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Please tell me that the "Chicken" emote is Gob Bluth's chicken taunt.


LOL! I think if the whole Bluth family did there chicken taunt at the same time it might actually sound like a group of chickens.


Here's hoping for season 5 on Netflix.

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I love the nickel and diming references that are constantly made. It just makes you seem like you don't understand the business model.


What you should be saying is that they are creating a completely optional way of maximizing their revenue so you can continue to enjoy the game you care about so much. Everything is even available to you without spending money via the GTN because they already took into account your aversion to the system. You still like to complain however and this post will make you feel good about yourself by shaming the man and their business practices. Go you. :rolleyes:

I know the F2P Model better than you would think.

I also know that we can get the stuff off the GTN. But getting the stuff off the GTN is beside the point as it first needs to be purchased through the CM first by someone.

And sure they are making a lot of money allowing them to continue to pay their employees and keep the game alive. That is a given. In fact they are making a lot more off the F2P game model then they would if it just stayed Subscription. That is what happens when they Nickel-And-Dime us for the content. They break it all up so we can just purchase what we want when we want. In doing so the price for each individual item is also increased over the value it would have been if all combined in say an expansion. Hence a full suit of armor for around the same price as what we subscribers payed for our first expansion or Treek costing around what that Expansion would cost for F2P players. So in a sense if we were to purchase all the Content off the CM the value of the game would be a lot more than if it was just Subscriptions and Expansions.


Now BioWare and EA's profit does somewhat balance down a little as there are a lot of players that only buy the CM Content off the GTN. But someone needed to get it off the CM in the first place in order to put it on the GTN. So Bioware and EA still make their increased profit for the game. A lot more than they would if it was just Subscription based.


All of this is the reason why BioWare and EA selected to use this F2P Game model and the reason why it is here to stay until the game eventually dies in the far distant future.


The F2P Model is also good for some players and bad for others. Those that do not want all the content can get what they want and even not use real money by going for the GTN Stuff. Yet those that do end up getting a lot off the CM could end up paying more for the game than they normally should. It all depends on what the player chooses to do. I feel sorry for the ones that end up purchasing to much off the CM. They need to learn to be thrifty or just pass things up. But for those that are conscience of spending they can do a lot better and pay a lot less for the game. Again it all depends on what the player chooses to do.


All of this still does not take away from the fact that BioWare and EA are Nickel-And-Diming us. Do I have to agree with what they are doing? No. Personally I do not like the F2P Model. But for a company it is a great way to make a lot more money. So I do think it was a logicaly choice for BioWareand EA. :p

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...it also doesn't get away from the assumption that more content has been released in just the last four months than the prior 14 months combined (speculative naturally).


The CM pays for new content. Content that I suspect casuals want. Hence the reason why it is doing so well.


There is nothing wrong with lamenting the loss of the the focus on traditional hardcore content. There is something wrong, however, with demanding a return to the failed model that almost sank the title in less than a year.


Like it or not this is likely the future. I think it's a good future.

Edited by LordArtemis
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If any of the emotes are as common as boo hoos, they will be practically given away. i know some girl last on Begeren Colony gave away 8 boo hoos for free.



*Nickious mocks everyone for being big babies.

Edited by Nickious
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All of this still does not take away from the fact that BioWare and EA are Nickel-And-Diming us. Do I have to agree with what they are doing? No. Personally I do not like the F2P Model. But for a company it is a great way to make a lot more money. So I do think it was a logicaly choice for BioWareand EA. :p


1) it's not a F2P model. That term is just marketing spin which haters also like to use as well. The game operates on a freemium business model.. which is basically a flexible access model. Each player if free to decide how they wish to access content... for which they will pay either a sub, or carterl coins, or for some players.. both. That Is the only thing really free here. Freedom to choose how you access the game beyond the core 1-50_with_restrictions.


2) The flexible access model is not just good for companies.. it is good for players as well. It gives players access options other then subscriber only, while enabling traditionalists to continue using the subscription model if they like. It's about giving players more degrees of freedom.. which in general is being driven by consumer desires beyond just MMO players.


INB4 you whine that the model devalues the subscribers. It does not. It also gives subscribers more degrees of freedom in how they access ALL content in the game. Subscribers are given CC allotments, and everyone can purchase just about everything from the CM directly from other players via the GTN.... so no subscriber is penalized or denied access to anything.. and DOES NOT need to buy CCs either. There is no incremental cost to subscribers under the flexible access business model.. sorry.. but that do won't hunt.


TL;DR you the player cannot be nickeled and dimed in this MMO. You must choose to piss your nickels and dimes away.. .. but nobody and nothing forces you to do so.

Edited by Andryah
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Please tell me that the "Chicken" emote is Gob Bluth's chicken taunt.


CONFIRMED my friend!


GOB Bluth's chicken dance. It might be that the male version does GOB and the female does Lindsay's. But a big nod to Arrested Development here.

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CONFIRMED my friend!


GOB Bluth's chicken dance. It might be that the male version does GOB and the female does Lindsay's. But a big nod to Arrested Development here.


Yup, I have a video of the male version of the chicken dance at 0:22

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