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~~ 2.0 PVE DPS Leaderboard ~~


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Mind linking what kind of gear/rotation/relics you use? :)




my starting rotation is - (also depends on the boss fight)

Grav Round

Adrenal + Relic

Electro Net

Demo. Round

Tech Override

Reserve Powercell

Plasma Grenade

Full Auto (with/without Proc)

Grav Round


Full Auto (if procc'ed)

Then priority system.

I only use TO + RP for not so much movement bosses. A waste of a TO to use on the move when you can use it on Dash'Roode.




Formally Carnage Gaming

:wea_06:The Shadowlands:wea_06:

Mevhz the Furious - 55 Gunnery/Combat Medic

Vanguard Tank: Mevh :sy_havoc: | Arsenal/Bodyguard Merc: Lyliá :sy_bountyhunter:

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2 adrenals, stim, and raidbuffs. should be legal. Idk if its me or the site, but it say's assassin, its actually a madness sorc.


Ik im not technically the best, but according to this and your list, im third best sorc, happy me :)


this thread is dead, adding your parse to my thread, also edited the time in the parse to 300 seconds


the up-to-date thread is located here

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