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No more ranked 8v8 WZ's in 2.4?!?


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i think a merc will almost be essential for electro net , so Im thinking an ideal group would be op/merc/tank/marauder

I dont have a jugg tank so idk first hand how they play but both PT and assassin tanks have their advantages.


Jugg tanks have much more control then the others, they will be almost a must have in arena. Merc will be viable, but not optimal. A sniper or another warrior would be better in that dps spot. And of course op healer is far and away the best healer.

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i think a merc will almost be essential for electro net , so Im thinking an ideal group would be op/merc/tank/marauder

I dont have a jugg tank so idk first hand how they play but both PT and assassin tanks have their advantages.


I don't think a PT/VG tank brings anything to arenas, but the only map I've seen in action is tattooine. on that map, the harpoon is almost completely useless while the push is extremely valuable, punt less so but better than pull. using a merc dps for net & kolto looks very promising.

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its pretty much comes down to who kills the other teams healer first from the streams/vids ive watched, another meta game may develop as arenas mature, (kind of how AHG strats really change in ranked) but in its current format a well placed pull/net/burst should drop most healers, providing you can keep them away from their guard Edited by dego-harmonium
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