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jug tank


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hi i'm new to the game and coming from wow since wow is crap and star wars is god now lol my question is what stats do you looking for when i'm playing my juggernaut.. strength and endurance and then with my armor enhancements do I put armor rating, with the mods do I put strength and endurance and with enhancement do I want endurance?...its weird coming from wow but i'm learning just need some one to point me in the right direction as for spec for pve its guardian right?


thanks for the help

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To start of pre 34ish you don't really get any tanking stats on gear. That being said just try and keep your gear within a few lvls of yourself. As a tank you don't wont any accuracy, your secondary stats will be defense>shield>absorb. Endurance always helps but mitigation is better for a Jug. Assassin is honestly the only tank where I believe Endurance stacking may be viable(idk ive put my Sin away since returning to the game).


Also being new a good way to keep you gear up to date is always choose the plant coms for quest rewards. On the fleet, outer portion of the supplies section. You can check the vendors there, they sell mods and enhancements for 2 coms a piece. Armorings and hilts go for 7 coms a piece. Also being a tank you can normally Q up for FP's(and get near instant pops) and prepare yourself for 50-55 HM's and ops by seeing the content. The FP's also drop some pretty solid gear.


Welcome and good luck

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Welcome to SWTOR.


I want to throw a few things at you that I kind of picked up from your post.


First, for every class there is a exact copy of that class on the other side. On the Imperial side, they have Juggernauts. They are identical to the Republic Gaurdian. The names of the skills are different and the animations are unique but the result is an exact mirror or each other as far as the game mechanics are concerned.


Finding the right tree to put your talent points in is easy for any class. They say what each tree is for in parenthisis. The one that saves (Defense) is the one you want. From there finding th correct talents to use is also relatively easy. Your job as a tank is to take hits and hold aggro. Find the ones let you do that and take those talents. DPS is not your job. CC is not your job. Buffing is not your job. Debuffing is not your job. For PvE it is safe to ignore those talents unless you need to spend points somewhere to go futher up the tree.


Stats while leveling tend to take care of themselves. You want Strength and Endurance. When something drops with Strength on it, that's yours. In the low to mid levels you will start seeing secondary stats on items like alacrity, shield, crit and others. Strength itmes that have defense, shield or absorb on them are yours. Pick those up and replace your gear if the new stuff has a higher rating.


While gearing up you will come across some stuff with names in orange text. Those can be modified using Armoring, Mods and sometimes Enhancements for your armor pieces. Your saber drops Armoring and adds Hilt and a crystal. All of these (except the crystal) have some amount of Endurance on them. For the most part you are going to want the +Strength items. Those that have more Endurance than Strength are the tanking modifications and those with more Strength are the DPS items. You do better keeping an even mix of Tank and DPS modifications in your slots.


So ... while leveling ... you want Strength >= Endurance > defense > power, surge, shield, absorb > accuracy >> crit. But don't sweat it too much. Pick the best of what drops, reslot your gear after every couple of planets and you will be fine.

Edited by Dominoris
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Stats while leveling tend to take care of themselves. You want Strength and Endurance. When something drops with Strength on it, that's yours.




You'd piss people off if all you did was roll on whatever had strength.

Juggernauts and Marauders both use strength, but Marauders use Medium Armor whilst Juggernauts use Heavy. Sorts itself out later once the additional stats are added, but early on I'd be pissed if a Jugg took a low level armor piece from my Marauder.

Edited by Faolon
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If it is heavy dps armor, I have no problem with a marauder getting it. Most thinking players use moddable gear and swap out the modifications. Since the mods and enhancements for heavy dps and medium dps armor are exactly the same, that just shows they are a smart player who is trying to min/max to get the most out of their character.


If they need on tanking gear, however, it shows they are a moron.

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