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Derelict Light Saber Cosmetic


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Was curious as to if there would be a fix on the saber hilts at some point? They are way to over sized to fit in the characters hands and when they sit on your waist they are almost as long as your arm. I like the initial customization and style of the saber just would like to see them down graded in size or proportioned like the other sabers in game are.
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Was curious as to if there would be a fix on the saber hilts at some point? They are way to over sized to fit in the characters hands and when they sit on your waist they are almost as long as your arm. I like the initial customization and style of the saber just would like to see them down graded in size or proportioned like the other sabers in game are.


They won't be able to do that, because now that they are in, certain players will for sure complain if they are downsized. This is the habit of MMO players, especially from people who post these boards. There will always be SOMEBODY who will rise up and say, "I LIKE THEM JUST LIKE THEY ARE, WORKING AS INTENDED!!!"


Best you can hope for now, is another version of the same sabers but a downsized version of them.

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