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Some Quality Of life things for me


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When on the GTN I would love it if you could shift click an item in your inventory and it appear in the GTN search box. Also it be able to remember items you have typed before and suggest them to you as you type.


A right click menu for your inventory "stack all" "sort by Type" "quantity" ETC.


A shared bank that all your characters can access and craft from.


Macros, even if you just allowed us to have one ability per macro just so I can macro an emote and drop it onto my bars would be fantastic. Or even just list the emotes like your abilities where you can drag and drop them to you action bars would be good.


A tab in your collection interface that lists all the stuff you have and another that lists the stuff you have unlocked.


To be able to highlight text for ease of copying and pasting and hyperlinks that work.


Right click option to character focus would be magic to.


Thanks muchly.

Edited by THEOscott
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THEOscott;6596610]When on the GTN I would love it if you could shift click an item in your inventory and it appear in the GTN search box. Also it be able to remember items you have typed before and suggest them to you as you type.


A right click menu for your inventory "stack all" "sort by Type" "quantity" ETC.



A shared bank that all your characters can access and craft from.




Macros, even if you just allowed us to have one ability per macro just so I can macro an emote and drop it onto my bars would be fantastic. Or even just list the emotes like your abilities where you can drag and drop them to you action bars would be good.


No. I have to say this game really does not need macros at all. However, a list emotes to use on the action bars I would support


A tab in your collection interface that lists all the stuff you have and another that lists the stuff you have unlocked.




To be able to highlight text for ease of copying and pasting and hyperlinks that work.


]No, because then spammers will be able to link their sites in game. Too much of a risk


Right click option to character focus would be magic to.




Thanks muchly


Good ideas most of which I support.

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