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To the jung ma pvp community


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In one day my thread of "quit being a bunch of whiney b***hes and respect other players" turned into an e-peen contest between the self-proclaimed elites. A shameful display of insecurity for many of you core pvp players :-p


I don't know all the back drama of regs vs. random names that don't exist anymore.


Every guild that grows beyond small groups of friends with have bad players with bad attitudes and severe cases of butthurt. Eventually those guilds split up into smaller groups.


Problem is that players who want to be the best and think they are good try to join guilds that are good. Then they either think they are too good or find out they arent good enough.


I state this fact from my 16 years of MMO PVP experience. In observing the regulators externally, it seems they maintain the quality of player attitudes as well as player skill. I haven't seen any sith pure pvp guilds that do that yet.


My own guild will always just stay small because we just enjoy pvp. Winning is a bonus. Being the best isnt that important because it requires playing the cookie cutter best build in the best possible way. That seems like a lot of boring work :-)

Edited by ErikGW
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She's level 19? lowbies are filled with people who don't know what they're doing, so she should take comfort knowing she's in with good company.


In the same manner, it's an MMO - so there will always be jerks. To me, if you cry about what little pixels say on your screen, the internet isn't really something you want to spend your time on. That goes back to my 'thin skin' comment.


Well if it doesn't matter an everyone should have some thicker skin then why even bother to post about it?


IOW we're ALL posting about how we feel things SHOULD be. There's how you think they should be, how I think they should be and how they actually ARE. This is a discussion about values...yours, mine, and everyone elses. As for me I'd prefer a lot more respect from pixels on a screen (because that's how a lot of human communication is being conducted now) AND people in RL no matter the context or circumstance. That includes MMOs obviously.


It's all about what kind of world you want to live in and how to go about doing that. My guess is that people that are mean to pixels are probably mean to puppy dogs and other people in general too. I don't think that because we're talking about pixels is an excuse to just let them be as mean as they actually want to be, quite the contrary....


Again that's just me and my two cents.

Edited by Narasil
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In one day my thread of "quit being a bunch of whiney b***hes and respect other players" turned into an e-peen contest between the self-proclaimed elites. A shameful display of insecurity for many of you core pvp players :-p


I don't know all the back drama of regs vs. random names that don't exist anymore.


Every guild that grows beyond small groups of friends with have bad players with bad attitudes and severe cases of butthurt. Eventually those guilds split up into smaller groups.


Problem is that players who want to be the best and think they are good try to join guilds that are good. Then they either think they are too good or find out they arent good enough.


I state this fact from my 16 years of MMO PVP experience. In observing the regulators externally, it seems they maintain the quality of player attitudes as well as player skill. I haven't seen any sith pure pvp guilds that do that yet.


My own guild will always just stay small because we just enjoy pvp. Winning is a bonus. Being the best isnt that important because it requires playing the cookie cutter best build in the best possible way. That seems like a lot of boring work :-)

Sorry, I tried to avoid what now is a pissing contest.

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Sorry, I tried to avoid what now is a pissing contest.


It's just funny the way the thread has run it's course.


Jung ma has a small enough pvp community to be good but large enough to be a pain at times.


The biggest problem we have is elitists that think they are something special but rarely are. They drive away the casual pvp players and the noobs and then they start being jerks to the other elitists that they get teamed up with.


This ultimately kills the pvp community because you get fractured teams that don't respect the people in their team. This offers little challenge to the serious pvp groups, which get bored and leave the server or the game.


It is pure irony that the thread became a perfect example of it :-)

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An individual with a long series of illnesses or birth-defects or handicaps. Doctor recommends to play an online video game to find social interaction because the individual cannot leave the house and has limited interaction besides care-givers and family...

- Mònkey


Good point, of which I've been all-too aware... I once found a forum about macros for the physically limited... and, well, I've been weary of talking mad-smack since.




You wanna know what grinds my gears about the pvp commnity on jung ma? How some of you guys openly and boldly flame/ degrade Rpers that queue.

You guys joined an *RP*PVP server, so shut your mouth about us queueing.


I think we need hourly reminders (for both sides) that we're an RP-PvP server, and should act like it...





There's a few tactics I use on warzone ragers:


- And my favorite, apologize to them. Tell them you're a baddie and you'll never do it again. Kindness takes all the bluster out of a rager SO quickly.


I just wanted to quote this.




Clarification: Some of us never left the server, myself included, others split off to do their own thing.


PROOF: http://jungma.wikia.com/wiki/Agyo#The_.22Brovan.22_Legacy

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Hold on, Sibek wants to join in on the **** talking and dick waving.

Credit Shot used to be good, but now it feels like they lost their cohesiveness as a guild.

Janitor's a mediocre sniper at best.

There's no need for an ego on this server, we're all bad.

Edited by Vhexit
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<--- Worst Guardian on server.


No, I'm the worst guardian on the server, barely level 10 or 11. I use default attack button only, I don't throw the ball in huttball, I'm easily baited off the doors in voidstar, I don't pay attention to objectives in general. Your level 55, your way higher than me, therefore I'm the Worst Guardian on server.


If I was level 55, I'd still be the worst guardian, worst tank guardian to be more specific, I don't guard swap, taunt, nor do I cc people off my healers. I guard a person thats not even being attacked at the moment. My rotation isn't even logically right. I'm so bad, worst guardian for sure.

Edited by Jonoku
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  • 1 month later...
I dont fear regulators, I fear pugs. I can beat pretty much every regulator in a 1v1 anyday, but what usually makes or breaks a wz is the pugs you get, which empire seems to have worse pugs.


Always fear the pugs! not the other team


PS. /flee is the best taunt you can do to someone in a wz


How are those 1 v 1s coming? I hear you told Aetrus you beat me in a 1 v 1. I know you're bad, but you don't need to start making up stuff now.



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How are those 1 v 1s coming? I hear you told Aetrus you beat me in a 1 v 1. I know you're bad, but you don't need to start making up stuff now.




Hey now, we don't need to be starting stuff with those guys, we're supposed to be getting along.

Wait, I already screwed the pooch on that one? Fire away!

It's okay though, let Janitor live in his fantasy world where he thinks he's a good sniper.


Most hated/feared/respected scoundrel on Ven Zallow and Jung Ma


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This is Skyrodd, my first post WOOT!





But you have that big "I'm a sage and going to do a mil dmg if you don't interrupt me sign."


<3 Regulators again thank you all for hte games last night. A shame we didn't get any against CS 2.0, but most of our players are East Coasters. Also thanks Reign for pitching in members so we could do ranked.

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But you have that big "I'm a sage and going to do a mil dmg if you don't interrupt me sign."


<3 Regulators again thank you all for hte games last night. A shame we didn't get any against CS 2.0, but most of our players are East Coasters. Also thanks Reign for pitching in members so we could do ranked.


We love you too Sranishor, we love you too. :D

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