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Star Wars:Rebels news and time to let go of EU Lore!


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...and nowhere in that video did Filoni say anything about the EU being non-canon... guess this was all just a ruse. :rolleyes:


That wasn't the whole Q and A. In the comments he mentioned getting vids taken down on his account.

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Where is that comment? Looks to me like it was over.


Whole entire thing? Hmmm, this is all the news to Rebels, the rest is just talking about what his position is there and who he is working with, but I do not know, no.




It is only the part of the Q and A concerning Rebels.

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Are you *********** kidding me?....So the EU that took place between the movies which...you know EXPANDED on the movie characters and so forth, is all gonna be reduced to **** and the only things that matter are the 6 movies in which we get bare boned characters without any sort of EU to flesh them out among other things that were explained?


Young fool only now at the end do you understand......

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Except the part where they have said repeatedly that they are creating completely original stories for the new movies.

yet there is rumor that Ryan Gosling is set to play Lukes son.

The problem here is that we have no solid proof that any EU will be wiped away just yet there have been more rumors than facts.

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Dave Filoni has a knack at talking people into boredom ... I don't know how he does it, althoufgh he appears to be quite a nice guy.


However, this might be perhaps new for you (if you don't know it already, didn't read through this whole thread) : http://www.theforce.net/story/front/Star_Wars_Rebels_CEII_Pins_Reveal_Rebel_Ship_Schematics_153460.asp

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Dave Filoni has a knack at talking people into boredom ... I don't know how he does it, althoufgh he appears to be quite a nice guy.


However, this might be perhaps new for you (if you don't know it already, didn't read through this whole thread) : http://www.theforce.net/story/front/Star_Wars_Rebels_CEII_Pins_Reveal_Rebel_Ship_Schematics_153460.asp

Lol, Wookieepedia already have a page for it. Impressive, most impressive.


But in all seriousness it looks like an awesome ship, but I'm just wondering... how true to the Clone Wars animated design will Filoni stick? I realise they are using Ralph McQuarrie's concept art but as concept art, its very intepretable - they could just be using the locations, designs, colour pallettes etc. it won't stop them from using the 3D CGI.

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yet there is rumor that Ryan Gosling is set to play Lukes son.

The problem here is that we have no solid proof that any EU will be wiped away just yet there have been more rumors than facts.


In no way does that mean it will be Ben. If hey want a Skywalker offspring for their story, there is a 50/50 chance that it will be a male.


Lol, Wookieepedia already have a page for it. Impressive, most impressive.


But in all seriousness it looks like an awesome ship, but I'm just wondering... how true to the Clone Wars animated design will Filoni stick? I realise they are using Ralph McQuarrie's concept art but as concept art, its very intepretable - they could just be using the locations, designs, colour pallettes etc. it won't stop them from using the 3D CGI.


In the info that is available, they have said that the styles will be different.

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It's pretty obvious that even if they don't do an entirely new story for the movies, they'll change enough that it won't fit into what's considered Canon. The truth is that everything beyond the movies is just merchandising, it's not George Lucas or the production team that sits around and decided what is and isn't Canon, it's the fans who insist on treating their fantasy like it's a baseball game with stats and timelines. Either adjust your opinion on what's Canon, or ignore the movies all together, comic book fans have been doing it for years now.
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Sorry guys but the EU never was cannon. none of it. Some things from EU have been used (like coruscant) sure. but they are exceptions. not rules.


And honestly a lot of the EU needs to go bye-bye.


The entire point of the Saga was Anakin and the prophecy. his fall. and "redemption" and in the end fulfillment of the prophecy by destroying the Sith (palp) and bringing "balance" to the force. But then we get EU garbage like Palpatine's ghost surviving and entering a clone body...Lukes fall to the Darkside...stupid crap like Luuke (a clone..yes he has two "u"'s cause..he's a clone...I guess is why) Which completely destroys the integrity of the 6 films and purpose.


GL also had made it clear that EU was not cannon. All those sub-divisions of "cannon" were just created by fans that didn't want what they were reading and like being pointless. T-level, C-Level, G-Level, R-Level, Insert-your-own-level-Level...is just ridiculous.


I've enjoyed most of the stories I've read. Almost all of them actually. But most have some things in them that were ridiculous.


Not to mention Jedi/Sith in the books/comics/etc got stupid-powerful because each author has to try and out-do the previous. To the point the lowlest force-sensitive embryo had more power than Yoda/Palp/Vader combined (that we see in the movies.) It all got ridiculous..and was more like reading a Dragon Ball Z book than a Star Wars Novel.


Fact is EU was NEVER cannon. Has been contradicted on more than one occasion. And honestly to complain about it is just silly. It was never cannon to begin with.


I'll miss some characters too. Mara Jade, Kyle Katarn, Dash Rendar, Jaina Solo, etc (just to name a small handful of em)....but get a grip people.

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First, the word is canon, not cannon. No one here is claiming that the Expanded Universe is a weapon that fires heavy projectiles.


Second, the tiered canon approach was not "just created by fans." It was instituted by employees of the Lucasfilm empire (Lucasfilm, Lucas Licensing, Lucas Books, etc.) whose responsibilities included continuity tracking and reference keeping.


Those two corrections aside, I do think it was a mistake that Lucasfilm ever decided to apply the term "canon" to the Expanded Universe. It has led to a great deal of confusion, frustration, and uncertainty among the SW fandom over the years, all of which could and should have been avoided. EU stories don't need to be "canon" to be good, enjoyable stories, so tying them to some "level of canonicity" was a profound error in judgement.


There a few quotes cited on Wookiepedia's Canon entry that I think sum up exactly how Lucasfilm should always have handled the EU:

There are two worlds here. There's my world, which is the movies, and there's this other world that has been created, which I say is the parallel universe—the licensing world of the books, games and comic books. They don't intrude on my world, which is a select period of time, [but] they do intrude in between the movies. I don't get too involved in the parallel universe.

I don't read that stuff. I haven't read any of the novels. I don't know anything about that world. That's a different world than my world. But I do try to keep it consistent. The way I do it now is they have a Star Wars Encyclopedia. So if I come up with a name or something else, I look it up and see if it has already been used. When I said [other people] could make their own Star Wars stories, we decided that, like Star Trek, we would have two universes: My universe and then this other one. They try to make their universe as consistent with mine as possible, but obviously they get enthusiastic and want to go off in other directions.

GL is certainly not bound by the EU, though he's certainly open to using things created in it (Aayla Secura and the Coruscant name, for example). On the other hand, the quote you provide makes it sound like the EU is separate from George's vision of the Star Wars universe. It is not. The EU must follow certain tenets set by George through the films and other guidelines that he provides outside of the films.


Those "certain tenets" should be obvious, and would be the ones that any tie-in material for any modern multimedia franchise tends to follow -- the tie-in material adheres as best as it possibly can to what is produced by the license holders, rather than the licensed material ever being perceived as supplementary. That means that the licensed material stays in continuity with the (live-action and/or animation) produced works, but it never gets confused as to being "canon." Lucas' Star Trek example is a good one, in fact. Star Trek novels, comics, games, etc., are not expected by fans to be "canon," but that doesn't stop those materials from providing excellent stories and staying consistent (i.e., in continuity with) the various television series and movies.



TLDR version: I agree that declaring anything EU-related "canon" was a mistake that never should have been made, and any fans who hold tightly to that concept should re-evaluate why they feel they need those stories to have such a label.

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