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Ship Customization: What do Players want?


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I've looked at a couple threads dealing with this, and these are some of the things I like the most:


* A Legacy Bank & Cargo Hold

* An Augmentation Station

* Exterior Dye Modules

* Pazaak Table or Other Mini Games/Puzzles

* Kolto Tank

* Usable Chairs and Desks

* More Dynamic At Rest Companion Animations

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I want a mod workbench so I can install augments.


agreed! the mod bench that our companions work at on the ship when you send them on a mission should be a useable mod workbench. that would be great! The legacy bank isn't a bad idea either.

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Ship to ship pvp would also be a nice little mini game with in the game. being able to use the furniture on the ship like the chairs, bed, and the kolto tank in the med bay would be cool too.also i know this is a little off topic, but what is the click-able escape pod for that doesn't do anything? guild bank access on the ship would also be nice.
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another possibility for the future, as the game expands over time, maybe one day adding the ability to purchase additional star ships, since the only way to gain access to your ship is to enter an instance, it could be feasible to have a window pop up and ask which ship you want to load when entering, Star Wars is a big universe with all kinds of different vessels in it, While a death star, star destroyer, or a terminus destroyer might be to large and unrealistic for a sith (or jedi) and his (or her) small band of companions to operate, there are many other smaller vessels that could be added, maybe some of the ships that have been added as "pet" model ships like the extinction class bomber something like that.
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  • Clickable chairs - all of them please! Some goes for the sofas and stuff.
  • Smuggler has a bar, make a clickable beverage so I can use that bar... (like in ME3 ;) )
  • A wall to display weapons (I have, like 20 pistols in my BH's cargo hold, cause I love how they look. Would be great to be able to look at them on the ship)
  • Trophy-wall (since we're at it), where you could display pieces of armor or ...well body xD from Worldbosses and/or Operation Bosses (for example "Snowblind's Claw" or "Revan's Saberhilt". Something like that. Would be automatically unlocked by killing the respective boss (and earning the kill achievement)).

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Your list is fine OP. Anything too much and they're wasting their time. I love the idea of customization, I truly want player housing...but this game has a lot of other much more pressing issues right now. Player housing should have been in from the start.


Player housing was also taken out of the game because the engine that TOR uses is too weak and made the server crash.


This was also back when Dromund Kaas and Coruscant were supposed to be the hubs for the game instead of the fleets. Pretty much housing was instanced apartment complexes. But as I stated, the game couldn't handle it and it was removed not too long after implementation.

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1. Mod workbench to allow us to add augment slots to gear (already mentioned)

2. Crew skills vendor - to allow us to by those white crafting mats

3. Crew skills trainer - make it "generic" to be able to allow the training of any crafting skill

4. Guild bank access (put this where the current cargo hold access is and activate the cargo hold in the 'bedroom' for personal access).

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All I want is to be able to pick which ship type I own. The bounty hunter ship is ***-ugly, so please let me get rid of it - even if it's just from the outside.


Rework the Jedi's ship to take the secure cargo locker and move it down to the same compartment as the crafting station, then rework the compartment it had been in to make it a bunkroom for your companions, since that ship is the only one that doesn't have any place for your companions to sleep.


Also, while it's definitely the sexiest of the ships that the various classes get, I find it difficult to see how an Agent is going to be inconspicuous arriving at a planet in something that looks like it would be the private yacht of an industry mogul; I would have thought that, for inconspicuous arrivals and departures, a ship that looked like J. Random Freighter, both inside and outside, but with all kinds of sensor-blocked compartments to store the various devices a freighter captain would be unable to explain to an Imperial customs officer, would be more appropriate. It makes me feel more like James Bond than, say, Otto Skorzeny.

Edited by DmdShiva
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Manakins, weapons and mounts stands.

Pet pen.

Light combat with companion (like KOTOR II with handmaiden).

Able to make ship droid actually look like he's doing the cleaning he goes on about all the time.

Group space combat.

Legacy/guild bank.

Usable furniture (that's not on the bridge).

Highlight reel from class story.

Movable companions.

Decorations (trophies, paintings, banners etc)

Themed paint or furniture (Dark side/ planet related etc)


And some reason to use the escape pods...

Edited by Cammac
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  • 4 weeks later...

A bathroom.

Seriously, I want a bathroom..

My character is expected to live on this ship but have no wear to excrete and get washed. I mean, seriously?

That, and I swear the smuggler must have the only ship with an actual kitchen and dining area (have not played agent yet so he might have?)

I just want my ship to have the basic living necessities within it.

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Love this thread. I'd like to see more scripted companion stuff as I'm getting work done on the ship. Maybe my droid is doing maintenance in the cockpit area fot a few minutes, then walks to the back to check the engines. Lame example
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These are the items I suggested in the past.


I would suggest some improvements to personal starships. First, let me go over the smaller changes I feel would be beneficial.


1) Mail and Market kiosk

Installable module to place a mail and market kiosk on your ship. No ability to send mail or post auctions, but you can retrieve mail and browse/purchase from the market.




2) Closing doors

Simple. Doors should be hatches that open and close like on the ships in flashpoints. At the very least the door should close on my personal quarters.

3) Legacy Cargo bay/bank

Add legacy storage access in my quarters. This would be an item that all of my characters in my legacy could access from their quarters. it would also allow, with legacy unlocks, EC to be deposited in a legacy wide bank that all legacy toons could access.


4) Landing on planets

Put a button in the gui when sitting in the pilots seat to land on a planet when I arrive. It is silly for me to have to WALK out of my exit hatch just to land.


I would also add that I think the initial visit to each and every planet should be similar to the intro space cinematic you experience when you first visit Makeb. That was a great sequence and I think it would immerse the players more in the importance of each planet. Naturally this would be triggered by progression in the storyline.

5) Minigames to improve ship performance/buffs

Remember the override/slicing minigames in ME? I think it would be good to be able to go to my engine room, or on my bridge at certain stations, certain control stations on the ship and activate small minigames where I can boost power output (faster shield regeneration, more powerful weapons), reenforce systems (makes the ship resist damage) or improve engine efficiency (lower travel cost). A successful minigame outcome would provide a temp buff to that system. Ties in to multiplayer options below.

6) Ability to shuttle to our ship

Much like the fleet pass, allow us to command our ship to come and pick us up. We would go straight into space, no need for launch cinematic. 18 hour cooldown.




7) Ability to enter our ship without taking off

You would need to design limited backdrops for when we look out of our bridge window, or you can just have blast shields down over the windows. In other words we can stay on planet without launching our ship. Ties in to on-ship missions below.


8) Gun turrets

Add gun turret stations for all spaceships, different locations based on ship design, at least two would be best.


9) Ability to direct companions to repair damaged system when in space combat

Add a button to command companions to repair your ship.


10) Allow players to sit and sleep in different positions around the ship. Every chair should be a sit capable object, and the bed should be a trigger for a sleep emote.


11) Add a workstation to our starship. We actually already have the station, we only need for it to be set up as a workstation point.



More in depth changes for the future....

1) Missions on and around our ship

Missions that trigger when we approach our ship or leave it, or when traveling through space. Getting attacked, repel borders, fix systems that are malfunctioning to escape, etc.


2) Ability for players to join you on your ship and play along when you go into space combat

They can man turrets, play minigames to fix ship damage or lengthen buffs, etc.


3) Players can join you in their starships for your space combat mission

Players will group up with you, go to their ship, you choose your space combat mission, they can join you in their ship, so you fly the pipe together. Friendly fire should be enabled.

4) Mission to go on attack run, then land and invade a ship

Allowing group play in the space mission would allow for this kind of mission to be authored. Could be set up as a flashpoint. You fight your way to a point, knock out a ships shields, land and fight on foot as usual.

5) Allow players to acquire a different ship at level cap

Players would be given a choice to turn in their ship for any of the other ships available. This could be a legacy unlock item.


6) Ability to customize both the exterior (color, markings, etc) and interior (SWG style interior decorating system, NO HOOKS)

Add decorations and awards/trophies to the game to quest for. Could be tied into an achievement system.


That's it for now, may add more later or add suggestions from others. Thanks.

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I want a battle simulator room, something where i can choose my enemy, and not gain xp for beating it... it could look like a hologram or something, and could be a cool high tech battle room... that way I could practice my rolls... they could also do healing simulations, dps simuations, and tanking simulations. That would be so awesome!
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- An appereance slot for outfits that the companions wear while on board (also include the option that one can access the character sheets of the companions while on the ship, not just the one of the ship droid).

- The work station on the ships (which are useless, since BioWare decided they are not needed for crafting) could change with the crew skills one has, so that they represent your crew skills.

- Add trophies, items one can put on the walls which show what flashpoints and operations and maybe other things the player has done.

- Make other characters in your legacy appear on your ship, also their companions as well.

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I dunno if it was posted but I would love to see a trophy system ala LOTRO and EQ2.


Certain mobs/bosses drop rare trophies that you can farm and then place them in your house. It was always fun trying to collect all the different trophies. I love walking into my house in LOTRO and seeing the trophies from all the old bosses that I killed years before. Makes the game feel more "alive."


P.S. Trophies generally would be a medium/rare drop and only 1 per boss - so it can take a while to gather all of them.

Edited by Trevalon
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I haven't read the whole thread, so I'm sure I'm duplicating a lot of what other people have said.


1. A spot for pets

2. Spots for trophies or decorations (like the holo rancor)

3. Ability to change the lighting.

4. Ability to change locations of companions (and add some animations to they move a little!)

5. Choice in beds, chairs, rugs & wall hangings.

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I'll go a step further to something that is a LITTLE BIT more "player housing" but still completely revolves around the player's ship: A CUSTOMIZABLE HANGER


Create another non-military space station - one that is like (or even IS) Port Nowhere from the Smuggler's story. Not only are there a ton of things you can do inside the station (for a different thread though) but you could let each player decorate the interior of the their hanger. This could be their "home port" and let them show all of their speeders (easier to do in a hanger than on the confines of the ships as currently designed) and can have stations/events that the companions can perform and areas the player could place them - perhaps even have random/routine actions and movements they can perform.


Perfect opportunity to show off a new paint job and the station itself could have basic amenities without duplicating all of the clutter and areas of the main fleet.


Also an opportunity for the RPers to have a bigger venue - and since Bioware created servers with "RP" as a designation, it would only be fair to give them an additional place to RP that's more casual and away from the war.


I'm sure you folks could come up with a million brilliant ideas for things to do in a Port Nowhere-style station, but the decoration/customization opportunities in a player "home base" hanger certainly seems to fit a bill many have clamored for.

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