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Which warrior class is the easiest to play/rotate coming from a gunnery play style


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So far in SWTOR I have levelled up an Agent (Sniper) and Trooper (Commando) and now I would like to start getting into the melee side of the game. So that said which Warrior class would be the easiest for me to learn/master when coming from gunnery style combat? The DPS Juggernaut or Marauder


Also feel free to offer any additional advice about the two classes. That may make my choice easier.

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Marauder (carnage) is easier to learn a lot harder to master. Marauder deals a bit more damage while juggernaut brings a bit more utility. Marauder in the hands of a skilled player will always deal more dps, tho my personal favourite class is Juggernaut due to more fun playstyle and I do love bringing utility.


My only advice as a person who played both classes would be not giving up both classes before 45-48, warrior classes begin to shine late unlike Gunnery commando.

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Marauder (carnage) is easier to learn a lot harder to master. Marauder deals a bit more damage while juggernaut brings a bit more utility. Marauder in the hands of a skilled player will always deal more dps, tho my personal favourite class is Juggernaut due to more fun playstyle and I do love bringing utility.


My only advice as a person who played both classes would be not giving up both classes before 45-48, warrior classes begin to shine late unlike Gunnery commando.


Actually maurader brings more utility than a jug. Jug brings almost 0 group utility. While maurders have several group wide buffs. There's predation which for 10s increases movement speed by 50% and increases melee and ranged def by 10% for everyone in your group or ops. And there's bloodthirsty which increases and damage and healin by 15% for everyone in your group or ops. You also get a threat drop which jugs don't have. And they are one of the classes that have a droid cc. And they are one of the few classes that can inflict trauma. Only thing jug can do is that you can play as tank or dps where as maurader is just dps only.


That all being said I have way more fun playing my gaurdian(jug) than my maurader. I prefer vigilance over any of the marauder specs. (Though carnage is pretty fun though)

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