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Laughs while fighting annoying to anyone else?


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My bounty hunter laughs when activation certain abilities. I hate it, and that's why I haven't finished the character. I don't remember this happening at lower levels, so it must have come along with a higher level ability. I won't play without sound, I like the other sound effects, and the music, and some things have audio cues I need to hear.


Why can't it be an option? It's downright creepy. :mad:


For BHs in the pyro tree it is a sound indicator that rail shot has proced. While I may understand that you may not like it, the purpose is to give you a voice indicator to use rail shot, which is the biggest hitter in the pyro tree.

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The giggles and laughs are not there to annoy you. They are there because they are an indicator of something.


You see when Jedi and Sith use a power, they *shine* with that power. My Sentinel's hands turn blue when I have full stacks of centering, my Sage's face shines yellow with some buffs, and what not.


But non-Force using classes need some indicator for themselves. Ops/Scoundrels giggle when they gain a stack of Tactical Advantage/Upper Hand. You may not like it, but it's a necessary indicator for many people, and saves us the second it takes to look at the buff bar. And when the buff bar is as full as it gets when in combat, I'm glad we have it.


The grunts, and moans and the "Oh crap, I'm chokin!! *Gurgle gurgle gurgle*" sounds really need to be changed. Some of them sound less like an injured man/woman and more like...

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Sorry, but if you don't like the laughter you simply have never been in real combat.


People grunt and groan in combat, you inevitably get those who nervously laugh... a LOT, and you get those who chuckle "heh heh" when they see an opening to take advantage of (I am guilty of this at least twice with well placed rifle shots and once with a grenade that I can remember).


Sorry...the fantasy of fighting for your life just being labored breathing and the occasional pained sound is false...combat tends to be full of battle cries (actual words, wordless screams are actually rarer than you think), battle commands, and laughter. The better trained a person, the less likely they are to cry out and the MORE likely they are to find humor in the situation they are in. Humor...gallows humor or just situational...and laughter itself is the greatest psychological defense humans have to the horrors of combat.


You call it distracting? I call it the sounds of real world battle mimic'd in a game.

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  • 1 year later...
Yes, there's a reason for it, OP, which you will eventually discover.


Just curious. Does it refer to what was explained later in this thread, about abilities ready to be used, or do you imply smth about Imperial Agent storyline? 'Cause it sounds like that, though the laugh is unlikely tied to the story.

I've completed it, still curious.

(I know the thread is outdated due to game now highlights the skill consequences, but still)

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Welcome to 2015, Marty. JAWS in 3D was so realistic!! It's a must see!!


Just curious. Does it refer to what was explained later in this thread, about abilities ready to be used, or do you imply smth about Imperial Agent storyline? 'Cause it sounds like that, though the laugh is unlikely tied to the story.

I've completed it, still curious.

(I know the thread is outdated due to game now highlights the skill consequences, but still)


Operative laugh is when a Tactical Advantage is added. It uses sound to signal when you gain a TA.


#NerfOperatives - the laugh is Over Powered. :rolleyes:

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Just curious. Does it refer to what was explained later in this thread, about abilities ready to be used, or do you imply smth about Imperial Agent storyline? 'Cause it sounds like that, though the laugh is unlikely tied to the story.

I've completed it, still curious.

(I know the thread is outdated due to game now highlights the skill consequences, but still)


Just various procs happening, as noted.

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The first time I heard the laugh was on my dark Chiss Imperial Agent. Personally I thought it was awesome and added to her personality since she's basically a sociopath lol. Although it's kinda weird when she laughs from just healing people. :/
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