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Shadow as a tank??


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Health goes up and down, but they have the best Defensive CD's.


Shadow + Guardian is the best tank combo, and Shadows rock in PVP.


shadows rock in pvp as dps though right?? i have a scoundrel and he is pretty kick *** as a scrapper which seems to be pretty close to a shadow.

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they have the best Defensive CD's.


No, they don't. Guardians have the best tank CD suite by a long margin now. Saber Reflect is friggin' disgustingly good, Enure and Warding Call are better than either section of Battle Readiness, and Deflection is inferior to Saber Ward. It used to be true that Shadows had the best CDs, but it hasn't been true since 2.0 was released and it's only gotten worse as content has progressed (i.e. Resilience becomes less and less useful the further you get; most of the stuff that it used to work on it does absolutely nothing for on higher tiers of content but Saber Reflect *continues* to be disgustingly good).


Shadow + Guardian is the best tank combo, and Shadows rock in PVP.


Once again, Shadow + Guardian was the best tank combo pre-2.0. Now, it's either double Guardian or Guardian + VG: Shadows are a major liability in raids thanks to their spikiness and their CDs aren't even useful any more.


In PvP, the only thing that Shadow tanks are any good at is node defense, and, even then, they're not even amazingly stellar at it. Guardians are actually *way* better at PvP tanking than Shadows.

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.... (i.e. Resilience becomes less and less useful the further you get; most of the stuff that it used to work on it does absolutely nothing for on higher tiers of content but Saber Reflect *continues* to be disgustingly good).....




Wrong. Resilience now works on Stomp and Swipe from thrasher (atleast according to kbn it did not work on hm previously). That's probably more important then the huge grenade nerf.

When you state that " most of the stuff that it used to work on it does absolutely nothing for on higher tiers of content ", you should probably tell ppl aswell that it works on new abilities now aswell and most of the stuff is one single ability.

But hey in your dream world it's a nerf :rolleyes:.

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Once again, Shadow + Guardian was the best tank combo pre-2.0. Now, it's either double Guardian or Guardian + VG: Shadows are a major liability in raids thanks to their spikiness and their CDs aren't even useful any more.


Hmm... both Vanguard and Shadow tanks are able to reduce the damage dealt by hostiles by 5% (through Static Field and Slow Time respectively), so in terms of raid utility a Guardian + Shadow/Vanguard combination is still relevant. In addition, Vanguard and Shadow tank dps is still higher than the Guardian tank. Hence a Guardian + Guardian tank combination is really far from advisable.

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Guardian the best. Vanguard have the same DPS as shadow and sometimes higher with more better survivability. For PvP with vanguard u can do hybrid spec with -30% AOE DMG and -30% DMG while cc-ed if other team have 2-3 smash monkeys. This is really great. For PvP shadow is worst cause he have very low DR and cirts are unshielded and this is very bad for shadow. Node guarder -it is boring but shadow have no alternatives. He is not a tank he is ****.
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Resilience now works on Stomp and Swipe from thrasher (atleast according to kbn it did not work on hm previously). That's probably more important then the huge grenade nerf.


Well, works 95% of the time. They seriously need to fix that bug/misfeature… As for Huge Grenade, its net damage output is lower than in HM (strangely), and it is subject to more mitigation, so I don't feel that the lack of Resilience cheese is much of a problem there.


I really, really want Terminate to be a tech attack though. Seriously.

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