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Grey NPC should be afraid


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In many games I have played when my character levels beoynd the NPC and they no longer gives you XP anymore they stop attacking you. In some games they even acts as afraid of you and try to avoid confrontation (they will still try to defend themselfs if attacked).


Having grey NPC attacking your character without even a chance of success is pointless. If they stopped attacking veteran players it would benefit the younger players since they do not have to wait for them to respawn.

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That would be handy. Another fun mechanic might be one where you defeat an elite with style (never go below 50% HP, or do it in a certain amount of time) and get a buff that causes lower-grade NPCs to cower away from you. That way you only have to prove yourself once, and then the mobs let you walk around freely.
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  • 4 months later...

Defeat the boss convincing enough in style and the mob stay away ... that sounds very usefull and also much like in real Life. Of course they will still try to defend if attacked. Could easy be implemented as a character buff with a timer.

However one thing at a time, I think the first part should be to make all grey NPC that are to low level to give you XP anyway should just ignore your character like most other games have implemented it.

Second iteration of this could be enhanced with fare so that grey NPC cower away from you if you are to high level for them and in the long run the character buff for killing elite bosses with style could be implemented.

Would love to have this implemented. I can just see myself be called to a lower level planet to help an old friend with his mission and as I am running towards his location all the NPC are getting out of my way, afraid for their lives.

If this is implemented together with group scaling (Master/Apprentice) it would even be better so once I get to my friend he selects me as his master and I am scaled down to one level above him and now all the NPC that was previously afraid of me is challenging again.

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