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The Greatest Military Tactician - THE LIST


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Top Posters In This Topic

Gilad Palleon

Nuso Esva (because reasons)

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Plo Koon

Mace Windu

Darth Vader

Darth Sidious

General Maximillian Veers

General Carlist Rieekan

General Grievous

Admiral Trench

Wedge Antilles



Added Yoda to this list.

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Are you nominating all of those for Number 3? That's what I'm after.


Not all of them. A few suggestions for number three would be: Yoda, Darth Vader, Nuso Esva (because reasons), Wedge Antilles (better spot for #2), and Nek Bwa'tu.

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Nuso Esva (because reasons)

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Plo Koon

Mace Windu

Darth Vader

Darth Sidious



General Grievous

Admiral Trench




Added Yoda to this list.


And here I thought it was a serious debate/constructive effort, and then you come up with THIS.... Either you are seriously mistaken regarding the difference between tacticians and strategists... Or you have a love of force users... BTW... how did Ackbar end up as nr. 2... that useless fool nearly killed off the entire rebel fleet with his flawed tactics against the imperial fleet at Endor (remember... he noticed that the star destroyers stayed out of the fight, but yet continued to press on, not realizing that it was a trap...)...

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And here I thought it was a serious debate/constructive effort, and then you come up with THIS.... Either you are seriously mistaken regarding the difference between tacticians and strategists... Or you have a love of force users...


Some elaboration is required...

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As I've said on the separate lists idea, if enough want it over the current list, I'll happily change it. But no one so far has commented so I haven't done anything about it. It's really late here for me, so if I do anything it'll be tomorrow. Thanks to Wolf for bringing it up though, it is valid to have 2 lists.


In terms of 3 then, we have many nominations thank to Aurbere, and we also have a challenge to the number 2 spot.


Admiral Ackbar (Current holder)

Wedge Antilles




Darth Vader

Nuso Esva

Nek Bwa'tu


Would anyone like to make an argument for any of these candidates for the number 3 position, and would anyone like to defend Ackbar's position or promote Wedge's?

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Some elaboration is required...

One was a slave lord left alone for too long, so he had the time to build up logistics..... that dont by no Means make a good tactician, besides, he lost (and was killed in) the only real battle he fought. Trench relied too much on technical supremecy, and lost the first and best time that failed.

Obi-Wan and Grievious, ok, debatable, but Vader: UGGHH ME SMASH... brute force and needles violence, meh...

For the rest: One failed big times to utilize the huge advantage he and his Fellow (why does v.Bullitin insist on writing that with Capital F...) jedi had, and he is most likely still Falling.

Koon and Sidious (ok, THAT part of it was briliant, but look at the end.... not so brilliant) never single handedly won a military engagement....

Edited by MortenJessen
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(remember... he noticed that the star destroyers stayed out of the fight, but yet continued to press on, not realizing that it was a trap...)...


He pretty much saved the Entire Rebel Fleet.


The Death Star couldn't fire on ships as often, if they were close to Star Destroyers, Because the debris would destroy as many Imperial ships as Rebels. They did last a lot longer against the Star Destroyers than they would have just standing there waiting for the shield to go down, hell, they even took down the Executor.

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One was a slave lord left alone for too long, so he had the time to build up logistics..... that dont by no Means make a good tactician, besides, he lost (and was killed in) the only real battle he fought. Trench relied too much on technical supremecy, and lost the first and best time that failed.

Obi-Wan and Grievious, ok, debatable, but Vader: UGGHH ME SMASH... brute force and needles violence, meh...

For the rest: One failed big times to utilize the huge advantage he and his Fellow (why does v.Bullitin insist on writing that with Capital F...) jedi had, and he is most likely still Falling.

Koon and Sidious (ok, THAT part of it was briliant, but look at the end.... not so brilliant) never single handedly won a military engagement....


Consider my eyebrows raised.

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He pretty much saved the Entire Rebel Fleet.


The Death Star couldn't fire on ships as often, if they were close to Star Destroyers, Because the debris would destroy as many Imperial ships as Rebels. They did last a lot longer against the Star Destroyers than they would have just standing there waiting for the shield to go down, hell, they even took down the Executor.


1) "We won't last long against those Star Destroyers!" ....

2) It was a Lucky suicide pilot who rammed the Executer... pure luck, as its AA could just as easily have shot it Down first... (I hate v. Bullitin, placing Capital letters all over...).

3) I can assure you, Sidious cared Little if a few star destroyers went Down along the way... so it was his own damn arrogance, not Ackbar, who won the battle of Endor for the rebels....

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He pretty much saved the Entire Rebel Fleet.


The Death Star couldn't fire on ships as often, if they were close to Star Destroyers, Because the debris would destroy as many Imperial ships as Rebels. They did last a lot longer against the Star Destroyers than they would have just standing there waiting for the shield to go down, hell, they even took down the Executor.


Not to mention that he wrote the book on space combat.

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1) "We won't last long against those Star Destroyers!" ....

2) It was a Lucky suicide pilot who rammed the Executer... pure luck, as its AA could just as easily have shot it Down first... (I hate v. Bullitin, placing Capital letters all over...).

3) I can assure you, Sidious cared Little if a few star destroyers went Down along the way... so it was his own damn arrogance, not Ackbar, who won the battle of Endor for the rebels....


If he'd started willy nilly shooting, the commanders on the ship would have spread out fearing their own deaths, thinking they'd still be able to destroy the rebels, allowing the rebels to escape. Palpatine knew that.


Oh, and 1) "We'll last longer than we will against that Death Star!"

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If he'd started willy nilly shooting, the commanders on the ship would have spread out fearing their own deaths, thinking they'd still be able to destroy the rebels, allowing the rebels to escape. Palpatine knew that.


Oh, and 1) "We'll last longer than we will against that Death Star!"

1) He would get a nother chance at capturing the rebels, for sure... besides, if they left, Luke would have been stranded, a major defeat...

2) Nial Declann's death when the death star blew up was what allowed the rebels to win the day...

3) With Nial Declann alive, I can assure you no commander of any star destroyer would have left formation...

Besides, Daala tore all known book about tactics to pieces as a corporal, Pallaeon lead the remaining forces over Endor, finally calling the retrat, avoiding a major disaster to become a complete disaster, Fel invented and championed Imperial star fighter tactics.... Fett championed the heavy weapons tactics that nearly got the Republic to its knees Agains a numerical far inferior force, Dreypa (Edit: before he went mad) was very skilled (one of the first to understand the concept) of coordinating fighter forces with Capital ships, Grant had to constantly adapt to very many different situations and oponents with very different weapons and ressources with a smaller force at his disposal, and the rest on my list is pretty self explaining... does any of that not Count, or only the Clone Wars and force users ??

Edti: I am too tired to spell correctly, and I am beginning to think you dont know what you are talking about (or I am so tired I just dont understand your (lack of) argumentation. I am logging off, good night folks, happy hunting.

Edited by MortenJessen
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2) Nial Declann's death when the death star blew up was what allowed the rebels to win the day...

3) With Nial Declann alive, I can assure you no commander of any star destroyer would have left formation... .


Not sure why I log back in, but I guess it is to mock you with your own argument: Hell, even Thrawn agreed on the above, although he mistakenly believed Sidious to be responcible, not knowing about Nial Declann ....

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Nobody put Carlist Reeikan? Ya know, the general who kept the rebels together inbetween episdes 4 and 5 and if it wasn't for him, probably would of lost most of his army on hoth instead of being able evacuate most of his troops.


Yeah...bit shocked here.

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Nobody put Carlist Reeikan? Ya know, the general who kept the rebels together inbetween episdes 4 and 5 and if it wasn't for him, probably would of lost most of his army on hoth instead of being able evacuate most of his troops.


Yeah...bit shocked here.


I did.

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