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Fair Play in Ranked


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Oh hai Merriam-Webster.




"Occurring at fixed intervals; periodic"

"In conformity with a fixed procedure, principle, or discipline"

"Not varying; constant"


By definition, we que regularly. How do you feel about the fact that a Korean who learned English as a fourth language has to teach you the meaning of your own words?


That's clearly not what was meant in this conversation. I wasn't attacking you, just pointing out that once a week for the past month, so 4 days out 28, is not a constant presence in the ranked queue.

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That's clearly not what was meant in this conversation. I wasn't attacking you, just pointing out that once a week for the past month, so 4 days out 28, is not a constant presence in the ranked queue.


I see. Sorry I just get so many "do you guys even do ranked?" questions from certain people which seems a bit belittling to be honest.


Just to clarify, at a "minimum," we do ranked once a week. We typically do two days on the weekeneds as a full team, and a few times on the weekday with pugs (4 from Elite, 4 from other team) sort of deal. This is only because on weekdays it is hard to find people who are queing during our timezone, although we've had good luck last week (3 days during the weekdays).

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Well, we do meet 3 of the 4 definitions of "constantly." :)


2. Regularly recurring: plagued by constant interruptions.

3. Unchanging in nature, value, or extent; invariable.

4. Steadfast in purpose, loyalty, or affection; faithful.


I think we actually may be the most consistent guild on this server in terms of players. We have had only 1 player change to our "core" team since January and we lost him due to real life. Whatever we need in terms of class comp we've relied more on rerolls than bring in people from the outside.

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Lol? Nope.


The same 7 players have played in the vast majority of our ranked games on the Bastion for all of this year to date.


Not like being "consistent" means anything - just saying we barely have had any turnover vis-a-vis the other ranked teams here, and that we are a very consistent, regularly queing team - why is this so controversial? It's a bit amusing and I know why it happens (sorry, time zone and IRL prevents us from queing your primetime other than weekends), but what's the harm in acknowleding that a guild has done a very good job at sticking together and taking on all-comers in ranked.

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The same 7 players have played in the vast majority of our ranked games on the Bastion for all of this year to date.


Not like being "consistent" means anything - just saying we barely have had any turnover vis-a-vis the other ranked teams here, and that we are a very consistent, regularly queing team - why is this so controversial? It's a bit amusing and I know why it happens (sorry, time zone and IRL prevents us from queing your primetime other than weekends), but what's the harm in acknowleding that a guild has done a very good job at sticking together and taking on all-comers in ranked.


The same could be said of Lukewarm Tauntauns, and probably Don't Panic even more so.

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The same could be said of Lukewarm Tauntauns, and probably Don't Panic even more so.


We've been on this server longer than Lukewarm. Don't Panic has had a bunch of turnover this year, sending people to Synergy and taking other players.

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We don't run 3 ops. We also do not run 3 healers for all maps all the time. You guys do. The extent to which we run 3 healers is situational and generally it turns out being 2 sorcs and an Op. I don't know why you guys take so much heat. I am always under the impression that good pvpers will utilize all tools given to them. To resist certain mechanics just puts you at a disadvantage. And thus I really enjoy playing against synergy because it forces me to really focus to break through that shroud of 3 Op healers.


In regards to Ancient Hypergates. This is by no means ITK's perspective but my own. I came from a server where mid-fights were common for hypergates. Yes matches ended on time. Blood was spilled at mid. It was fun. But I personally have grown tired of it. The dynamic that splitting and basically playing chess has been fun for me. The map in turn has become more small scaled and takes a bit more brains to actually win. The fact is the people originally wanting to change hypergates to a deathmatch at mid did so to force everyone into a one dimensional game. It wasn't to prove who can outplay the other team. It was to prove who can focus targets and who has their priorities straight. That in my eyes doesn't show strength at all but lack of strategic play. One element that is part of PVP in this game.


Every map is objective based. The #1 rule in SWTOR is do not ignore the objectives. The objective of Hypergates is to get to 600 points before the other team. That can be accomplished in so many ways. To restrict people of following a path they desire just shows your inability to stop it which in turn makes YOU look bad. Not the team executing it.


And lastly, believe me when I say we take heat Mario. It isn't because of what we said or who we are. It is because of how we play. But if I'm winning my matches by playing the way I currently am I will continue to do so until I am challenged otherwise. My guildmates can vouch for me when I tell you I say this quote on a daily basis: haters gonna hate. And it really applies here. Synergy should just keep doing what its doing. If it works for you then do it. Every team has its own dynamic and has certain strats and comps that work for them. It is up to the other team to find a way to beat that comp.


I know I'll take heat for this because some people tend to be immature but that was my 2 cents.




That is a great attitude to have :p. Can't wait to face you guys in ranked!


Yeah my bad I wasn't trying to place or redirect the heat to ITK. Just making a rhetorical point that MVP/dp were just trying to pressure synergy into not running the comp. I like ranked no matter what form (the exception being 60 minute hyper gates which I'm pretty sure synergy stopped doing). So ITK can run whatever they want, I was just defending synergy. They got pressured into running no smash/no bubble at level 50 when MVP/dp didn't like losing to synergy, same thing as this.


Would've been like us telling breakfast they couldn't run 3 shadows since it was beating us or tauntauns telling ascendancy they couldn't run 3 power techs since that was beating them.

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Yeah my bad I wasn't trying to place or redirect the heat to ITK. Just making a rhetorical point that MVP/dp were just trying to pressure synergy into not running the comp. I like ranked no matter what form (the exception being 60 minute hyper gates which I'm pretty sure synergy stopped doing). So ITK can run whatever they want, I was just defending synergy. They got pressured into running no smash/no bubble at level 50 when MVP/dp didn't like losing to synergy, same thing as this.


Would've been like us telling breakfast they couldn't run 3 shadows since it was beating us or tauntauns telling ascendancy they couldn't run 3 power techs since that was beating them.


not sure if srs or just stupid.

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They got pressured into running no smash/no bubble at level 50 when MVP/dp didn't like losing to synergy, same thing as this.


Is that what someone from Synergy told you? The no smash/bubble stun agreement had nothing to do with Synergy at all. It started from MVP and DP wanting to play each other without being CC'd half of the game.


What you might be confusing is when certain members of MVP didn't want to queue against Synergy running 3-4 smash with no tank. The difference there was that Synergy stopped running the comp because it stopped being successful beyond the first night anyways.

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Actually had a talk with Sifu yesterday about the rated scene. I was giving him **** because he used to say mvp was bad for the server because we destroyed everyone and nobody queued aside from DP late night...He said it himself that synergy was the only team that constantly queued no matter how many losses...that was right around 50s and bubble smash....for you to get ahead of yourself and make it sound like we're getting outplayed rather outclassed is quite hilarious...especially a scoundrel healer yourself.


Anyone who supports the triple scoundrel is as retarded as anyone who supports triple holy pallies in 5s.

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Actually had a talk with Sifu yesterday about the rated scene. I was giving him **** because he used to say mvp was bad for the server because we destroyed everyone and nobody queued aside from DP late night...He said it himself that synergy was the only team that constantly queued no matter how many losses...that was right around 50s and bubble smash....for you to get ahead of yourself and make it sound like we're getting outplayed rather outclassed is quite hilarious...especially a scoundrel healer yourself.


Anyone who supports the triple scoundrel is as retarded as anyone who supports triple holy pallies in 5s.



In other news about what Sifu has recently said,



I also heard something about how "MvP made the Trumoo guild because they were upset about Synergy winning so much".




Drama pls


PS- Triple Pally too strong :(

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Actually had a talk with Sifu yesterday about the rated scene. I was giving him **** because he used to say mvp was bad for the server because we destroyed everyone and nobody queued aside from DP late night...He said it himself that synergy was the only team that constantly queued no matter how many losses...that was right around 50s and bubble smash....for you to get ahead of yourself and make it sound like we're getting outplayed rather outclassed is quite hilarious...especially a scoundrel healer yourself.


Anyone who supports the triple scoundrel is as retarded as anyone who supports triple holy pallies in 5s.


Luigi has been a scoundrel/operative healer for as long as I remember... as far as I know it was his main and has been since launch... I'm pretty sure Luigi, like myself started operative healing and didn't re-roll to play a "healer" of the month class.

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Actually had a talk with Sifu yesterday about the rated scene. I was giving him **** because he used to say mvp was bad for the server because we destroyed everyone and nobody queued aside from DP late night...He said it himself that synergy was the only team that constantly queued no matter how many losses...that was right around 50s and bubble smash....for you to get ahead of yourself and make it sound like we're getting outplayed rather outclassed is quite hilarious...especially a scoundrel healer yourself.


Anyone who supports the triple scoundrel is as retarded as anyone who supports triple holy pallies in 5s.


I have no idea what the heck you just said. Random rage? I played rateds for Synergy right before the expansion broke on my scoundrel and Don't Panic would not queue against us unless we ran no smash. They knew Synergy could not win without the 3 smash and they didn't want to risk losing to Synergy, at all costs.

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Luigi has been a scoundrel/operative healer for as long as I remember... as far as I know it was his main and has been since launch... I'm pretty sure Luigi, like myself started operative healing and didn't re-roll to play a "healer" of the month class.


Thanks for proving my point?

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I have no idea what the heck you just said. Random rage? I played rateds for Synergy right before the expansion broke on my scoundrel and Don't Panic would not queue against us unless we ran no smash. They knew Synergy could not win without the 3 smash and they didn't want to risk losing to Synergy, at all costs.


I'm not surprised you have no idea what I just said, but everyone else who was around that time does.


No, you're confusing bubble/smash and 3 smash/bubbles. Neither MVP or DP weren't having fun playing the whole game cc'ed and not moving....I can see why you and synergy would enjoy that considering it was a smooth transition to triple scoundrel.


Why haven't you ran triple smash more? Is that because of the bubble isn't as stupid as it was before? Or is it because the statement you made is completely untrue and realize if that was the case DP's sage would stop queueing after being trained by 3 synergy smashers all game on novare tonight?

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In other news about what Sifu has recently said,



I also heard something about how "MvP made the Trumoo guild because they were upset about Synergy winning so much".




Drama pls


PS- Triple Pally too strong :(


who transferred not pot5? not opfotm? because i saw a sent today in pot5 genchat named "sippintrumoo" so idk...

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who transferred not pot5? not opfotm? because i saw a sent today in pot5 genchat named "sippintrumoo" so idk...


Opfotm definitely wouldn't transfer his alt to pot5.

Sippintrumoo too strong for pot5 anyway, I collected 18 killing blows with Leg Slash already. I shall leg slash kb all of you.



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