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PURgE is looking for more players to join our guild. We offer a website, mumble, and gbank. Our guild is a casual social guild and we are mostly active at night with 20+ on. This works well for people with families that play after the wife and kids go to bed.


We are currently running most content and are working on hardmode ops. Almost every night we have an ops of some sort scheduled. We do the new content along with the old content so people can gear or complete their vehicle quests. We have been doing 16 mans recently due to our increased numbers.


We use an event calender for ops sign ups so you just sign up if you want to participate. We do not require any specific attendance percentage. Just sign up if you want to attend.


We are also branching out into pvp. I am looking for more pvpers and also the right person to lead us into ranked warzones.


Contact any member of purge for a guild invite, or contact any member and ask for an officer if you are interested in leading our pvp.

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We are currently looking for a tank or two for progression runs. These start at 1000 pm cst and happen 2-3 times a week. We are working on DP and DF 8 man hard mode.


Also, we are always accepting new members who enjoy ops. Currently we are downing 16 man hard mode TFB and SV almost weekly, along with the story mode version of the new ops.

Edited by Valcone
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I am interested in possibly joining you. I am a former WoW player who misses raiding. I am a subscriber. My main is only DPS (wanted to learn the game before taking on bigger roles), lvl 53 gunnery commando, Blastalotte. I play specifically at night, usually around 9pm (11pm on work-nights) to 3 or 4am (PST). If you have active players running instances at these times, and dont mind teaching a noob how Star Wars raid, I would be happy to join.

I will try to find you online if I can, or you or an officer can find me if you think I would make a good addition to your team.

Thank you

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Ello, Im a returning player that took a ten month break. Completely started over and am looking for a guild to run Ops with. Im running a gunslinger, with 5/14 verpine, 8/14 arkanian, and 1/14 ultimate pieces. Im running on Est Time Zone and am on whenever. :D Please and thank you for reading.

~~~ Gunslinger: Merrell. - Bastion

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Quick update from PURgE.


We are still accepting members. We have backed off from running an op every night and do 5 a week. We are still running at 2200 cst or 8 pm server. We also have a group running pvp and gearing. Our plan is to gear people and start running ranked stuff. If you are interested send me a message or whisper any member of PURgE.

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<PURgE> is looking for more players! Like most guilds on the pub side we have taken an activity hit. We would like to build our numbers back up and be ready for the new content this fall. pst for info or invite!
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<PURgE> is looking for more players! Like most guilds on the pub side we have taken an activity hit. We would like to build our numbers back up and be ready for the new content this fall. pst for info or invite!


Hey, I was wondering if you were still looking for members. I'm a Lvl 50 Sage healer. I haven't been on the game in over a year maybe a year and half and kinda needing to figure the game out again but would love to find a good guild. I dont have the Cartel Expansion just yet but i want to see how the game is before i buy it. My account is on subscription status for the rest of the week though. My character is Thizzilus but if there is a person I should speak to in game that would be awesome!!! Thank you!

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Hey, I was wondering if you were still looking for members. I'm a Lvl 50 Sage healer. I haven't been on the game in over a year maybe a year and half and kinda needing to figure the game out again but would love to find a good guild. I dont have the Cartel Expansion just yet but i want to see how the game is before i buy it. My account is on subscription status for the rest of the week though. My character is Thizzilus but if there is a person I should speak to in game that would be awesome!!! Thank you!


Anyone in the guild can invite you. Do a purge search to find a member.

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Hello, I was wondering if you guys are still recruiting. I am a newly subbed player and recently levelled my first toon to 53, and working to get artifact level mods for ops. I am very interested in raiding and am looking for a guild that can assist me with this. I realize that I posted really late but if you guys have a spot and don't mind guiding a new player through ops, then I want to jave that chance. I am quite dedicated to this game currently and will do my best!


Is there anyone I need to whisper in game for this? My main is called Jeigh, level 53 gunslinger.

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Update from PURgE


We are looking for more people for nightmare mode DF and DP. We are running 8 man and 16 man. As far as I know we are one of the few guilds running 16 mans on the pub side. Our progress is on the pve progress thread.


We use a event calender so you can sign up when you can make it. Gear isn't an issue. We can help you gear, we are just looking for active people with a good attitude. Our ops start around 2200 cst.


Also, we are one of the few pub guilds that are ready to purchase our guild flagship. This will put us on the front lines when the next patch hits!


Also, I am trying to get pvp going in the guild. pst valcone if that is your thing for perks!

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How much PvP do you guys do? I'm a Level 36 Jedi Guardian Tank seeking a guild and I'm willing to tank for Operations, but I focus primarily on PvP and my gear would mostly be augmented Warzone gear.


I'm a fast learner when it comes to boss strategies and fight mechanics, I work well with others, I have good awareness and adaptation skills, I have a headset/microphone with TS3/Mumble/Vent, but I perform best when I'm babysitting a healer or an objective in Warzones.


Also, free stims and medpacs to all friends and guildies (Biochem).

Edited by Loadsamunny
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