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Another tier of gear, already?


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Gear grind for the best I don't mind. What I can't stand is the never ending puzzle of knowing *** to wear until you get the maxed gear set because of how screwed up bolster is. That and when they take the old max set and take all expertise off of it and make it worse for you to use in pvp then pve gear. Hopefully they keep learning from some of the more ridiculous mistakes they've made regarding pvp gear going forward. Edited by Keypek
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but but but.. isnt that what you guys wanted? you all said how gear progression is why you play and hate Bolster... heres your chance to get even better stats... right?

The contradictions here daily are hilarious

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While I dislike the constant gear revolution, I'll add that decreasing the intervals of time between tiers may be a good thing. I remember before they introduced the war hero/elite war hero tiers, there was actually a long period of time that people spent grinding war hero comms. Point is, by having consistant meaningless gear increases, people may actually weather the storm better, and hence remain subbed.


I know many people that unsubbed with 2.0. There was a nice groove with war hero/elite war hero, people were crushed with the developer's failures since then. People will continue to be crushed. Face it...as good as this game looked before launch, it was destined to fail because of the idiots in charge.

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you realize this is the mmo equivalent of asking why water's wet, right? That's the way it is. That's the carrot. that's how people who aren't good enough to down new content, which is harder than previous content, overcome their deficiency. and this isn't an elitist criticism. it's howjust about everyone downs new and more difficult co tent. only pvp doesn't get more difficult because the player pool is the only arbiter, and that doesn't change with new maps.


You absolutely correct. I believe the point behind questioning the typical MMORPG paradigm is just this: there is a better way of progressing in a game without the need for direct increases in gear and abilities.


In chess, there are no increases in pieces or their abilities, with the exception of pawn-switch. You start out with 16 pieces, that each have a set of abilities. They gain nothing over the course of a game. In pairs, or trios, or even quartets, they have amazing synergies. It is necessary as a player to develop and execute a grand strategy, that is "tip the King", while thinking strategically and tactically on a move by move basis.


I assume you have played chess. It would seem to me that if players were truly interested in honing skillsets, whether in PvP or PvE, that they would gravitate toward games that provide the least amount of "bolster" to gear or abilities, and require the most amount of personal skillset growth.


It can be done in MMOs, but I seriously doubt that these types of MMOs would succeed in todays marketplace.


Instead of plus one tier of gear to overcome plus one tier of bosses, or players, there could be increases in efficiency or tactics required, that is, +5% efficiency on heals, or DPS, or mitigation, or...


And yes, perhaps 5% is low. But it is just an example.


To overcome a superior opponent in chess, a player must outplay them, through knowledge and skillset.



Just saying - they could do it is all.

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Here's my beef with the new tier. It's a double edged sword. Last time we knew it was coming some of us made sure every single character was maxed out on coms to ensure we didn't have inadequate gear against other players. It was over a month grind.


I like playing my other characters on occasion. I don't like being forced to play them to keep the main character in top end gear


I've been able to get

  • Two conqueror sets for my jug, tank and dps. (itemized with partisan) MH OH conq tank and dps
  • Conqueror mh and off hand for the assassin and marauder
  • Partisan itemized gear for the sin.
  • Partisan for my new 55 operative. currently no weapons.
  • Nothing for my shelved powertech


Thanks to adaptive legacy gear I can share some items from my jug and marauder but at the cost of looking like a gree goof. Only way to get some more attractive legacy adaptive is pve belsavis which I'd prefer not to do.


My point of posting all that is I love occasionally jumping on my alts I'm not going to do it if I know I'm giving my team a disadvantage. This restricts me to one character until I gather enough gear for him.


Currently it's also got me again thinking about being forced to max coms on characters I'd prefer play on occasion.


So what's the solution? Raise the com cap and make it legacy?


If another mmo comes out that's promising and bioware sticks another regrind on me again I'm going to consider regrinding in the next mmo. They've gotta figure out a way to keep the carrot without continually wiping peoples gear into obsolete. When you add the need to augment all over again all of your characters it makes it twice as painful.

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It would be actually keep the old pvp sets. Make them tiers, the old war hero sets? Tier 1 , elite war hero? tier 2

Partisan? tier 3 and Conqueror to be tier 4. The lower the tier the easier to get.

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