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Soloing groupcontent

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I'm the kinda player that likes to do challenges. Soling operations for me is very funny. I used to do stuff like this on other MMO's.


Unfortunately They did not make this easy in this game. First of all, u have to be in a ops group to enter an operation. Pretty annoying since now I'd have to find someone who's willing to wait outside. This does not increase the fun factor. I actually payed someone ingame to give me 30mins to fight Bonethrasher solo (1st boss KP)


Second there's enrage timers. I don't like them but whatever, here's the vid:



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Let me get this strait.....you are complaining because you can not do content meant for groups of people by yourself and then subsequently blaming the existence of enrage timers?


I would greatly like to see you solo:

1) A HM/NiM Terror with his Scream Mechanic

2) A SM/HM/NiMStyrak with his lovely throw and choke.

3) A SM/HM/NiM Dread Guards with their tank swaps

4) A SM/HM/NiM Operator IX with the color mechanics

5) A SM/HM/NiM Writhing Horror with the stacking debuff.

6) A SM/HM/NiM Dash'roode with the Sandstorm

7) A HM/NiM Titan 6 with swaps and red.

8) A NiM Thrasher


I mean seriously, are you going to complain about those mechanics when you can't do them? Less QQ more Pew Pew pls.

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While I agree I would like to see SOME soloable content, operations aren't really the type of thing I'm thinking of. Two man for classic operations possibly but this isn't really the type of game where soloing 8-man content is possible. This isn't the first Guild Wars :p
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I'm the kinda player that likes to do challenges. Soling operations for me is very funny. I used to do stuff like this on other MMO's.


Unfortunately They did not make this easy in this game. First of all, u have to be in a ops group to enter an operation. Pretty annoying since now I'd have to find someone who's willing to wait outside. This does not increase the fun factor. I actually payed someone ingame to give me 30mins to fight Bonethrasher solo (1st boss KP)


Second there's enrage timers. I don't like them but whatever, here's the vid:




It's an mmo. Besides OP content is strictly for groups only so please stop crying about them not being soloable. Also enrage timers have their use they help set a benchmark in the amount of DPS is required to down a boss.

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