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[EVENT] TOROCast Presents: Raid with the Hosts!


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REPOST from: TOROCast.com


Hey gang… it’s your friendly neighborhood Apostrophe here.


As many of you may know from listening to the podcast the last few weeks, Road has been in the process of transferring his characters to the Jedi Covenant server where both Russell and myself play. As of right now, I know all three of us have at least one/each level 55 story mode Terror From Beyond/Scum & Villainy gear-capable characters Imperial-side. Russell and myself both have level 55 geared toons Republic side, and Road is working from 50 to 55.


I honestly do not have any idea how many Jedi Covenant listeners we have, so this is a little bit of a roll-call. Based on how many people respond, and from which faction (Imperial or Republic) we are going to set up the following event:

“TOROCast Presents: Raid with the Hosts”

(or – Come Help Us Drag Road Through His First Terror From Beyond/Scum & Villainy)


This event will take place on FRIDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 30th at 9pm ET on JEDI COVENANT. (I am putting the date a few weeks out, to make sure we have time to spread the word and hear from our Jedi Covenant listeners.)


Please comment on this thread with the following information: (IF you are on Jedi Covenant)


Faction: (Imperial or Republic) – Character Name: & Advanced Class/Role


If there are enough people from both factions that are able to participate, we will absolutely run two separate raids.


Hope to see you soon in a Galaxy Far Far Away!


Please feel free to comment in this thread, or on the comments section on TOROCast.com if you are interested.

If you've never heard of the podcast, head on over to www.torocast.com and give it a listen.


Should be a fun time!

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Whats Torocast?


TOROCast is a SWTOR Podcast and fansite that was started in March 2009 by SammMoney (who has since moved on to other podcasts with his production company Twonk Hammer Entertainment) and Eric Musco (before he was a Bioware employee).


Although the hosts have changed a bit throughout the past few years, we're still going strong with a solid listener-base. I am a relatively new addition to the 'cast having only been recording for the past 2 months with the other 2 hosts "Road" and "Russell" but it's a blast to do, and the website lately has ramped up in content both in News and Editorial content.


If you have a spare hour to listen to a show, head on over to the site, or you can find it on iTunes.


Recently with the addition of paid transfers, we've been able to get the hosts on the same server, so we'd like to start hosting some community events, and this "Raid with the Hosts" is only the first. Hopefully we'll get a positive response and think about ideas for future events.

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This is the first I've heard of you guys but it sounds like a lot of fun, I have a few 55s on both factions and I should be around on the 30th.


Alor - Sentinel DPS

Mesh'la - Shadow Tank

Bellelune - Gunslinger DPS

Mirjahaal - Sage Healer



Akalenedat - Powertech Tank

Dralshy'a - Mercenary DPS


I've also got a Scoundrel healer coming up, he's at level 50 (almost 51) atm

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Yea if im online the 30th this would be really cool.


Im good for Imperial Side


Healer - Toasterman - Merc

DPS - MoldyToast - Leth Op

DPS - Whitetoast - MM Sniper

DPS - Rimjabba - Carnage Mara


Gear ranging from mix of 72-75 to 69 from top to bottom.

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Oh oh oh, plz god pick me :)



Floored - Operative

Kitty'katniss - Marauder



Vasyel - Scoundrel

C'arth - Sage

Totara - Gunslinger

Gravround - Vanguard

Reva - Guardian

Boots'n - Sentinel


I have tank sets on all tank AC's and I can play every tree of every toon with the efficiency needed for Nightmare raiding. Also, I'm a huge fan :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is Russell from TOROCAST!


Albie asked me to follow up here to this!


We have received interest from quite a few people, but since we starting planning this a while ago, just wanted to remind folks that it was impending… err… upcoming!


This event will commence TOMORROW NIGHT (Friday August, 30th @ 9pm ET on the JEDI COVENANT server.)


All of the hosts are in the same Imperial Guild: Moriendum Est – http://www.moriendumest.swtorhost.com and they have been kind enough to allow us use of the guild’s Ventrilo server to use during the event. (For this event, I have removed the server password to connect to the guild’s Ventrilo server, and I have created a special channel in the server. Feel free to join the server if you want to participate in the raid, or simply hang out with us while we raid if so desire and are not able to join in the actual raid.)


Ventrilo Server: voiceA1304.guildlaunch.net ~ Port: 8419


I am not sure yet if I will be on my Mercenary DPS or my Assassin Tank for the evening, but right up until we decide roles, I will be forming the raid as Back’slash so send me a whisper in-game, or hop on the Ventrilo server and we will get coordinated.


A few things to note:


Road has made it clear that he will not be space-bar’ing the cutscenes as this is his first time in this operation. (What a noob)


Russell has also made it clear that he intends to “Leroy Jenkins” at some point (possibly more than once) so, I’d recommend either staying on your toes, or bring a large bat to beat him with to make him pay your repair bill when he wipes us.


Albie (me) has promised to be at least mildly intoxicated during the event… Maybe the fact that we’ll have downtime from Russ wiping the raid from Leroy’ing it and the downtime while Road is watching cutscenes will provide ample opportunity for this to occur.


As an added special bonus: Albie’s wife has agreed to join us for this event. (You have likely heard her mentioned in the shows…) She plays a Marauder (named Rumplemintz), and LOVES her Force Charge ability, and since she is a stay-at-home mom for four children, by the time she hits SWTOR in the evening, she has “relaxed” quite a bit.


[WARNING] – Some (and by “some” I actually mean “most if not all”) of the conversation/topics that exist in the voice channel are NOWHERE near as “PG” as the TOROCast shows are…..


You have been warned.


Anyway – Looking forward to seeing everyone/anyone who shows up for this, and hopefully a fun time will be had by all.

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Following up to Rachael's followup....


When: Friday 8/30 @ 9pm ET

Where: Jedi Covenant - Imperial Side

What: 16-man SM Scum & Villainy

Who: The hosts of TOROCast and anyone else who shows up.


Send me a whisper in-game to Back'slash this evening if you are interested in raiding with us.


Hope to see you all there!

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