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watchmen need more mobility

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I think that Watchmen need more mobility. I was thinking a 50% movement speed increase whenever you leap for 6s and also another leap on a 20s cd that you target the ground with and leap to because the biggest problem I feel for watchmen is losing you stacks due to the fact you are being kited too much also maybe a mechanic where if you get cc'd the duration on your Merciless slash buff is refreshed by like 4s or something Edited by BurningCourage
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lol dude you depend on the leap for rage 1 and 2 the slow costs 2 rage which in watchmen is really harsh carnage has roots and root breaking camo with fast pred smash has obliterate out of roots and slows on leaps watchmen is so ez to kite their mobility is not fine you leap every 12s but you depend on it for rage so you end up using it more for rage then mobility and your slow costs you 2 rage is melee range and in watchmen again spend rage on that really hurts especially with dispell and all the root breaks troopers have not to mention knights leaping away and smugglers with roll and kbs like every other warrior spec has ways to somewhat counter that leaps that slow and zealous leap that breaks roots and combat with pred and camo break roots and the thing is watchmen dps is hurt much more then the other specs when being kited also the fact the combat has 10m dispatch that resets and 10m throw root and 10m scream that are all in their rotation and smashers having a free scream and 10m root break on leap and you only need to get the smash off to do a good chunk of your dmg so compared to the other specs they lack so much mobility bro
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You depend on Force Leap for Focus?




Did you lose your Strike ability (builds 2 Focus)? Do you not use Zealous Strike (builds 6 Focus)? Do you not have the talent Focused Slash (refunds 1 Focus on a number of abilities)?


As for slowing down your opponent, what do you mean it costs 2 Focus? Do you not use Cauterize and do you not have the talent Inflammation (fully talented it has a 100% to slow target by 50% for the duration of Cauterize (6s))? Along with Mind Sear (which can reset the cooldown on Cauterize) you should be able to keep a target permanently slowed. So while Cauterize does cost 2 Focus, it does excellent damage and with the Inflammation talent it keeps your target slowed as a bonus.


If you are constantly using Freezing Force (which does cost 2 Focus) to slow down your target, then you are doing it wrong. Freezing Force is something you want to do to help your team by slowing down a large number of players, not just your target. Freezing Force also does nothing BUT slow the foes around you. If this is how you are using it, if this is what you are depending on to slow down your target, no wonder you have Focus problems.

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I think that Watchmen need more mobility. I was thinking a 50% movement speed increase whenever you leap for 6s and also another leap on a 20s cd that you target the ground with and leap to because the biggest problem I feel for watchmen is losing you stacks due to the fact you are being kited too much also maybe a mechanic where if you get cc'd the duration on your Merciless slash buff is refreshed by like 4s or something


Watchman is designed for: DOT damage, shorten cd and distance on Force Leap, and Extended Force Camouflage.


If you want mobility: go Combat.

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The mobility is fine in watchman. If you need to save your leap for movement (Writhing horror or Titan 6 come to mind) then save them. Your dps is barely going to be hindered by that. Now, the question to be asked is whether you have the foresight to save your leap, but again, that has nothing to do with the mobility of watchman spec.
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it is true cauterize does have the slow but again cleansing comes to mind as well as slow/root breaks that are much more common in the game now and you only have a chance to get focus from dots ticks and if they get dispelled you lose that focus builder and the proc for reset on cauterize sucks because merc slash stacks are hard to keep in pvp due to getting kited cc'd and the works so reset on cauterize is harder to do and also you have to be in melee range use your slows and auto attack and honestly against some classes slows do almost nothing because they just kb or kb root you or sage sprints and breaks all slows and roots and cleanses the dot unless they are dps and troopers hold the line or kb it just to ez to kite watchmen if you look at all the knight specs all of them have a much easier time staying on the target guardians have leap and intercede as well as the 4s immunity after leap and force push to reset leap and an aoe slow that is like 8m range or so and btw sents dont have freezing force and tank has their leap cd go down by 1s ever 1.5s they are attacked as well as 30% movement speed w/e your guard takes dmg and I already explained focus earlier and the other sent specs and the thing is watchmen is hurt the most by being kited because they need to be constantly in melee range to do dmg unlike focus and combat you have at least auto crit scream 3s root dispatch with reset all 10m and focus has force crush and free scream along with double leaps. my point is compared to all the other specs knights have watchmen is the weakest and their mobility is the weakest of all the knight specs by far Edited by BurningCourage
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it is true cauterize does have the slow but again cleansing comes to mind as well as slow/root breaks that are much more common in the game now and you only have a chance to get focus from dots ticks and if they get dispelled you lose that focus builder and the proc for reset on cauterize sucks because merc slash stacks are hard to keep in pvp due to getting kited cc'd and the works so reset on cauterize is harder to do and also you have to be in melee range use your slows and auto attack and honestly against some classes slows do almost nothing because they just kb or kb root you or sage sprints and breaks all slows and roots and cleanses the dot unless they are dps and troopers hold the line or kb it just to ez to kite watchmen if you look at all the knight specs all of them have a much easier time staying on the target guardians have leap and intercede as well as the 4s immunity after leap and force push to reset leap and an aoe slow that is like 8m range or so and btw sents dont have freezing force and tank has their leap cd go down by 1s ever 1.5s they are attacked as well as 30% movement speed w/e your guard takes dmg and I already explained focus earlier and the other sent specs and the thing is watchmen is hurt the most by being kited because they need to be constantly in melee range to do dmg unlike focus and combat you have at least auto crit scream 3s root dispatch with reset all 10m and focus has force crush and free scream along with double leaps. my point is compared to all the other specs knights have watchmen is the weakest and their mobility is the weakest of all the knight specs by far


You are quite right. Freezing Force is in fact a Guardian ability. My apologies. I got confused.


Also, you might want to look into getting a new keyboard. You apparently have no comma, full stop or Enter keys.

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Really? More mobility for watchman? Hello: you get short cd on the jump with no minimal range. It makes marauder far more harder to kite than a Juggernaut. Add Force Camo which makes a great escape ability when things get hot, cripple effect added to cauterize and more.


And most importantly: Watchman is mostly a PvE spec.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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What a terrible concept. There are no "PvE" specs or "PvP" specs, they all should have a place in each. Besides, watchman was the best PvP spec until around 1.3. I wish people would stop spouting this nonsense.


I agree, I am combat specced PVE player and I hate it when people say Combat is for PVP when I can put out more DPS than any watchman specced sentinel.

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Honestly, I've never felt like mobility was a major problem for me in Watchman.


In terms of the +/- for each spec, when asked, I've typically laid out the options as follows: both Watchman and Combat are great PVE specs. Watchman is less bursty, but with great burns, lots of utility and easier resource management. Combat has great on-demand burst, but requires more attention to resources and is a bit more fragile. Focus isn't my forte, but as I understand it, is heavily skewed to AOE effects, making it less useful in Ops, but at the top of the Sentinel heap for PvP. Alternatively Combat is a perfectly solid PvP spec, while Watchman (due to people cleansing your DoTs) is handicapped in PvP.


Thus if you're all about the PvP fights, go Focus or Combat. If you want to be able to do both without overhauling all your quickbars and hotkeys go Combat. If you're really only focused on PvE, go Watchman or Combat based on your play style preference.


Open question: Anybody know why the devs didn't add a tier 6 Watchman tree ability to make your DoTs increasingly "cleanse resistant". I'd think that would go a long way to making Watchman a contender in PvP again.

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