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Please make PvE actually PvE-only


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They can force you to PVP through trickery, this has been established from the very first post. Being tricked into PVP is not giving consent. People do not join PVE servers to engage in "PVP through trickery" unless they are the type of player who forces others into PVP.


Oh come on. Surely you are smarter then these d-bags. I do not accept that you are not smart enough to avoid the handful of tricks these jerks use. I'm absolutely serious when I state this. :)


Again... they cannot force you. They can lay lame tricks of play, but you have to step into the trap and to do so, you have to make a mistake. Just be more careful when in a dual faction zone. Don't indiscriminately tab-target, don't AoE Damage unless you are certain it is safe to do. If they persist, move on.. it's easy to instance hop if they are more persistent then you are patient.


Your larger challenge is if you are a healer, or have a healer companion and do not turn off your AoE heals.. as these could slop over on a friendly faction flagged player. And this challenge has nothing to do at all with tricksters. But again... adjust to avoid it, and you don't have an issue.


If I am going to play in a dual faction zone and I don't want any PvP..I disable all AoE skills. There is no content that is so challenging in the open world that I must have the AoE to progress. It might slow me down a bit by disabling them.. but that's fine to me, for the safety it provides.

Edited by Andryah
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What the OP and many others are talking about is exactly the reason I stay as far away as I can get from the Gree Event. I wont even go to Ilum for dailies during the event.


I know that the pvpers will eventually be leaving the pvp area and they will be trying those kinds of tactics. So I just dont even bother with it.


The sad truth is that the flagging system in this game is kind of borked and easily exploitable. Ive had my healing companion flag me by dropping one of those Kolto Cloud things as a flagged player passes close to me. I just stand there giving Mako the evil eye.


Although Ive been pretty lucky. Even though Ive been unintentionally flagged many times, Ive only ever been ganked once. Im always very cautious. If I see people in Gen chat talking about gankers, I bail out and go somewhere else. And if I do get flagged for any reason, I go to a safe spot until it turns off. And if there is an event that requires pvp.. Im totally Not there.


Edit: I do support the idea of a toggle for pvp flag. When its turned off, then the player can not interact with any other flagged player. That way people cant cheat and heal or support flagged players without fear of being attacked also.

Edited by Apache
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The sad truth is that the flagging system in this game is kind of borked and easily exploitable. Ive had my healing companion flag me by dropping one of those Kolto Cloud things as a flagged player passes close to me. I just stand there giving Mako the evil eye.


I agree that it is not the best_in_class implementation in the genre. It does however leave the player in control of the flag, just not through the use of an "immunity switch".


Players cannot faceroll around in dual faction zones on a PvE server is all. So it's a bit higher maintenance, but I honestly believe it is intentional on the developers part because they want that bit of edgy tension even on PvE servers when you are running around in dual faction zones.


Some people look at anything in an MMO they don't like as something that must be changed. The forum is filled with such demands and insistence. Maybe its because I have played MMOs for many years.. but I am fine with MMO mechanics requiring me as a player to be aware, attentive, and to overcome elements in the game such that I cannot faceroll my way through it while watching TV and eating Cheetos.


The discussion in this thread is really about some players wanting/needing an immunity switch. I get that some players want one. I do not agree however that any of us actually need one.

Edited by Andryah
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You have to allow yourself to be tricked Test_Eagle. Nobody can force you to be tricked. It requires a mistake or lack of awareness on your part. So.. in dual faction zones... be aware, and don't make mistakes. And even if you are tricked or make a mistake on occasion.. you can refuse to engage, sit in safety and wait for your timer to lapse after 5 minutes.


Every PvE player applies the concept of situational awareness and not making mistakes every single day when they go out and PvE mobs. If they don't, they die and have to pick themselves up from taking a dirt nap. So I know this is not a foreign concept to you. It's just that an opposing faction player is more clever sometimes then the world mobs, BUT also more constrained in how they are able to engage you.... so.. you the player are never out of control unless you are simply oblivious to your surroundings and what is going on. Personally I don't accept that PvEers are oblivious to their surroundings and what is going on around them. If they are, then the PvE side of this game will park them at the med-center 7/24.


Honestly, last time I saw a trickster.. I called some friends and we handed them their keesters gift wrapped until they gave up and logged off. There was no need to /report them... the server community took care of the problem.



It really doesn't matter if it is someone being "tricked" into flagging. It IS a problem and it CAN be addressed in a way to stop it from happening without removing PvP from the game, as the irrational nay sayers from your side of the argument have tried implying several times that is what we want. Its not a sledgehammer to a tack or any kind of hammer for that matter. It is meeting force with equal force, bringing a knife to a knife fight so to speak, in a manner that reduces the amount of collateral damage to minimal amounts. I allows Papers to continue to do the content of their choosing, it allows the PvErs to continue to PvE without fear of some ****** walking into the middle of their fight or objective to cause them to flag, and it allows Bioware to make as many people as happy as possible which only helps matters.

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I agree that it is not the best_in_class implementation in the genre. It does however leave the player in control of the flag, just not through the use of an "immunity switch".


Players cannot faceroll around in dual faction zones on a PvE server is all. So it's a bit higher maintenance, but I honestly believe it is intentional on the developers part because they want that bit of edgy tension even on PvE servers when you are running around in dual faction zones.


Some people look at anything in an MMO they don't like as something that must be changed. The forum is filled with such demands and insistence. Maybe its because I have played MMOs for many years.. but I am fine with MMO mechanics requiring me as a player to be aware, attentive, and to overcome elements in the game such that I cannot faceroll my way through it while watching TV and eating Cheetos.


The discussion in this thread is really about some players wanting/needing an immunity switch. I get that some players want one. I do not agree however that any of us actually need one.


This "immunity switch" as you put it would seem to imply that people want to be able to affect PvPers without repercussion when that is absolutely not the intention and continuing to pose it as such is just willfully ignorant and wrong. All that is being asked for is a way to not effect the PvPers unintentionally so they don't have to continuously watch over their backs and can continue to do what they are doing, which is minding their own business. That in no way removes PvP nor does it stop others from doing if they choose to. It simply stood people from being forced into something they didn't want in the first place. Trying to rename it and redefine it as something I this not only continues own this obtuse stance you have taken and vomited across everyone's screen. Sorry but no.

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I agree that it is not the best_in_class implementation in the genre. It does however leave the player in control of the flag, just not through the use of an "immunity switch".


Players cannot faceroll around in dual faction zones on a PvE server is all. So it's a bit higher maintenance, but I honestly believe it is intentional on the developers part because they want that bit of edgy tension even on PvE servers when you are running around in dual faction zones.


Some people look at anything in an MMO they don't like as something that must be changed. The forum is filled with such demands and insistence. Maybe its because I have played MMOs for many years.. but I am fine with MMO mechanics requiring me as a player to be aware, attentive, and to overcome elements in the game such that I cannot faceroll my way through it while watching TV and eating Cheetos.


The discussion in this thread is really about some players wanting/needing an immunity switch. I get that some players want one. I do not agree however that any of us actually need one.


Ive also played MMO's for years. In WoW I played on a PvP server (Akama) for 2 years before eventually changing over to a PvE server. For months after changing to PvE I would still jump out of my skin every time I heard someone behind me dismounting. It made me kind of a nervous wreck lol.


Because of my own experience in MMO's, I have to disagree with you. In my own personal opinion, I believe that people do roll on PvE servers Because they Dont want that edgy tension and paranoia that comes with PvP. They actually Do want to faceroll thier way through while watching TV and eating Cheetos. Otherwise, they probably would have rolled on a PvP server.


So an immunity switch may not be needed, but some kind of change is if Bioware cant fix the exploits.

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Oh come on. Surely you are smarter then these d-bags. I do not accept that you are not smart enough to avoid the handful of tricks these jerks use. I'm absolutely serious when I state this. :)


Again... they cannot force you. They can lay lame tricks of play, but you have to step into the trap and to do so, you have to make a mistake. Just be more careful when in a dual faction zone. Don't indiscriminately tab-target, don't AoE Damage unless you are certain it is safe to do. If they persist, move on.. it's easy to instance hop if they are more persistent then you are patient.


Your larger challenge is if you are a healer, or have a healer companion and do not turn off your AoE heals.. as these could slop over on a friendly faction flagged player. And this challenge has nothing to do at all with tricksters. But again... adjust to avoid it, and you don't have an issue.


If I am going to play in a dual faction zone and I don't want any PvP..I disable all AoE skills. There is no content that is so challenging in the open world that I must have the AoE to progress. It might slow me down a bit by disabling them.. but that's fine to me, for the safety it provides.


We've already established players can be forced to PVP. Call it trickery, baiting, trapping.. it doesn't matter. Making someone flag themselves for PVP without consent is forcing them to PVP.

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So an immunity switch may not be needed, but some kind of change is if Bioware cant fix the exploits.


Well.. we have advocates in this thread that want the same function as we get if we try to heal or buff a player in a cutscene..... where when you try to do so.. you get a "target is immune" message. That's what some people want, and they want it on a toggle switch. Personally I think it is over-kill here.


I do agree that exploits need to be addressed, but I honestly do not feel that people trying to play tricks on me is an exploit. Nor is it common IMO on the servers. It exists, but it's not common and the communities can and do usually handle it without Bioware needing to get involved.


And generally speaking (not pointing at any particular member of the discussion)....The larger issue really is people are careless...and they don't want consequences for being careless.. they want a get out of jail free switch. Most issues IMO are caused by getting flagged from applying an effect on a friendly faction player who is flagged, not getting tricked into PvP by an opposing faction player.

Edited by Andryah
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I'm curious though, what more exploits would the system I suggested cause? I ask be cause my suggestion closes the stealth flag problem in the OP, and also closes the issue of people standing back healing a friendly so they can abuse or grief others. The removal of the flag I conceded, though I never implied otherwise before, could be exactly as is now. The biggest issues are the auto flagging and has been since the start of the argument.


Not going to discuss possible exploit methods or that type of mentality, not into giving dirtbags ideas. While I do agree with you to the point that it would solve the problem for strictly pve players that are honestly playing the game, it could hurt PvP players (not talking about those that doing this now, but the vast majority that something like this would be beneath them. However, making it so the switch would only be able to switched on or off in a safe zone, would solve the only problem I see. However, the real problem isn't the ones we see, but the ones we don't see when any change is made.


I still don't think the problem is mechanic and I have been tricked more than a few times, the problem as I see it this type of behavior is tolerated. I did the gree event tonight on my slinger, I know a sith there could have easily flagged me because of my companion and I was just trying to kill fast and not being overly careful, but instead we both helped each other with the heroic. Overall this is a great community and a majority of the players are great to play with, the problem is we are all letting a few pity jerks cloud our views of a decent game and great community.

Edited by mikebevo
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Well.. we have advocates in this thread that want the same function as we get if we try to heal or buff a player in a cutscene..... where when you try to do so.. you get a "target is immune" message. That's what some people want, and they want it on a toggle switch. Personally I think it is over-kill here.


I do agree that exploits need to be addressed, but I honestly do not feel that people trying to play tricks on me is an exploit. Nor is it common IMO on the servers. It exists, but it's not common and the communities can and do usually handle it without Bioware needing to get involved.


And generally speaking (not pointing at any particular member of the discussion)....The larger issue really is people are careless...and they don't want consequences for being careless.. they want a get out of jail free switch. Most issues IMO are caused by getting flagged from applying an effect on a friendly faction player who is flagged, not getting tricked into PvP by an opposing faction player.




Again, we are back to blaming the victim here. Instead of saying the issue is with the people who are forcing a play style onto others that they do not want you are blaming the people who are the offended and that the onus should be on them. No! Just flat out no! Especially when this issue can be resolved before it even happens. Now I will ask you, why are you so opposed to having the flagging system set so that the only way to have that flag turned on is to physically turn it on yourself or go into a PvP are that automatically turns it on? It's not stopping others from PvPing and its not, if set up correctly, allowing for anyone to exploit or abuse it, so why would someone be so vehemently against it? And I don't want to hear "because its taking a sledge hammer to a tack". I will tell you that the only reason I can see someone so ardently opposed to it is because they are one of the people abusing the system as it is applied right now.

Edited by Hyfy
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Not going to discuss possible exploit methods or that type of mentality, not into giving dirtbags ideas. While I do agree with you to the point that it would solve the problem for strictly pve players that are honestly playing the game, it could hurt PvP players (not talking about those that doing this now, but the vast majority that something like this would be beneath them. However, making it so the switch would only be able to switched on or off in a safe zone, would solve the only problem I see. However, the real problem isn't the ones we see, but the ones we don't see when any change is made.


A healthy discussion needs people from both sides of the argument. Any idea needs people to firstly suggest the idea and secondly, people to point out any faults or exploits. Discussing possible exploit methods before an idea is made reality, allows for solutions to those exploits to be created.

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Not going to discuss possible exploit methods or that type of mentality, not into giving dirtbags ideas. While I do agree with you to the point that it would solve the problem for strictly pve players that are honestly playing the game, it could hurt PvP players (not talking about those that doing this now, but the vast majority that something like this would be beneath them. However, making it so the switch would only be able to switched on or off in a safe zone, would solve the only problem I see. However, the real problem isn't the ones we see, but the ones we don't see when any change is made.


I still don't think the problem is mechanic and I have been tricked more than a few times, the problem as I see it this type of behavior is tolerated. I did the gree event tonight on my slinger, I know a sith there could have easily flagged me because of my companion and I was just trying to kill fast and not being overly careful, but instead we both helped each other with the heroic. Overall this is a great community and a majority of the players are great to play with, the problem is we are all letting a few pity jerks cloud our views of a decent game and great community.


We are talking in hypotheticals because the system I suggest isn't in place anyways so please humor me. I see 0 exploits that would be added to the game by having the flagging system ignoring any type of damaging, healing, or buff type spell between unflagged and flagged players unless both parties are flagged. And again you are back to the unflagging, it isn't the issue here, never was. Ive stated now at least 3 times that the becoming unflagged can stay exactly as is now. I'm not sure why that part seems to be overlooked or forgotten but I've said it multiple times. The issue in this thread has been since the beginning and the issue in game is with the flagging mechanism not the unflagging. But you keep going on about safe zones etc. and I just can not figure out why. My proposal is something that would be a constant:


When not flagged you can not have (this) kind of interaction

When flagged you can have (this) kind of interaction

Since you can not have (this) kind of interaction any longer unless you are flagged, to be flagged you must either physically turn on your flag yourself OR enter a PvP zone which will automatically flag you.


No exploits, no need for this safe zone or unflagging talk.



One last question, how would this hurt PvP players? I am not seeing where that concern came from either.

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Well.. we have advocates in this thread that want the same function as we get if we try to heal or buff a player in a cutscene..... where when you try to do so.. you get a "target is immune" message. That's what some people want, and they want it on a toggle switch. Personally I think it is over-kill here.


I do agree that exploits need to be addressed, but I honestly do not feel that people trying to play tricks on me is an exploit. Nor is it common IMO on the servers. It exists, but it's not common and the communities can and do usually handle it without Bioware needing to get involved.


And generally speaking (not pointing at any particular member of the discussion)....The larger issue really is people are careless...and they don't want consequences for being careless.. they want a get out of jail free switch. Most issues IMO are caused by getting flagged from applying an effect on a friendly faction player who is flagged, not getting tricked into PvP by an opposing faction player.


Im not sure it would be overkill. If it solves the issue, then I call it addressed and fixed. Problem solved. Which is a good thing, is it not?


I am curious though, as to why you are so intent on putting the blame for this kind of griefing upon the people being griefed? Youre saying its their fault for being careless, and its their fault for allowing themselves to be tricked, and that such a system would be their get out of jail free card. Im just not understanding that point of view. Maybe Im just too dense?

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A healthy discussion needs people from both sides of the argument. Any idea needs people to firstly suggest the idea and secondly, people to point out any faults or exploits. Discussing possible exploit methods before an idea is made reality, allows for solutions to those exploits to be created.


Besides we are talking hypotheticals anyways since the system as described that said "exploits" would be tied to isn't in the game anyways.

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Im not sure it would be overkill. If it solves the issue, then I call it addressed and fixed. Problem solved. Which is a good thing, is it not?


I am curious though, as to why you are so intent on putting the blame for this kind of griefing upon the people being griefed? Youre saying its their fault for being careless, and its their fault for allowing themselves to be tricked, and that such a system would be their get out of jail free card. Im just not understanding that point of view. Maybe Im just too dense?


The only reason that I can think why someone would feel that way about it is because they are of the offending crowd. I could be wrong, but that seems to me to be the logical extrapolation from those stances.

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Again, we are back to blaming the victim here. Instead of saying the issue is with the people who are forcing a play style onto others that they do not want you are blaming the people who are the offended and that the onus should be on them. No! Just flat out no! Especially when this issue can be resolved before it even happens. Now I will ask you, why are you so opposed to having the flagging system set so that the only way to have that flag turned on is to physically turn it on yourself or go into a PvP are that automatically turns it on? It's not stopping others from PvPing and its not, if set up correctly, allowing for anyone to exploit or abuse it, so why would someone be so vehemently against it? And I don't want to hear "because its taking a sledge hammer to a tack". I will tell you that the only reason I can see someone so ardently opposed to it is because they are one of the people abusing the system as it is applied right now.

After watching how Andrayh goes after some people on these forums? I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that was the case Hyfy.


And yes, the Gree event most certainly needs to be tweaked for PVE servers with the method that was suggested, a better flagging system.

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Well.. we have advocates in this thread that want the same function as we get if we try to heal or buff a player in a cutscene..... where when you try to do so.. you get a "target is immune" message. That's what some people want, and they want it on a toggle switch. Personally I think it is over-kill here.


I do agree that exploits need to be addressed, but I honestly do not feel that people trying to play tricks on me is an exploit. Nor is it common IMO on the servers. It exists, but it's not common and the communities can and do usually handle it without Bioware needing to get involved.


And generally speaking (not pointing at any particular member of the discussion)....The larger issue really is people are careless...and they don't want consequences for being careless.. they want a get out of jail free switch. Most issues IMO are caused by getting flagged from applying an effect on a friendly faction player who is flagged, not getting tricked into PvP by an opposing faction player.


I really don't understand why such a system is overkill. People who want to PvP will flag themselves anyway. Nothing changes for them. However, an error message when you try to attack/heal/buff and interact with flagged players would just prevent accidental flagging and griefing. It's not an immunity switch, once you toggle your flag, you cannot lose it unless you spend 5 minutes in a safe zone. It's not a way to get out of a losing situation, it's a way not to get into that situation in the first place.


And while I agree that a circumspect person can avoid most griefing situations, there is one you cannot do anything about. I call them "corpse-standers". They loiter in stealth nearby, then when the mob dies, they quickly run on top of it and decloak when your character starts the kneeling down animation (a sign that you're about to loot). Looting is not instantaneous, it happens when the character's knees touch the ground. It's not easy to do, it doesn't work 100% of the time, but with a lot of practice with timing and positioning, they have a pretty good chance that you will click on them, instead of the corpse of the mob.


You can do two things to avoid this.


1. Don't add an attack skill to the no. 1 key. Then right clicking on an enemy won't affect him but sadly this also messes up your keybars and rotations, so it's not really feasible most of the time.


2. Drop a Stealth Scan on every mob that drops (first and foremost mission) items, such as Gree Comlink Droids. I sometimes do this with hilarious results, once a random stealth scan uncovered 4 stealthed flagged players loitering near a Gree Comlink Droid. God, that was awkward.


Both of these are a bit extreme just to loot mobs, not to mention that SS has a cd and only 2 classes have that skill. As for that extra bid of tense and edginess on PvE servers, I think people roll on PvE servers to avoid exactly that. If they want edginess, they can worry about mobs respawning on top of them. So you see, this simple change doesn't affect PvP'ers in any way. It only prevents accidental flagging and griefing, which, I assume, is good for everyone involved.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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Well, I think, if I am not mistaken, the rushing in when your casting AoE was considered an exploit by Bioware, and they patched it. I was just wondering if it has, in fact, been fixed.


I've been caught twice making the mistake of not paying attention as to whether or not I was flagged. I was lucky...managed to beat them both, though the second fight was tough. Threw him off a cliff.


Both cases I was careless. At any rate, I think a warning toggle might work here.

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Good for you. News flash, you aren't the only person on the server paying a sub. I'm paying a sub to PvE on a PvE server with the occasional world PvP in designated PvP areas tyvm. Many other people do this too, I don't know why this is so hard to grasp.


If you don't want to do PvP quests in a PvP area, then don't, it's not rocket science. There is no reason to ruin this option for everyone else because you are special and your 15$ is worth more than mine.


I DON'T play the PVP quests. I had already said that, L2R. I still stand by the fact that PVE servers should be PVE servers, and as in swtor's case, it would be PVE with the areas you can port to for WZ.


I don't like seeing people getting screwed over because some sadistic nub who thinks it's fun. That's why I play a PVE server. But seeing as you love the PVP so much, maybe you should play on a PVP server, I think you'd fit right in.

Edited by Lunafox
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PVP missions are on PVE servers for those who like to participate in both aspects of the game. As with PVE missions being on PVP servers.


But again, I must point out, this is not a thread about PVP missions. This is a thread about being auto-flagged for PVP by AoE or baiting in a PVE zone on a PVE server.


Yeah, the topic did seem to get derailed some, with other issues that this causes being brought up, like what I mentioned. And I agree, that it's wrong to try and bait people, or use aoe to force them into getting flagged.


If they do install a hard 'off' switch like someone suggested, I'd be fine with not letting unflagged people into the pvp quest areas too, but I think it would be nice if there was a pve equivalent on pve servers for those who don't want to engage in pvp. I just believe that if you're going to designate server type, then it should be adhered to, and respected as being that sort of server.

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+1 for immunity flagging system on PvE servers.

It has only one issue - FP/OPS groups members may need to flag/deflag themselves to be able to do FP/OPS together, but I think it could be solved.

At least most of FP/OPS are done in separate areas of the game - it is easy to remove flag on all entering players.

If player wants to return to WZ/OWPvP zone after doing FP/OP it will auto flag him/her on entering again.

It would only leave open world OPS/WBs as issue, but BW could trow some thinking here...

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Yeah, the topic did seem to get derailed some, with other issues that this causes being brought up, like what I mentioned. And I agree, that it's wrong to try and bait people, or use aoe to force them into getting flagged.


If they do install a hard 'off' switch like someone suggested, I'd be fine with not letting unflagged people into the pvp quest areas too, but I think it would be nice if there was a pve equivalent on pve servers for those who don't want to engage in pvp. I just believe that if you're going to designate server type, then it should be adhered to, and respected as being that sort of server.


I can say that this system as I envision it, and suggested operation, was one that the act of going into the auto-flagging areas (Outlaws Den for example) would still cause you to auto-flag and I'm sure most everyone would agree that there is nothing wrong with that either. It would just be the rest of the areas of the map where it would require you to manually turn the flag on if you wanted to PvP.

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+1 for immunity flagging system on PvE servers.

It has only one issue - FP/OPS groups members may need to flag/deflag themselves to be able to do FP/OPS together, but I think it could be solved.

At least most of FP/OPS are done in separate areas of the game - it is easy to remove flag on all entering players.

If player wants to return to WZ/OWPvP zone after doing FP/OP it will auto flag him/her on entering again.

It would only leave open world OPS/WBs as issue, but BW could trow some thinking here...


That was the only glaring issue that came to mind for me. But that right there seemed to be a mostly minor issue. Especially since most Ops groups usually end up taking 5 or 10 minutes or so waiting around to fill up, that it wouldn't take much for said flagged person/s to go to the cantina for a couple till it turned itself off.

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I joined a PVE Server because I didn't want to PVP all the time. However I understand and I'm happy that there are PVP areas in this game and I can choose when i toggle myself for PVP anywhere.


People keep saying that people use exploits to flag people for PVP, not one person has said what this is! Targeting someone who is Toggled for PVP and hitting them is not a exploit, if you don't want to be toggled for PVP it's called being stupid! The AOE exploit which used to exist has been removed!


I have quite happily done all the PVE Gree missions without being toggled for PVP, after I do these I then move into the contested area and complete the PVP quests, do I get griefed no at it's a contested area and i understand that anyone can attack me, thats not griefing thats playing the game as intended.


The simple fact is if you want to play only PVE you can, nothing is stopping you doing the Gree PVE Quests you don't have to be flagged. So unless you can prove that someone else is actually turning your PVP toggle on, your talking rubbish.

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I joined a PVE Server because I didn't want to PVP all the time. However I understand and I'm happy that there are PVP areas in this game and I can choose when i toggle myself for PVP anywhere.


People keep saying that people use exploits to flag people for PVP, not one person has said what this is! Targeting someone who is Toggled for PVP and hitting them is not a exploit, if you don't want to be toggled for PVP it's called being stupid! The AOE exploit which used to exist has been removed!


I have quite happily done all the PVE Gree missions without being toggled for PVP, after I do these I then move into the contested area and complete the PVP quests, do I get griefed no at it's a contested area and i understand that anyone can attack me, thats not griefing thats playing the game as intended.


The simple fact is if you want to play only PVE you can, nothing is stopping you doing the Gree PVE Quests you don't have to be flagged. So unless you can prove that someone else is actually turning your PVP toggle on, your talking rubbish.



The griefers are abusing mechanic by jumping in a fight, hoping for someone who is in the fight

to target them by accident. And when you are in a fight with 8-10 targets around and having

3-4 or more pvp players flagged trying to 'bait' you into selecting them, you can't hope

to manage all the clicks without any risks to pick one of them once in a while.


That is pure gibberish on a PVE server. Players who picked a PVE server

want to have a PVE server, not a place where griefers can make themselves

a pain for the game.


Actually I would really love to see a couple of options added.

Among them an Auto-ignore Duel request

and a "full auto ignore pvp interaction" in non-pvp area.


That would make the game less painfull for players who don't care at all about

pvp, and would make the griefers go away.


If I want to do some pvp, I go in the War Zones. I don't want to see any way

to force me into pvp by some other players. It's as simple as that.

Edited by StavinskyElyas
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