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King of Blades Tournament


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Hello everyone,


My name is Thaeus. I am a Jedi Sentinel that has transferred from the Jung Ma and The PoT5 servers. If you wish to know more about me please message me in-game. Anyway, I would like let you guys know that me and a few from Sith Brotherhood are planning Ebon Hawk's newest annual galactic competition...The "King of Blades" tournament. This Contest will be strictly made for both Jedi and Sith alike and we are hoping to have a lot of people show up to test their skills against each other. This will be a Player vs Player tournament so you are encouraged to have some form of PvP gear and experience otherwise, you will not last long in this tournament.



The first part of the tournament will divided into 4 different categories to separate the competitors to their respective Classes.

  • Sentinel / Marauder

  • Juggernaut / Guardian

  • Sage / Sorcerer

  • Shadow / Assassin


Each battle will be 1 vs 1 consist of rounds to help better choose which is the better opponent. You must be able to win 3 rounds to move on into the tournament. We chose to do it this way instead of a 2 out of 3 winning system is so we can make sure who is the real winner between the combatants. After the battles have been fought between the Classes a Title will be given based on Gender and Class (ex: if you're a female Sage winner then your title will be "Queen of Sages")


After the class battles are finished the second part of the Tournament will commence where the final four will fight agains each other in 1 v 1 battles. As in the previous part you must win 3 rounds total to advance to the next fight. At the end of the Tournament the Winner will receive 500k Credits and the title of being "King of Blades"


There will be rules and regulations for the tournament that must be followed. These rules were set up in a way to give everyone a fair chance at winning this tournament. Anyone who breaks the rules will be disqualified and removed from the tournament.


  • ABSOLUTELY no third party items will be allowed in the Tournament ( Stims, Medpacks, Adrenals, Grenades)
  • No use of companions and/or Heroic moments will be allowed in the tournament.
  • No leaping to the outside croud at the tournament.
  • Shadows/Assassins will not be able to stealth out of combat and heal during the tournament.
  • Combat Sentinels will not be allowed to build centering before the fight and must debuff centering before and after each round in the tournament.
  • Each battle against a different opponent you may choose to respec your skill tree, however you will not be allowed to respec during each round of battle.


The purpose of this Tournament is to open more doors to the Player vs Player on Ebon Hawk. This will also bring about the top tier PvP players as well as some newcomers as well. In the future we hope to have more sponsors and promoters to give out better prizes and such. The tournament will begin a week from today on

August 16th at 8:30pm(Central). I will be doing some in game promotions as well, so if your interested in joining the competition please message me in game or post on the forums that you will be attending. I will then post the contestants on the forums to show who has registered and who didn't.

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Hello again everyone,



As you all know the tournament is getting closer so I would like to take this opportunity to ask everyone who is attending or wanting to attend to go out and help me promote this event. Also If you wish to sign up for the tournament please message me in-game or keep posting on this Thread. I will be putting up the list of contestants on Thursday morning and an updated list Thursday night. By midnight signups will close so GET OUT THERE AND PROMOTE!!!

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I'm just a tad bit confused that "the purpose of this Tournament is to open more doors to the Player vs Player on Ebon Hawk. This will also bring about the top tier PvP players", yet restricts the classes that can compete and what even classes that can compete can do.


It just seems odd to me.

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Hello everyone.


I have decided to extend sign-ups till 6:30EST so more people can show up...At this moment here is the Roster for the Tournament.














I am looking forward for more people attending

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Hello again everyone,


Due to uncalled circumstances the Tournament will be postponed for Friday, August 23 at 8:30pm EST. Also I am opening up the Sign up sheet again so more people can attend as well. I would like to also apologize for this inconvenience, but hopefully we can have a bigger list of combatants both Sith and Jedi.

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Hello everyone.


Here is an updated Roster of who will be in the tournament. It is still on schedule for Friday, August 23rd at 8:30EST













I am looking forward for more people attending

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