

How about the fact that assassin/shadow tanks have almost constant self-healing? While they're not pulling the same self-healing they were back in pre-1.2 days, they still have it and it definitely helps.

How about the fact that assassin/shadow tanks have force speed to kite bosses/adds?



I agree with a couple of your points about assassin/shadow tanks, but tank specs in this game are really the most closely balanced specs. Assassin/Shadow's do not have the armor mitigation that the other classes do, but they more than make up for it in the other aspects.



Forgot to mention that they are a TANK WITH STEALTH...

Edited by JoeeyyMagzz
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How about the fact that assassin/shadow tanks have the 2 best defensive cd's on the shortest timer of the tanking classes?

How about the fact that assassin/shadow tanks have almost constant self-healing? While they're not pulling the same self-healing they were back in pre-1.2 days, they still have it and it definitely helps.

How about the fact that assassin/shadow tanks have force speed to kite bosses/adds?



I agree with a couple of your points about assassin/shadow tanks, but tank specs in this game are really the most closely balanced specs. Assassin/Shadow's do not have the armor mitigation that the other classes do, but they more than make up for it in the other aspects.


5% dmg debuff is nothing and a few cooldowns id gladly give up for the mitigation/absorb of heavy armor

4 seconds of force immunity is one maybee two attacks at once and the self healing can be interrupted and wont heal thru even one mob beating you yet i see juggs tank and hardly lose any life. If i wanted to dps id be dps spec a tank with better than average tank dps is still crap dps id give up the dps for more defense since IT IS A TANK


Yeah saber ward is great if you wait 2 min on every pull. Dark ward is a annoying spam fest mechanic. Selective mitigation is never as good as always just having it. Forward facing maul should be in dps tree and find another way to make a TANK useful than by giving him dps talents he doesnt need


Rework mechanics that arent based on dps ability procs in a TANK tree

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How about the fact that assassin/shadow tanks have the 2 best defensive cd's on the shortest timer of the tanking classes?

How about the fact that assassin/shadow tanks have almost constant self-healing? While they're not pulling the same self-healing they were back in pre-1.2 days, they still have it and it definitely helps.

How about the fact that assassin/shadow tanks have force speed to kite bosses/adds?



I agree with a couple of your points about assassin/shadow tanks, but tank specs in this game are really the most closely balanced specs. Assassin/Shadow's do not have the armor mitigation that the other classes do, but they more than make up for it in the other aspects.



Forgot to mention that they are a TANK WITH STEALTH...

2 best cds? Force shroud is good but saber reflect is better in most cases. Not sure which one you mean? Deflection? So its better than saber ward because it has 30 sec short cd?

The selfhealing is part of the migation for the assasin, without it their migation is much worse. Stop talking about it like it's something that is over the normal migation. Also knocbacks can screw it up quiet often.

Wither and force speed is nice but not super special. Sometimes force charge/interceed is better, sometimes forcespeed

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Guess the assissin tank must be not the mirrow class of the shadow tank, because even after all the nerfs my class had over the time, I still don't think it is bad... sure would BioWare buff my class I wouldn't complain, but I am fine that we are not the favour of the month class and that I have actually to know how to play and not just faceroll everyone.


Someone hasn't played NiM TFB... One of our tanks had to reroll a guardian before we could down the 1st boss, but we are stuck on the dread guards now.

Edited by Toweleeeie
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Someone hasn't played NiM TFB... One of our tanks had to reroll a guardian before we could down the 1st boss, but we are stuck on the dread guards now.


Finally some validation. But im sure mouthbreathers will still say l2p even though its obvious sin tank is broken. Does bioware even know they made a class that cant even function with their own content. A tank that cant tank. Brilliant bioware

Edited by mmjarec
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Finally some validation. But im sure mouthbreathers will still say l2p even though its obvious sin tank is broken. Does bioware even know they made a class that cant even function with their own content. A tank that cant tank. Brilliant bioware


This is the last time i'm saying this. The class is NOT broken for goodness sake. If you bothered to read some of the replies you would have seen a poster who said they run NIM mode with 2 shadows and they SUCCEED so please quit saying that the class is broken or that you can't tank with a SIn because in the hands of a good player than can be used just fine.

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I never said it was a problem tanking i can tank fine too it is just not as good as other tanks they are more spikey and have fewer tank role beneficial things to do. Why tank with a sin when a jug can do the same easier and with less hp lost. It matters in harder encounters like ops i think that their trees should be on par with other classes trees of the same thing. A light armor dps that is worse dps than a medium armor dps makes no sense just cuz you see a big maul spike doesnt mean good dps. Their survivability is crap in dps spec and in tank spec their dps is crap and tanking is subpar so what is the benefit of a sin more squish less dmg. Sign me up


So your saying a light armor DPS should dps as well as a medium dps. Ok I'llgive you that. But a light armor tank should not tank as well as a HEAVY armor tank. And should not have as little HP lose. The heavy armor either counts for something or just remove armor all together.

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This is the last time i'm saying this. The class is NOT broken for goodness sake. If you bothered to read some of the replies you would have seen a poster who said they run NIM mode with 2 shadows and they SUCCEED so please quit saying that the class is broken or that you can't tank with a SIn because in the hands of a good player than can be used just fine.


You can say whatever you like: there are multiple multi-page threads dedicated to aspects of this in the Sin section of the forums with guild players who run both Jugg and Sin tanks, myself included. My less geared Jugg does not experience the same health spikes in 55HM that my full 69+, augged Sin does. Dropped out of nowhere then took a 20K+ crit from the decepticon in S&V. Sins are either invincible or made out of paper and even very competent heals are taxed at times keeping us up. Force shroud one, does not work everywhere, and two has a long cooldown for a reason even when it does work. Despite managing buffs, relics, and abilities a Sin tank is noticeably more prone to health drops out of nowhere than a Jugg.


I love my Sin in most aspects and how easy he is to hold aggro with, but Juggs are far more advantageous for most situations. Aside from kiting parties like Off-tanking on Xeno my Jugg is far less work to keep up for both myself and the healer(s) all day, everyday.

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You can say whatever you like: there are multiple multi-page threads dedicated to aspects of this in the Sin section of the forums with guild players who run both Jugg and Sin tanks, myself included. My less geared Jugg does not experience the same health spikes in 55HM that my full 69+, augged Sin does. Dropped out of nowhere then took a 20K+ crit from the decepticon in S&V. Sins are either invincible or made out of paper and even very competent heals are taxed at times keeping us up. Force shroud one, does not work everywhere, and two has a long cooldown for a reason even when it does work. Despite managing buffs, relics, and abilities a Sin tank is noticeably more prone to health drops out of nowhere than a Jugg.


I love my Sin in most aspects and how easy he is to hold aggro with, but Juggs are far more advantageous for most situations. Aside from kiting parties like Off-tanking on Xeno my Jugg is far less work to keep up for both myself and the healer(s) all day, everyday.


I know that Juggs are prefered tanks has defensive cooldowns are second to none. All I was saying is that to say that the class is completely useless is absolutely untrue because as I have said they CAN be effective despite their spikeyness. But saying all that I know they have their issues and they are harder to heal it's just I don't like to be told that tanking on my Sin is useless.

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Someone hasn't played NiM TFB... One of our tanks had to reroll a guardian before we could down the 1st boss, but we are stuck on the dread guards now.

Shadows/sins are the best tanks for TWH/DG nim. They have issues, but they sure as hell aren't with those fights.

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So your saying a light armor DPS should dps as well as a medium dps. Ok I'llgive you that. But a light armor tank should not tank as well as a HEAVY armor tank. And should not have as little HP lose. The heavy armor either counts for something or just remove armor all together.


Seeing how tanking is about more than just armor you cam have higher armor and higher mitigation thats fine. Just because somehow you THINK for some reason your class should tank better than mine. Why exactly is that. I dont care how its accomplished but my tank should be JUST as viable as yours


This "my class should be a better tank cuz i have heavy armor" is bullshart. You SHOULD NOT be a bette tank but equivalent. Sin tanks should NOT have a harder time doing the same thing because that reduces their effectivity


And the other guy its funny "your friends" can tank nightmare fine has no merit. My friends this that. I am a tank i have done it. Your friend should be posting not first hand. Try it before you go talking about somethi g youve seen or heard


I HAVE tried it and they ARENT as good i dont need someones second hand i heard whatever crap. You speak from a position of ignorance unless youve done it yourself. I have a jug and a sin

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This is the last time i'm saying this. The class is NOT broken for goodness sake. If you bothered to read some of the replies you would have seen a poster who said they run NIM mode with 2 shadows and they SUCCEED so please quit saying that the class is broken or that you can't tank with a SIn because in the hands of a good player than can be used just fine.


This is incorrect. The issues with sin tanks are real and proven. It has been demonstrated to be true. I suggest that anyone who disagrees go over to a site like Elitistjerks and look at the numbers posted from their research.

Edited by Blackardin
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