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The "Anybody for pvp???" Thread


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Tired of solo-queue pugging?

Do you hear crickets when you ask in imppvp or pubpvp if anybody wants to group?

Lets try to fix that!


What i'm looking to do is get a list of everybody willing to group up on an impromptu basis to run some regular warzones. We can then add each other to our friends list and can send out a few tells to form a group. Just leave your faction / name / class / roll ... don't forget to include your alts. Tip: set a comment next to each person on your friends list so you know they are up for pvp (like "pvp group" or "up 4 pvp").



pub / Idontcalloutincs/ Sentinel / dps


Leave your name and info only if you:

- Are willing to group up rather than run solo

- Know general warzone strategies or are willing to learn

- Are decently geared or working on getting geared

- Want to have fun and win


What this thread is not to be used for:

- Coordinating Kickball rateds

- Coordinating Guid rateds

- sh*t talking & other stupid drama


Hopefully this helps us build a stronger, closer pvp community. If it helps people meet and grow kickball...great. if it helps guilds recruit new players.....great. But best of all it'll help reduce the chance of bad pugs in the ops!



The List:

:sy_republic:Republic :sy_republic:

Liryc / Shadow / DPS

Liraa / Scoundrel / Heals

Sanitary / Scoundrel / DPS

Duchi / Gunslinger / DPS

Faxx / Sage / Heals

Construction / Vanguard / Tank

Sajuuk / Sentinel / DPS

Nebakenezer / Gunslinger / DPS

Reegina / Seer Sage / Heals

Temprest Sent / dps

T'Song / Vanguard / Tank

Ankinell / Sage / Heals

Zhanna / Guardian/DPS

Fresnel / Shadow / Node Guarder/DPS or Tank

Aroted / Sentinel / DPS

Quesadilla / Shadow / Tank

Ghanimâ / Sage / Heals

Questra / Smash Monkey

Capt-Rooster / Scoundrel / DPS or Heals

Rah-El / Guardian / DPS

Adawek /Sage

Daevyn / Sentinel / DPS




:sy_empire:Imperial :sy_empire:

Liryyc / Sorc / Heals

Rolling / Powertech / DPS or Tank

Humour / Marauder / DPS

Klintrin / Sorc / DPS

Sinsong / Assassin

Damsyl / Operative / Heals

Hitman / Merc / Heals or DPS

Soul / Sorc / Heals or DPS

Lil'Focker / Op / Heals

Rincepz / Jugg / tank or DPS

Cørsin / Marauder / DPS

Ironsack / Marauder / DPS

Butterbumps / PT / Tank

Ranj / Mercenary / Heals or Dps

Boogie'man / Sniper / DPS

Nive'Luxx'Senti / Operative / DPS

Juls'Rexa / Sorceror / Heals

Vold / Juggernaut / Tank

Onyex/ Sin / Tank

Ony, Sorc dps

Yrock Mara dps

Neldiahr / Sorc / DPS

Neldienne / PT /Tank

Gibsenne / Op / Heals

Magnaus / Juggernaut / Tank

Aro'ted / Marauder / dps

Cinerous / Merc / heals or dps

Zalkech / Jugg / tank or dps

Diaffiss / Powertech / dps

Cineróus / Sniper / dps

Decarus / Smash Monkey

Shâdis / Sorc / Heals

Merchakee / Sorc / DPS

MeanRooster / Mercenary / DPS or Heals

Arterial/Xeggony/Erollisi - Imperial Agent/Sorc/Sniper

O-mega / sin / DPS

O'psaheal DPS/healz





Edited by Liryc
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Pub -> Jesse'James/Slinger-> hybrid or dirty fighting

Imp-> Hitman/Merc heals/dps

Imp-> Soul/Sorc heals/dps

Imp-> Lil'Focker/Op Heals only.


If any of these toons are online, its for pvp. Feel free to ninja invite for regs.

All have special characters in their name, but should see when they come on line via pub and imp pvp channel.

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on my pubs I'm more often than not in a premade with guildies but I'm always looking for competent people to group with imp side. The two that I usually play are

Ironsack/smash marauder, and Butterbumps/PT tank.

If you see me online feel free to send me a whisper, I'm usually solo queuing or grouping with 1 other.

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Imp / Boogie'man / Sniper / DPS

Imp / Nive'Luxx'Senti / Operative / DPS

Imp / Juls'Rexa / Sorceror / Heal

Imp / Vold / Juggernaut / Tank

Pub / T'Song / Vanguard / Tank

Pub / Ankinell / Sage / Heal


Just wondering if there will ever be a default voice chat system to help coordinate???? Oh, and I am almost ALWAYS up for some PvP!

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Just wondering if there will ever be a default voice chat system to help coordinate???? Oh, and I am almost ALWAYS up for some PvP!

Free to use mumble for pugs and such (I don't need to be there)

ip: meh.mumble.cc

port: 3499

(no pass)


I think the <system> guys have open mumble as well? <unicorn stamped> is open, but I think you should have one of them in grp to use? dunno their policy there.

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I'm down to group up whenever I'm on. been playing mostly on pub side lately.



Fresnel/Shadow/Node Guarder/DPS or Tank


pretty much exclusivelPvP so feel free to toss an inv or whisper if you happen to see it pop up. The only time i don't really pvp is when my guildies want to run our op on Thursday nights. (Yes....I had to whore myself off to a pve guild :() also have all 3 voice clients (TS, Mumble, and Vent) so comms can be easier

Edited by UrbanSaint
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Cinerous-Bad merc heals/even worse damage

Zalkech-Jugg tank/Smash/Vengeance

Diaffiss-terribad Powertech DPS

Cineróus-worst sniper on server

really dont know why i didnt just say to check the signature..anyway. im always down for pvp just send me a tell in game and if i dont have a full group ill pick you up. although preference does go to guildies. i use Unicorn Stampede mumble

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I like this thread, definitely would like to run with a group more often than not.


(Imperial) Decarus, 55 Smash Monkey

(Imperial) Shâdis, 55 Sorc, Heals

(Republic) Ghanimâ, 55 Sage, Heals

(Republic) Questra, 55 Smash Monkey


I got other toons but I mainly pvp with these.

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