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Xalek, will he ever become an apprentice?


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Well I had always thought that xalek was an apprentice already, heck he has been killing sith, jedi, and everything in between.


Apparently he is still just a lowly ACOLYTE.


Will Xalek ever become an apprentice? Or perhaps even lord? It is quite ridiculous that an acolyte aided me in killing a dark council member, or jedi masters, sith lords, etc.


I ask that we be able to improve his rank to apprentice at the least. And maybe teach him some lessons of sith such as the code, dark powers, etc.

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Upon completing the academy and apprenticing himself to the Inquisitor, Xalek becomes your apprentice. The achievement name has no bearing on his current status. The names for the companions often refer to their history. For example, Jaesa is clearly no longer a padawan, but her affection achievements are called "The Padawan" and "The Corrupted Padawan".
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I don't think so.


Sith apprentice is both a rank AND a position, ie


Vader was the apprentice to Sidious though not AN apprentice, this link clarifies.


With the abscence of a formal ceremony, we can only conclude that xalek is still an acolyte, unless other evidence is presented.

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I don't think so.


Sith apprentice is both a rank AND a position, ie


Vader was the apprentice to Sidious though not AN apprentice, this link clarifies.


With the abscence of a formal ceremony, we can only conclude that xalek is still an acolyte, unless other evidence is presented.


What ceremony? Does the SI have a ceremony for this?


It's stated in game that upon completing the trials on Korriban you become an apprentice to a Sith. Also Zash say's you need an apprentice from Korriban.


Also Xalek goes trough the same ordeal as the SI. It's pretty obvious he becomes Sith.(as acolyte's in this era are considered Sith after they finish their trials).


I don't think the Vader stuff works here.

Edited by jankiel
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Also Xalek goes trough the same ordeal as the SI. It's pretty obvious he becomes Sith.(as acolyte's in this era are considered Sith after they finish their trials).


In a way, I can see why there ~might~ be confusion here, because as expected, Harkun is a total @ss and never misses an opportunity to run his mouth at you and interfere with your Sithin'. However, on my Inquisitor...



At the academy, after Harkun was done ranting about how sick he was of training lowly slaves into Sith Lords when Xalex murders the Twi'lek, I Force-persuaded him, convincing him that Xalek successfully completed his trials, and Harkun basically repeats the same. Then, he hands Xalek his lightsaber. Case closed, he's your apprentice now. If he survives your apprenticeship, in the future, it's up to you to make him a Lord.


Of course, the above depends on the conversation choices you make. You can also choose to tell Harkun that you're taking Xalek and he can go to hell, or you can strait-up kill Harkun and take Xalex with you. In either case, no one is going to question Xalek's place at your side, especially after you complete your class story and sit on the council.


Did Xalex technically complete his trials? No. He murdered another Acolyte in Harkun's presence and in yours, and that usually means a death sentence for Acolyte in question. However, the Inquisitor is all about breaking tradition and re-making the Sith Order into something sustainable, and this is why Xalek appeals to the Inquisitor. And as I said, once he's on your ship, it's a done deal.

* * *


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Hmm, so I guess there is no formal ceremony requirement then.


I wonder if Xalek becomes a lord, whether he can stay on in my service?


The reason I am unsure is the acheivement and this, down in the 'role' part it talks about how apprentices are very independent from their masters. Which I have found to be true in most star wars media, ie Starkiller, Ben skywalker, Zannah, Malak, etc. , etc., they always seem to be VERY independent, and this transfers over even to our Resurgent Sith Empire. As a result I assume that Xalek is still an acolyte since he follows me like a lapdog.

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I wonder if Xalek becomes a lord, whether he can stay on in my service?


As a Dark Council member, you could raise Xalek to a Darth and he would still be subservient to you. That said, Xalek is a pretty model Sith (as opposed to Ashara) and is probably plotting to murder you at some point! :p

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I have a simple solution to clear this confusion up.


Place Xalek in the airlock, then blow him out with the rest of the trash from the ship. He then becomes a Failed Sith and no one has to worry about any other title! :D




All joking aside, the moment our SI takes him as his/her apprentice, Xalek becomes an apprentice. And because of game mechanics, unless you send him out for crafting missions, he can never be the independent apprentice that we were or the SW is.

Edited by xxforcardassia
Typo monster needed to be vanquished.
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Hmm, so I guess there is no formal ceremony requirement then.


I wonder if Xalek becomes a lord, whether he can stay on in my service?


The reason I am unsure is the acheivement and this, down in the 'role' part it talks about how apprentices are very independent from their masters. Which I have found to be true in most star wars media, ie Starkiller, Ben skywalker, Zannah, Malak, etc. , etc., they always seem to be VERY independent, and this transfers over even to our Resurgent Sith Empire. As a result I assume that Xalek is still an acolyte since he follows me like a lapdog.


Well, Lord don't have to follow their masters around like faithful servants, but they are your faithful servants until they kill you. They have to do your bidding, and serve you, though not necessarily follow you.


That said, you are a Dark Council member. You can make Xalek do the harlem shake if you want him to, and he has to listen.

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