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New patch break anything?


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Just curious. I'm not hating on BW or anything, i just wanna know if there is any newly broken things with this latest patch. sorry...not "broken"...but rather...."undocumented features".



Seriously....anything new break with this patch that i should look forward to?

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Just curious. I'm not hating on BW or anything, i just wanna know if there is any newly broken things with this latest patch. sorry...not "broken"...but rather...."undocumented features".



Seriously....anything new break with this patch that i should look forward to?


I would recommend watching the bug report forum, instead of creating a new thread in general discussion.


That, and customer service, are the best forums to see if any issues have popped up and been reported. Also an excellent place to report any that you see.

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Why don't you play the game yourself and see :) Instead of coming on the forums are trying to create tension and be asking "should I look forward to anything being broken".


Obviously you started the thread because you want people to go into your post just to say something. Why else would you create a thread so trivial and obviously baiting so people go on the whole offensive defensive part again? If you want to see if anything is broken for your game play, go inside the game and see. Otherwise don't just come into the forums and ask something you know will maybe ignite some fumes. That's not good nor is it smart :)


If you are serious. I haven't seen anything at all it has broken. Nothing that hinders my experience with the game. Nothing really "breaks" significantly from what I see. It's just over-dramatics sometimes from some people :p

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Rocket Boost has no sound


Random crashing without warning in all daily areas (although I personally have only experiences this on Makeb)



Those are the new issues

Edited by Xaldynn
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