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The SWGDF "Kyrimorut": New (and old) Posters check-in here


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Welcome, one and all, to the Star Wars General Discussion Forum's own bastion of sanity. (excuse the mess, still under construction.)


For those uninitiated, "Kyrimorut" was a compound on Mandalore for Kal Skirata's band of misfits after the Clone Wars. I figured the name fit pretty well :D


This week's Featured Thread:


In lieu of all the zombie threads, misplaced suggestions, and occasional trolls I though it'd be a good idea to build a thread with the express purpose of organizing things in our precious and (till recently) rather quite corner of the forums. On top of this, it also allows for newcomers to check in and have everything at their fingertips.



Current Events: A list of the active threads for the various series.

Kaggath: Here (Finished)

Battlezone: ---coming soon---

Fleet Conquest: Here (preping)

Blackwing Virus: Here

The REAL Most Powerful: ---coming soon--- (ask beni what's next)



The Sacred Forum Rules:

-----No trolling/flaming-----

-----Use cannon sources to support your argument.-----

-----Do not Necro threads, they died for a reason-----



Thread specific rules:

So ground rules, try to keep chat about other threads to a minimum. I know we all want Beni to post another Kaggath or Aurbere's Battlezone ect... but lets discuss that in the relevant thread. That's not to say don't chat about things, just keep it on some kind of track.


Secondly, feel free to use questions generated here to make a thread exclusively about that topic and clear space here for other things. (so don't argue deep lore issues here, take'em somewhere else, I know how ya'll get) :rolleyes:


On that topic, feel free to advertise your thread or discuss the creation of a new series ect... here but be courteous and don't spam it.


Next order of business: no spam, no trolling, no flaming, and no name calling.



Color Brigade


A collection of the forum regulars who decided it'd be cool to change the color of our text. This makes it easier to know who is talking in a debate, who is being quoted, and is just pretty awesome looking anyway so I made up the other two reasons to justify it.


The color brigade includes such illustrious members as Beni, Rayla, Aurbere, Sel, Myself (Star), and soon to be joining the ranks, Warren. I believe Canino has also experimented with colors but has yet to be consistent.


We're pretty active and would be glad to help anyone with anything they have questions on or what not. If you post regularly and want to join the trend be our guest and apply within this thread :D



Newbie Corner

We're happy you decided to join us :D


List of threads to intro you to our SWGD family.

Example of the first Kaggath Tournament

Some good reading material (A must read)

Rayla's current WotDT spin-off

Aurbere's Battlezone (much like the old Kaggath.)

The legendary WotDT thread

Oh, and Beni is also heading up the forum's own The REAL Most Powerful Project


If Lore is your game and you love to learn and debate about your favorite characters then this is the place for you. Should you merely wish to ask or share something Star Wars related in or out of universe feel free to post a thread as well.


I do respectfully ask, should you join us, please adhere the two sacred rules. No name calling/Flaming/Trolling and dealing in the established cannon (though we do form opinions based on cannon so feel free to do that.)


Now, all that said... I understand some info overload is in order. Take your time and get back to us with any questions, comments, or concerns. PM me personally if you'd like I'll try to get back to you as quickly as possible.


Sincerely, Star, Aurbere, Beni, Rayla, Tune, Sel, Warren, Canino, Talon, Marcelo, and Wolf (really sorry if I missed anyone)



Other Business

So, all that said. We have a lot of great threads going on at any given time so check them out. If anyone wants to use this as a bit of a chat thread or to throw out ideas and build support for thread ideas be my guest.


If you'd like to nominate a thread for the weekly featured thread please PM me or submit your choice with a small synopsis and your reason on this thread.


In the Library of Threads there will be bios on some of the posters who make up our regulars. This is to help newer folk get to know them and feel more comfortable. It also helps to know who is good at what, and I hope to include areas of expertise within each bio.


See next post for the Kyrimorut Library of Threads

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Kyrimorut's Library of Threads


Ok, probably my more ambitious project here. I will essentially be building a library that catalogs the best and/or most memorable/helpful/enjoyable/critical/repeated threads on this forum. It is a work in progress, so expect more content as often as I can sit down and do this at 2-3am...


If you're the OP and want to submit a personalized synopsis of your thread or change the link in the case of a series, please PM me.


Active- a thread currently being posted to with an existing debate

Passive- Indexes, lists, and chats that just kinda happen when they happen with posts being infrequent but meaningful.

Completed- A dead thread where the discussion has died down or the purpose of the thread has been completed.


We'll start with my Big Five threads.


Aurbere's Historian's Index Passive

An Index of threads that provide useful information on various topics relating to Star Wars. I'd suggest reading through any of the threads that stick out to you and who knows, you might (and probably will) learn something new.


Beni's Kaggath Active

Where stone cold debaters duke it out for glory and power in a bloody deathmatch that pits armies, factions, leaders and the like against one another in an epic showdown for galactic domination. Well, actually we get a circle and argue about who'd beat who and what, how and why. The teams may be player chosen but actions are based off characters that lead them and the abilities of the forces chosen. Then we see who came out on top of the bloody pile of corpses at Beni's feet (some of whom where likely sacrifices to appease his innate hunger for our souls) and he decides (based on our arguments) who'd come out winning.


Aurbere's Battlezone Active

Two beings, one arena, all their power, pit against one another in an epic duel to see who truly is the greatest. Always 1v1, always fun, more intimate than the Kaggath and another great thread to debate who you think is better.


Rayla's Galactic Domination Preparation

While really it is just for now the Fleet Conquest thread, it is shaping up to be so much more. Players individually control their own major forces to lead through the galaxy to conquer. Eventually they will turn on each other, and only one will rule.


Beni's REAL Most Powerful Project Active

Compiling an epic list of the greatest SW characters in various categories. Not for the faint of heart, here debaters can argue over and/or discover the top tens of the SW universe.



War of the Dream Team Completed

Not something I greatly encourage reading through but this, the Kaggath, and Aurbere's Index are some of the focal points of this forum's development. Here, we planned to create an elaborate fight with dozens of factors for each of us to consider using our favorite units, leaders, planets, ect... Sadly, it fell into disrepair and fell apart. However it bred the current Kaggath format as well as Rayla's Fleet Conquest thread. Many of us also made our first major forays into the SWGDF's community during this thread.


G0-T0 vs Traya Kaggath Finals Completed

The finals of the very first full Kaggath Tournament. G0-T0 and Traya had beaten out competitors like Tyber Zann, General Grievous, Kun, Revan, and Xizor showing that cunning and stealth could help the underdog destroy their opponent. And boy, was it a match for the ages.


The First Kaggath Completed

The very first Kaggath was an epic duel between General Grievous and Darth Malgus. Here we witness history where a VS. thread was finally made into a cohesive and well matched system that had rules and solid debate. This was merely the opening play in the very first tournament of a series that would be a staple in our current Forum community. First posted on 11/17/12.


More to come...

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I am actually interested in seeing what suggestions people have, I tried to do a form identification thread where you tried to figure out what lightsaber form a character from out side of star wars would use based off their movements, but the only person who seemed at all interested was beni..... it might have been because the characters I chose were a bit obscure but I to would like to see what people come up with for thread ideas. :)
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Didn't see this mentioned, but add a 'no necro' rule.


Done! Anything else? :cool:


Also, I'll add something about the color brigade. If you have a color and aren't listed feel free to mention it to me.


Also, I was thinking of putting Bios about the regulars up under the color brigade section. If you'd like to have a bio put up about yourself (what you're specialties are in SW lore, what you're a fan of, what kind of pizza you like ect...) for each other to peruse and for newbies to get to know us. If you'd like one PM me, otherwise I'll just forget the idea.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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Done! Anything else? :cool:


Also, I'll add something about the color brigade. If you have a color and aren't listed feel free to mention it to me.


Also, I was thinking of putting Bios about the regulars up under the color brigade section. If you'd like to have a bio put up about yourself (what you're specialties are in SW lore, what you're a fan of, what kind of pizza you like ect...) for each other to peruse and for newbies to get to know us. If you'd like one PM me, otherwise I'll just forget the idea.


Woop I made the Colour Brigade :D

I haz to write home to mummy! I'd love to put a Mini-Bio, sounds cool!


This is a great Idea Star, well done!

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Shameless bump


Feel free to chat in this thread btw, see who is on and discuss threads, ideas about threads, and simple lore questions that can be resolved in a page or two. Only if it builds to something like more than 3 pages should you move it.


Any ideas about how to make this a more helpful or useful thread are appreciated. Also, PM me your bios if you'd like one and I'll copy+paste. If you have PMed me I haven't gotten anything yet so tell me in this thread so I know my PM system is screwed up. (I know we've had trouble with that recently)

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I think we should be careful... this thread could be seen as elitist or exclusive by other people on these forums, which would alienate and/or anger them. Which I know is the opposite of the point of this thread. I think it's really constructive, the threads and series outlined are really awesome, I agree.


However, I think it should be a little more open. I mean, asking for bios of the "Color Brigade" might be a bit much. That is, if other people can't put up their own bios on the page. All of the threads are also from people part of the "Color Brigade." I understand that we (the 'regulars') have formed a sort of companionship with each other, but it's equally important to support people we're not so familiar with, or don't feel as personally connected to.


I'm not saying that this thread is being too exclusive, I actually think the purpose is really nice and considerate. I'm just concerned about it becoming the "Color Brigade" HQ thread, rather than the place where anyone on the General Discussion Forums can join in and promote their threads or ideas.


TL;DR: I don't think making a big deal about the "Color Brigade" in this thread is a good idea. It would be better to keep it inclusive and move the "Color Brigade" information to another thread, or be left out all together.


We're pretty much the face of the Forums as we're obviously the most recognizable.

^ Probably not constructive

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I think we should be careful... this thread could be seen as elitist or exclusive by other people on these forums, which would alienate and/or anger them. Which I know is the opposite of the point of this thread. I think it's really constructive, the threads and series outlined are really awesome, I agree.


However, I think it should be a little more open. I mean, asking for bios of the "Color Brigade" might be a bit much. That is, if other people can't put up their own bios on the page. All of the threads are also from people part of the "Color Brigade." I understand that we (the 'regulars') have formed a sort of companionship with each other, but it's equally important to support people we're not so familiar with, or don't feel as personally connected to.


I'm not saying that this thread is being too exclusive, I actually think the purpose is really nice and considerate. I'm just concerned about it becoming the "Color Brigade" HQ thread, rather than the place where anyone on the General Discussion Forums can join in and promote their threads or ideas.


TL;DR: I don't think making a big deal about the "Color Brigade" in this thread is a good idea. It would be better to keep it inclusive and move the "Color Brigade" information to another thread, or be left out all together.


Very good points and honestly not something I'd though much about.


So for Bios (any that I get), I'll instead place them under major threads hosted by said individual more so to state credentials and also, bios are open to anyone not just the color brigade folk so I'll reword that. I'll reduce the size of the color brigade section and limit the wording to suggest more of the fun little club amongst forum users that it is.


I'll be making the changes over the next day or so when I have time. Any further suggestions are helpful.

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Official Bio Form

*denotes optional sections


So, anyone can submit a Bio should they like to. It is a way for everyone else to get to know you. Don't feel bad if your qualifications in the expertise section aren't super impressive, just be honest and someone can always offer some good material to help you improve. Also know that we all use Wookieepedia too so not like someone's expertise makes anyone god-like it just means they have a lot of free time to spend reading.


I filled this one out as an example, feel free to add or remove categories. I may condense for space so know that you might not get everything in I'll try to keep the important stuff.


it'll all also probably go into a spoiler.


Display/Account/Preferred Name- Starsquirrel. Star works, Squirrel as well. I don't really have much of a preference.

*Age- N/A

*Gender- male

*Timezone- EST


Area of Expertise in Star Wars Lore- Fairly knowledgeable in Rebellion and PT eras, Expert New Republic, NJO, and Legacy eras (less so the comics), Useless in Bane era and much of the OR era before Revan and after SWTOR. Fairly knowledgeable in KotOR and SWTOR eras. I'm also an Expert/Fan of Mandalorian culture, military, and individuals. The Solo family and the Hapes Cluster are also in my area of expertise.


Favorite SW quote- see my sig

Favorite SW movie- VI

Favorite Pizza Topping- Green Peppers

*Any other details or what ever you want to say to someone reading your bio- I love Star Wars, my dad got me into reading the novels and I'd pick up whatever one he'd finished. Soon I had inherited his entire collection and built my own adding a few source books, a massive number of my own novels, and graphic novels (comics) into the mix. I'm also an avid Mandalorian Fan.

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I have a small suggestion


You could make something like a timetable for upcoming BattleZones, WotDT, Kaggaths, The Real most... etc. Sure sometimes it is hard to say when the next one of these is going to happen, but you could also list the events that are active at that time. So kinda like an overview for any of these threads.

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I have a small suggestion


You could make something like a timetable for upcoming BattleZones, WotDT, Kaggaths, The Real most... etc. Sure sometimes it is hard to say when the next one of these is going to happen, but you could also list the events that are active at that time. So kinda like an overview for any of these threads.

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I have a small suggestion


You could make something like a timetable for upcoming BattleZones, WotDT, Kaggaths, The Real most... etc. Sure sometimes it is hard to say when the next one of these is going to happen, but you could also list the events that are active at that time. So kinda like an overview for any of these threads.


Cool idea, I'll add a section for active threads. That'll have to come later as I have sleep and work ahead of me atm. I did however make a temporary solution by labeling the threads in the Library as either Active, Passive, or Completed.


Added the Current Events section. Will include links later.


Also, if anyone has a suggestion for specific threads to put in the library please mention them. Currently they are in no specific order and I don't intend on organizing them much in the near future.

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