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Help! Mercenary or Sniper?


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Okay so I need help deciding between playing a Sniper or a Mercenary. I have one character of each currently at level 13. I LOVE playing both of them, and am having a hard time deciding which one to focus on.


Yes, I realize I can level both, and likely will eventually, but for now my wife is playing a Sith Sorceror and is level 16 and pulling away. We want to level together and she's getting sick of waiting for me. I need to pick one now to concentrate primarily on.


For leveling and general PvE either seems find although I seem to kill things faster as the BH, at least groups. The reason I am posting on the PvP forum is because I'd like to get into PvPing so would like input as to which is better or at least the main differences in PvP as you progress into higher levels.


For some background, I really enjoyed playing a hunter in WoW and a Marksman in Rift. I freely admit I am just average at PvP, but I enjoy it a lot.


Any and all feedback appreciated! :D

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If you want to sit back and relax and let the enemy come to you while you do a lot of damage but not as good mobility, sniper.


if you want to bring the pain and take objectives because of stealth, Operative


I personally chose Operative.

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