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Player Species: Zeltron


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...that is a part of the..."lore" I choose to ignore...cause I find it really stupid. but that is really off topic.


Well I was just saying. Original Sith didn't look much like humans. They were humanoid, but far from human like. So Star Wars can and does make imaginative aliens. Ithorians, Wookies, Trandoshans. They don't look human. If you want something not humanoid, try Mynocks or Rancors. Would you choose to ignore all of these creatures? Strange since it's mandatory to kill/talk to each at least once in the course of this game. The reason why we get the human looking races is so it is easier to just put the skin tone on the models and maybe some differences for the head. Not only this, but the really strange Aliens do not speak basic and as much as the good fans say they wouldn't mind it. Most everyone else would get annoyed having to listen to Wookie speak or whatever the hell Ithorians say. I want a Trandoshan. Badly, but they can't speak basic and their bodies have too many variables to account for to match the current models. Their females look similar to their males so that's one issue. So just adding Zeltrons and other color swapped Aliens would be best for programming and RPers into those things.

Edited by TriggerBlade
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whats wrong with that???:D


Because no one can be mature about sex to come off as anything other than an idiot.


I am fine if people RP prostitutes, I am fine if people RP erotic dancers, I am fine if two people want to make out in the cantina. All three happen in real life and have been happening for centuries. It's just no one does it with class... Let me clarify.


Whenever I enter the Imperial fleet, I see multiple people dressed up in dancer or slave outfits. That's fine. This is Star Wars and cantinas tend to have dancers. My issue is that when I speak to dancers like they are dancers I tend to get yelled at for seemingly random reasons. Apparently the woman who was wearing the full slave outfit which has slave written on every piece of the set, was indeed a Sith Lord who was "just trying to have a good time". Now I am by no means a prude. Not in the slightest, and neither is my character. Though really it is common sense. The Sith way is basically do cool stuff that shows that you are better than every other Sith. Get a good reputation. Though frankly being a stripper is not the Sith way. I don't care. It is not. There is no logical way that dressing like a stripper makes you all powerful.


Then there are the people who think passion = lust. It doesn't, and laying on your back with your ankles to your ears does not make you a stronger Sith. I can't believe this is an argument that goes on, but it does.


If people could be control themselves and not act like SWTOR is a porno I am sure people acting flirty would have an easier time. Though no, every has to act like subtlety is not a thing.


In conclusion, I actually switch sides. I'm against Zeltrons now because I just remembered that yeah. No one will care and the Fleet will be filled with ******s all day.

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I can't see why Zeltrons can't be included. They might be seen as a simple recolor of humans but they're notable enough to be considered their own unique species. They wouldn't be too hard to implement and whilst I wish they weren't only available through the Cartel Market, I guess at this point it might be the only way to acquire them.

Surely if Chiss, Mirialan and Rattataki can be playable, then hopefully Zeltron can too.

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  • 5 months later...
Because no one can be mature about sex to come off as anything other than an idiot.


I am fine if people RP prostitutes, I am fine if people RP erotic dancers, I am fine if two people want to make out in the cantina. All three happen in real life and have been happening for centuries. It's just no one does it with class... Let me clarify.


Whenever I enter the Imperial fleet, I see multiple people dressed up in dancer or slave outfits. That's fine. This is Star Wars and cantinas tend to have dancers. My issue is that when I speak to dancers like they are dancers I tend to get yelled at for seemingly random reasons. Apparently the woman who was wearing the full slave outfit which has slave written on every piece of the set, was indeed a Sith Lord who was "just trying to have a good time". Now I am by no means a prude. Not in the slightest, and neither is my character. Though really it is common sense. The Sith way is basically do cool stuff that shows that you are better than every other Sith. Get a good reputation. Though frankly being a stripper is not the Sith way. I don't care. It is not. There is no logical way that dressing like a stripper makes you all powerful.


Then there are the people who think passion = lust. It doesn't, and laying on your back with your ankles to your ears does not make you a stronger Sith. I can't believe this is an argument that goes on, but it does.


If people could be control themselves and not act like SWTOR is a porno I am sure people acting flirty would have an easier time. Though no, every has to act like subtlety is not a thing.


In conclusion, I actually switch sides. I'm against Zeltrons now because I just remembered that yeah. No one will care and the Fleet will be filled with ******s all day.


I must admit I chuckled as I read this.

However you raise a very good point.


Bioware needs to be careful that they do not lower the tone. or lower the bar too much.

I get that in any MMO they will be the casual players.


However progressing as any class is not just levelling up and reaching the level cap.


I come across commandos wearing dresses and wonder how could you take a dress into battle?

Yeah Jedi/Sith have fancy force powers to shield them but a soldier?

(I shouldn't go off on a tangent.)


Besides Hedonism I don't see what else Zeltron's can offer to the Star Wars galaxy and game as a whole.


A common misunderstand is that Hedonism is a good thing.

However it is always done in excess to the point of being detrimental.


Bioware already has a wardrobe that borders from Sexy to outright whorish.

But add a "Party race" and it pours fuel on the fire that changes everything.

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Almost as bad as rainbow humans with tentacles on there head.

Or the green and blue skinned Humans.

Or the humans with horns.

Or the Humans with red skin and facial birth defects.

Or the humans with full body hair, cat ears, eyes, and noses.

Or Blind humans

...or the albino humans...

...or the humans with metal bits glued to their faces.


Bioware should just sit down one day and get all the near humans into the game and be done with it. All they really need to do is adjust skin, hair, and eye color and throw in some social traits. They could probably get the art done in less than a day.


You make a good point, haha.

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  • 4 months later...
When you've been in this business as long as I have, you learn a few things: Nothing's more dangerous than arguing with a Wookiee, nothing's more foolish than gambling with a Jedi, and nothing's more alluring than a Twi'lek dancer. But I'm here to tell you that last one is wrong. If you like your humanoids flexible, svelte, enthusiastic, and in multiple shades of red, then the most beautiful people in the galaxy are on Zeltros. Who needs Twi'leks?


I was going to make a new thread, but realized this was here, so I am posting here (with a quote from the EU about Zeltrons). I am currently playing a human that I gave blue hair, and I say she's "half Zeltron" but seriously, it would be so awesome to have her actually be a Zeltron, and maybe some cool exclusive "blow kiss" emote, or something as their social.


Please Bioware, We will buy them, and it's sooo easy to make but so rewarding for us!!!


Also, I will note I do NOT ERP, just to get that out there, me liking Zeltron isn't about ERP.

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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Zeltrons would be pretty awesome, and I would assume they would not require nearly the work that Cathar did. It's just humans with different skin color and hair color. Give them some sort of social ability, and bam, done.


I'd also love Wroonians, but people might get them confused with the Chiss.


I had suggested Zeltrons awhile back, along with - Omwati, Togruta, Nautolan, Kiffar, and Pantoran. The Omwati, and Pantoran would just need blue skin (but with fewer color shades to choose from - mainly the Pantoran there); and hair color options in light pink, white, light blue, mint green, and lilac (pale purple) - the first two being mainly just the Omwati hair color options [based on their description and known examples of Omwati], and the last 3 being more for the Pantorans [as those were what CWA had for their Pantoran character hair choices]. So, Zeltrons would just need magenta or pink skin, and red/pink/purple hair.

Edited by SWLoveAngel
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Yeah. ok. Fine.


1. The star wars universe, both in movies and shows, is positively SWAMPED with people of varying races in next to no clothing doing stripper dances. Random bar parton on courasaunt in episode 3 is wearing fishnets and a thong as pants. That's why it's in game. Modesty, at least amoung city dwellers, is not as much of a social value as it is in western society. City cultures in Star wars are quite frequently incredibly flamboyant. For Senators, that's absurd headresses and elaborate clothing. For average citizens, that's hot pink fishnets instead of pants.


2. The armor is no less reavealing on men. Modesty is subjective anyways, clothing is not a basis for judgement. I play with a couple women from New zeland and many of their characters are in skimpy clothing as well because they like how it looks, skimpy or not.


3. Zeltron are awesome, and there are plently of examples of zeltron that in no way fit the stereotype people might associate with them. Just as capable of being ruthless gangsters as hedonists. The hedonists get all the attention for the same reason they do when they show up in western culture, they tend to be loud. What would most probably define the species in SWTOR if they showed up as NPC's would probably be impulsiveness and passion, which is the root of the headonistic culture and ruthless drive for success in the criminal underworld both.


Miralin are just green humans. Twileck are humans with leku. Chiss are blue humans with red eyes, Miriluka are humans without eyes, Ratataki are humans without hair, Zabrak are humans without hair. Fact is, many of the species in the Star wars universe are human or near human. It's now non-cannon (but then so is this game) but the reason for that is a combination of things. The rakata were slavers that spread species throughout the galaxy, and iirc early hyperspace travel amongst humans was done with hyperspace cannons, where people were simply fired into space hoping for the best. Most of them didn't live, but the few that landed on habitable planets evolved on that planet over 1000s of years, becoming the many vairants of humans that you see in the star wars universe

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