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I get more solo kills on my healing scoundrel than my combat sentinel. That's actually kinda sad when I think about it.


Yeah thats why i always throw a saber on that poor soul you are destroying in 1vs1 so you dont have solo kills :p

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Lol, instaquitter huh? Please don't tell me the "best Sorc healer on server" is going to try and make a comment about me immediately quitting a WZ when 1) you bring up only one instance where I left a WZ, and 2) are clearly offended because of the fact that you were in it healing based on your little name calling.


Kudos to you for considering "patience", despite your comment about some pugs being too bad to heal (which imo, doesn't actually show patience). Like I said, some of us know how much we can carry and some of us know how to win despite there being a good amount of people on the team weighing it down. It's built on a lot of "ifs" and "doing this, will mean this", and sometimes, some of us don't care to lift in an unranked pug match though the frustration that it causes. So before you try to bash me with your little post about instaquitting when you are in fact, echoing my words with butthurt over me leaving a match you were in, think a little bit before you throw out the attack :D


Was wondering why you were playing the cold shoulder game with me, and it's clear that you really took that one match I left to the ego. So if you want to try and trash talk me in these little posts using those terms meant to poke at me, then I'd be happy to oblige you.


It's not like you're actually that good of a healer anyway ;)


There's a huge difference between a team that has some good players and some bad players on it vs. a team that literally has 6-7 terribads that need to be hard carried. I think all of us who solo queue have experienced the difference.


The warzone to which I referred fell squarely into the former category, was reasonably recoverable (especially considering we got the cap about a minute after you left and held it), and considering my guild had invited you to fill a 4th spot in our group, we were perfectly justified in giving you the "cold shoulder" after you left at the drop of the hat because some pug somewhere made a mistake, thereby leaving the group who invited you high and dry.


It's a wonder you ever managed to complete a warzone at all with that attitude of yours; then again I can't help but wonder why that was why you started organizing "kickball" ranked.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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There's a huge difference between a team that has some good players and some bad players on it vs. a team that literally has 6-7 terribads that need to be hard carried. I think all of us who solo queue have experienced the difference.


The warzone to which I referred fell squarely into the former category, was reasonably recoverable (especially considering we got the cap about a minute after you left and held it), and considering my guild had invited you to fill a 4th spot in our group, we were perfectly justified in giving you the "cold shoulder" after you left at the drop of the hat because some pug somewhere made a mistake, thereby leaving the group who invited you high and dry.


Yet you still fail to understand my point. I remember that WZ as nodes being lost very easily with multiple defenders due to bad pugs, and I also remember telling you that I was not interested in the frustration of having to play the match where I couldn't trust a team to hold a node without my help.


Last time I checked, people who aren't easily butt hurt and don't take many things as ego wounding won't take a single match in an unranked que and then brand another player as a regular instaquitter based off of one experience. You are clearly showing that you are simply attempting to bad mouth a player you dislike, referring to one single match as proof for a stereotype. So again, before you try to attack me with ignorance, remember how contradictory it makes you seem.


It's a wonder you ever managed to complete a warzone at all with that attitude of yours; then again I can't help but wonder why that was why you started organizing "kickball" ranked.


I'm having a hard time understanding this, in all honesty. But if I didn't know any better, it's sounds like you are complaining about my attitude of not enjoying the aspect of proving my own capability as more than just one player? That I don't enjoy proving myself as someone who can change the face of a WZ all by myself?


The same person who was legitamitely calling for Infamous to come play alts impside because there were "too many bads to heal"? The same person that will whine about no one helping him carry a team in ops chat and brag about himself when someone triples his healing numbers? This is the guy that is trying to bash me as a player? xD


Lol, I know how you think bud and I know you play these unranked pug matches because you seem to get ego boosts off of carrying pugs, hence the amount of comments I hear about how arrogant of a scrub you are. It's easy to tell you enjoy those matches of noobs vs noobs where one veteran can change the WZ, but it's also revealing about your own character when you throw a fit like the one in the balance discussion thread about how unfair Infamous is to you for rolling you in regs.


When you're ready to take your joke of a healer out of the one man show matches that prove nothing other than your own arrogance and stick him into the real WZs where teams, not players, compete, then let me know. We started ranked because we know what PvP is really about, and the real fun comes from team competition. Not talking about how awesome you are when in reality, your play style would be laughable in real team competition.

Edited by ZooMzy
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So I guess the reason why I seldom do ranked is because I'd much rather ego trip in regs (lol)?


While Zuhara and I disagree about what to do about bads being bad, apparently he has never quite understood Occam's Razor.


Truth is my guild doesn't have eight interested members who play the same faction (we're a bit spread out) who can all commit to being on at the exact same time. Pretty simple actually.


And the last time I did kickball ranked, the vent went over capacity as we were trying to organize another couple of teams, I got automatically booted from the vent to free up space, and about 40 minutes of whispering Juniormonk and conveying my situation in ops chat for maybe someone still in vent to speak up, all of that trying to let him know of my predicament got me no response...so I had to leave.


But hey Saturday night Wrecks caught me right before I was to go eat dinner...ohhaithar! You got me a couple times, I got you back, and I'm sure a fun game was had by all :)


And then two ranked matches later my derpy little joke of a healer decided his performance was sufficient for a little trip to the records thread....


Looking forward to arenas as getting 4 together will be exponentially easier for my guild to do. :)

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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^^ Andreus, I am surprised you weren't throwing a few more cuddle puddles around. As most of the fighting was happening around the pylons. Turtle strategy seems to be the strat-du-jour on Ancient Hypergates.


Nice comeback win by the way.

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So I guess the reason why I seldom do ranked is because I'd much rather ego trip in regs (lol)?


While Zuhara and I disagree about what to do about bads being bad, apparently he has never quite understood Occam's Razor.


Truth is my guild doesn't have eight interested members who play the same faction (we're a bit spread out) who can all commit to being on at the exact same time. Pretty simple actually.


And the last time I did kickball ranked, the vent went over capacity as we were trying to organize another couple of teams, I got automatically booted from the vent to free up space, and about 40 minutes of whispering Juniormonk and conveying my situation in ops chat for maybe someone still in vent to speak up, all of that trying to let him know of my predicament got me no response...so I had to leave.


But hey Saturday night Wrecks caught me right before I was to go eat dinner...ohhaithar! You got me a couple times, I got you back, and I'm sure a fun game was had by all :)


And then two ranked matches later my derpy little joke of a healer decided his performance was sufficient for a little trip to the records thread....


Looking forward to arenas as getting 4 together will be exponentially easier for my guild to do. :)


Lol, so maybe I was wrong about your desire to go into ranked and play competitively. Fair enough :)


Still don't see where this changes things. The match composition from the start was designed for two goals in terms of your healers: Kill Lemu, keep you from healing anyone else besides yourself as you two seemed to always go to the same node. Being the hybrid, it was my job to make sure of the plan with you harassed while the actual DPS killed Lemu. Which, in all actuality, worked very well against you, as you as a player clearly had no adjustment plan besides respeccing to DPS. With the addition of Sanitize and Wrecks into the team after the first match and then your final switch to DPS, our team's mismatch against yours in that field proved to be what cost us the match in the end.


It was fun for sure, but going back to my point, you as a healer is a joke. You are easily predictable, your moves are easily countered, and it's very easy to run down a Sorc healer if you know their plans, especially since you seemed to think I would lose focus on you if you sprinted away. Watch that video and see how I restricted you and maybe you'll understand my point about how as a healer, you aren't very good in the slightest. So forgive me, but quite frankly, I can easily see you being not as much as an impact in a WZ as you think, considering our biggest consensus last match was the advantage GD had in DPS from Sanitize and Wrecks. You were like a weaker version of Lunace from the first match; a small addition, but not a game changer in the slightest ;)


Looking forward to seeing you in the ranked matches again though, as the competition with both of the pug groups GD and Infamous put together helped us determine a better team composition! Not sure about arenas myself, as I think most of those matches on paper will boil down to frustrating stalemates more than actually fun matches :/

Edited by ZooMzy
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  • 1 month later...
So I guess the reason why I seldom do ranked is because I'd much rather ego trip in regs (lol)?


While Zuhara and I disagree about what to do about bads being bad, apparently he has never quite understood Occam's Razor.


Truth is my guild doesn't have eight interested members who play the same faction (we're a bit spread out) who can all commit to being on at the exact same time. Pretty simple actually.


And the last time I did kickball ranked, the vent went over capacity as we were trying to organize another couple of teams, I got automatically booted from the vent to free up space, and about 40 minutes of whispering Juniormonk and conveying my situation in ops chat for maybe someone still in vent to speak up, all of that trying to let him know of my predicament got me no response...so I had to leave.


But hey Saturday night Wrecks caught me right before I was to go eat dinner...ohhaithar! You got me a couple times, I got you back, and I'm sure a fun game was had by all :)


And then two ranked matches later my derpy little joke of a healer decided his performance was sufficient for a little trip to the records thread....


Looking forward to arenas as getting 4 together will be exponentially easier for my guild to do. :)


Why was everybody trying to cap the west pylon in the first couple rounds? There is a whole 'nother pylon, lol.

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