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Arena Solo Queue Rating Question


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Question re: Arena rated solo queue rating:


If you solo queue, are placed with 3 baddies, and get smoked, but put up tremendous numbers in a loss, do you still take a negative rating at the end of the match?


If so, why? In other ELO games (like Halo for instance), an individual that played amazing with scrubs on their team can still increase their rating.


When you queue for team rated, I think you should live/die with the team's fate (eg, if your team loses, everyone loses ELO).


Can some one clarify? Also, feedback on whether you agree with this design for solo queue rating in the event that it is not currently setup this way.

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I was thinking this too. It'd be nice to be recognized even if the rest of the pug team wasn't all that great. But sadly your ELO goes down too.


Though if you're team is bad, you tend to go down very quickly anyway, so I can't imagine your stats being that much better against your own team's.

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if the rest of your team sucks, then they'll have a low rating. If the rest of your team's rating affects your gain, then it stands to reason that it would affect your degree of rating loss. this is, however, deductive reasoning and not from the horse's mouth.
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Maybe (I'm extremely hopeful) players will be grouped based on their rating? Meaning if your rating is solid enough, you won't get bads.


Hey Helig, based off the copy I've got here from the blog post it looks like it will attempt to place you with and against players of the same rating.


Solo and Group Ranked Arenas

Ranked Arenas will come in two flavors with Game Update 2.4, Solo and Group. Solo players can queue up for Ranked Arenas and be matched with other players of the same rating to compete in Arenas exclusively; no other Warzone maps are present in this Ranked queue. In addition to being matched by rating the match making system also determines the role of the character (DPS, Tank or Healer) and matches them with an analog of the same rank on the other team.


So, it looks like if your team is bad (low ratings) its probable that you're bad too :p. OK, so maybe not, but, if enough people are queuing (big if there) you should be with and against players of similar skill. Also, it will probably take time for it to really start splitting up the more and less skilled players when everyone's rating is reset, so I'd give it a chance while things level out.

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Got it, and thanks for the replies.


I can see a healer really being screwed here. If a healer's DPS is bad, and nobody dies & is ripping off 1900+ HPS in a solo queue and taking losses, that's gotta be pretty frustrating to keep losing ELO, too.


I think would be nice if they visited this. The reality of this design is that it requires a high volume of players to be queuing. The likely reality is that you may wait in the queue for some time while trying to match at your level, the. Either be the roflstomper or the roflstompee.


A change to the rating rewards system in this way will encourage more to queue frequently, but also keep it protected from the volume-based matchmaking design as it stands today.

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Unless they are really doing something screwy, you should gravitate towards your correct ranking over the long run. However, the better the matchmaking, the faster that should occur.


Thus far, I really like the access to unscheduled ranked that the solo queues provide. They have been fun so far as well.


As well, you can't argue someone with a high solo rank is being carried either.

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Solo queue arenas are doomed to fail and will be the source of endless qq

Arenas are a team based thing you form your group of players you know and respect

You work together towards the same goal through practice and playing together

These arent present in a pug and I think the whole idea Is absurd if you want to arena make a group

They should be the playground of premades not random pugs mashed together

The only way I can see solo arena work is through 1v1 or maybe even 2v2


Just think you get your pug arena group and 1 player quits its game over for your team

In a preformed group this rarely happens outside of disconnects because you know the players


I hope it works out in the end because arenas are fun but still essentially for group play only

Edited by Ren_simp
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