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agree to the point that they set the standard for what all MMO's should have at a bear minimum as content for customers.


-Crosserver bg's

-Group Finder

-PROPER ranked arena's and WZ

-Multiple sized end game raids and dungeons, From max OP/raid size to 1 group sized and everything in between

-Account transfers

-A client that can handle more then 40 ppl without dropping massive amounts of FPS

- Account wide legacy not just server

- Open world pvp

- more then 1 months worth of content at release


these are basics that to this day MMO still are not getting right, inc SWTOR.


Yeah ill believe F2P is the way of the future when a good mmo comes out that has most of those things at release and all of them very soon after then has to go f2p, so far its never happened.


Bioware not only tried to release an mmo with none of those things, they also thought (until very very recently) that mmos didn't need such staples as a combat box or common macros, which have been in mmos since their conception.

Edited by Mallorik
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I played Wildstar Beta several times, and it was fun... but didn't really care for the combat system... mostly all AoE attacks, AoE healing, I think it's going to be hard to be competitive in it


and by "hard to be competitive" what he means is that it won't be very good as a competitive game.

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I played Wildstar Beta several times, and it was fun... but didn't really care for the combat system... mostly all AoE attacks, AoE healing, I think it's going to be hard to be competitive in it


and by "hard to be competitive" what he means is that it won't be very good as a competitive game.


Maybe, maybe not.

Just like ppl hype up games only to be dissapointed *cough* GW2 *cough*, Wildstar is in closed beta atm so its hard to say what direction it will take in its evolution.


Also from everything i have read max lvl is 50 but the current Closed beta phase is only maxed at 30.


U can't make a truly accurate assessment on a games endgame pvp based on such a small level, with out max skills, gear, talents, milestones or what ever system carbine will use.


I will say this though Carbine has shown that they take beta player feedback very seriously and have made changes to their game.

THey have overhauled the Milestone system. They have increased the LAS number from 7 to 8 and have stated that they are not opposed to changing that again.


I Understand that telegraphs for dmg and AE healing may not be everyones cup of tea but whats the difference between that and Smash, Pulse cannon, Kolto cloud, Salvation, Kolto bomb all bread and butter moves for their respective classes that are AE?


I realize that Carbine's system will be more AE/telegraph inclined as a majority of abilities but from reading devs feedback and looking at vids of game play some abilities are single target also.


It should not be that hard as the beta progresses and they receive feedback to re adjust some abilaties so its not a simple matter of 100 decals and a telegraph fest.


But who is to say..its still early i think.

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Maybe, maybe not.

Just like ppl hype up games only to be dissapointed *cough* GW2 *cough*, Wildstar is in closed beta atm so its hard to say what direction it will take in its evolution.


Also from everything i have read max lvl is 50 but the current Closed beta phase is only maxed at 30.


U can't make a truly accurate assessment on a games endgame pvp based on such a small level, with out max skills, gear, talents, milestones or what ever system carbine will use.


I will say this though Carbine has shown that they take beta player feedback very seriously and have made changes to their game.

THey have overhauled the Milestone system. They have increased the LAS number from 7 to 8 and have stated that they are not opposed to changing that again.


I Understand that telegraphs for dmg and AE healing may not be everyones cup of tea but whats the difference between that and Smash, Pulse cannon, Kolto cloud, Salvation, Kolto bomb all bread and butter moves for their respective classes that are AE?


I realize that Carbine's system will be more AE/telegraph inclined as a majority of abilities but from reading devs feedback and looking at vids of game play some abilities are single target also.


It should not be that hard as the beta progresses and they receive feedback to re adjust some abilaties so its not a simple matter of 100 decals and a telegraph fest.


But who is to say..its still early i think.

You can make an accurate assessment on the game by playing it for beta lol.......the combat system is ****... arenas will be pure ****, All AoE dmg and healing = everyone grouping up pew pewing everyone... dumb and This Combat system is different From swtor "I Understand that telegraphs for dmg and AE healing may not be everyones cup of tea but whats the difference between that and Smash, Pulse cannon, Kolto cloud, Salvation, Kolto bomb all bread and butter moves for their respective classes that are AE?" This is just a few AoE moves.... while Wildstar EVERYTHING is AoE nothing is single target.... nothing fun about it...

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You can make an accurate assessment on the game by playing it for beta lol.......the combat system is ****... arenas will be pure ****, All AoE dmg and healing = everyone grouping up pew pewing everyone... dumb and This Combat system is different From swtor "I Understand that telegraphs for dmg and AE healing may not be everyones cup of tea but whats the difference between that and Smash, Pulse cannon, Kolto cloud, Salvation, Kolto bomb all bread and butter moves for their respective classes that are AE?" This is just a few AoE moves.... while Wildstar EVERYTHING is AoE nothing is single target.... nothing fun about it...


again thats your opinion, to others that might be all kinds of Trucking Fun. Haven't played the beta so cant comment on it. But the game cant be any worst then this games combat. I mean I might have liked this combat system 10 years ago, but seriously its time to forget aboot tab targeting combat system.

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You can make an accurate assessment on the game by playing it for beta lol.......the combat system is ****... arenas will be pure ****, All AoE dmg and healing = everyone grouping up pew pewing everyone... dumb and This Combat system is different From swtor "I Understand that telegraphs for dmg and AE healing may not be everyones cup of tea but whats the difference between that and Smash, Pulse cannon, Kolto cloud, Salvation, Kolto bomb all bread and butter moves for their respective classes that are AE?" This is just a few AoE moves.... while Wildstar EVERYTHING is AoE nothing is single target.... nothing fun about it...


Fair enough but i heard that there are single target moves in addition to the Telegraphs and from looking at the videos on game play alot of the melee abilities are very short range Point blank AE.

SWOTR has a very forgiving melee range. In fact once ravage/master strike starts your target can move almost up to 10m away and still be hit by the subsequent channel ticks.


U say you have played the beta and i respect your opinion as i know you are a competitive PvPer in arguably the top guild but i will also reserve judgment till i play the game as well as let the game progress a little further into later Beta's where i am sure many things will be re adjusted.


Perhaps it will be as you say though. A **** AE fest that will be just one massive cluster ****.


I can't really comment on something that i have not tested myself.

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I concur with Palm, I played with him in beta and my opinion was that it was a very "pew pew" group up type of combat. Its fun, but very arcadey. Not a competitive combat system. At this point in the development cycle of that game, the combat systems are already pretty refined. They won't go and redo those, they're adding in other content/end game now. Its already kinda sealed :/
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I concur with Palm, I played with him in beta and my opinion was that it was a very "pew pew" group up type of combat. Its fun, but very arcadey. Not a competitive combat system. At this point in the development cycle of that game, the combat systems are already pretty refined. They won't go and redo those, they're adding in other content/end game now. Its already kinda sealed :/


Because this game has a very competitive combat system :rolleyes:


Honestly that game is doing something refreshing and a bit different atleast. So far it seems as if telegraphs are going to create some different fights along with how their CC works.

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Actually.... yeah. This game's combat system does lend itself to pretty competitive and cohesive arena TDM. Its a bit clunkier than WoW, but not having to use addons to be competitive is really really REALLY nice.


Seriously SWTOR combat system is beyond dated. Not to mention it has the worst tab targeting of any other tab targeting combat system. To say this combat system is even decent is a lie.

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Seriously SWTOR combat system is beyond dated. Not to mention it has the worst tab targeting of any other tab targeting combat system. To say this combat system is even decent is a lie.


Which is why you shouldn't tab target, and instead cycle through next/previous enemy/ally with mouse roll/shift+mouseroll like me :)

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  • 3 months later...

I am playing Wildstar beta as we speak,


My input:




1. Combat is retarded, horrible, stupid.




Every class is a aoe class and some of the classes are retarded to play with.


2. The game looks like ratchet and clank meets guild wars 2, which means its too cartoon and its another guild wars type of game.




Kid game for sure, nothing special




1. Game is new and is inventive so for free this could be a game to get away from SWTOR in those days when SWTOR is driving you nuts.


2. Arena and some of the PVP does have a upside to it and by all means sandbox PVP even if its unbalance and stupid can be fun.


My verdict:


Game has potential, but again this game isn't the savior EVERYONE THINKS IT IS.


SWTOR's beta was way more promising and fun, and yes SWTOR is better than Wildstar.


The hype of the game will end in a few months, and I am willing to bet 1 million credits on that fact.



Edited by Makavelithug
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I am playing Wildstar beta as we speak,


My input:




1. Combat is retarded, horrible, stupid.




Every class is a aoe class and some of the classes are retarded to play with.


2. The game looks like ratchet and clank meets guild wars 2, which means its to cartoon and its another guild wars type of game.


Kid game for sure, nothing special




1. Game is new and is inventive so for free this could be a game to get away from SWTOR in those days when SWTOR is driving you nuts.


2. Arena and some of the PVP does have a upside to it and by all means sandbox PVP even if its unbalance and stupid can be fun.


My verdict:


Game has potential, but again this game isn't the savior EVERYONE THINKS IT IS.


SWTOR's beta was way more promising and fun, and yes SWTOR is better than Wildstar.


The hype of the game will end in a few months, and I am willing to bet 1 million credits on that fact.




Sums up my thoughts more or less. also the ESO beta, clunky combat and GW2 style WvWvW in addition I have never seen such negative feedback in a beta. Although it has it's fun moments it will not match the hopes and dreams of MMO fans in addition to letting down Skyrim fans who thought it was Skyrim co-op more or less.

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Wildstar seems to have a lot of positives going for it. The 40v40 Warplots seem like something that could be very interesting in the long run. It would be just nice to get 40 people fighting another 40 people honestly


Imagine Bioware throw a curveball to us all, and during peak periods of pvp queuing, just force random 20v20 into arenas.

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Imagine Bioware throw a curveball to us all, and during peak periods of pvp queuing, just force random 20v20 into arenas.


BW needs to work on a larger WZ I know we can never have anything like AV but a larger number in WZs would help the people qqing about premades if they are not half the team. A 16v16 or 12v12 would be nice but I know the engine might have troubles with that. Still I wonder what their internal testing tells them on the # of people in the same area.

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Seriously SWTOR combat system is beyond dated. Not to mention it has the worst tab targeting of any other tab targeting combat system. To say this combat system is even decent is a lie.


You've obviously never played FFXIV.


To everyone else commenting on the game, You're all breaking NDA. The NDA lift on levels 1 - 15 was lifted for press who were INVITED to report/comment/stream etc on those levels, so if any of you do /actually/ care about the game, you should stop commenting on it.


Also I will say that half of you sounds like 'wahwahwah I suck at the game'. Not one of you have played at end lvl, I mean I've heard it's lvl 50 for end game and that it's only up to lvl 36 in the beta. Have you played low lvl pvp in swtor? It's always extremely out balanced. I remember when cap was 50 and level 40 - 49 scoundrel was unbeatable for taking nodes, it's all I'd do - run between nodes 1v1 or 1v2 the node and cap it. Or play any ranged class in lowbies and if you're not half stupid you'll be highest dps on the board.

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