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What Happened to PvP?


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It is either:

1. Premade, or partial premade, either side, rolling pugs. The pugs give up so easy then desert, so it becomes a total joke

2. Faction on faction, probably because some premade caused pugs to stop Qing. Usually faction on faction is short 1-2 members on either or both sides

3. Maybe 25% are pug on pug and then the quality of players is insanely low, many times one or the other team will do some sure loss move right at the start, like splitting their team 3 ways in CW


In my experience maybe 1 in 10 matches is really fun. I don't count premade vs pug as fun even if I am on the winning side.

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Seems to have turned out ok for the pvpers who left.


Yep but the pvprs that decide to stay we have it really bad if a queue solo is at least for me a way to go insane i mean i can understand if the new players dont know advance strategies or they dont know how to control their class properly but the basics at least the should know but every time i queue solo i get the most stoopid players ive ever seen ... i always try to keep my cool and be a nice player but wen i see those teams i cant control the rage lol

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It's why I've mostly left the que for regular with the recent advancements with the Impside Ranked kickball matches. At this point, I can barely stand completing my dailies before having to dip out of the regular que (I usally just save the second one for the next day, completing the 4 matches and 2 matches at the same time lol), being more inclined to drive in circles on the fleet and talk in guild chat than to actually PvP with those people that give me headaches.


In my opinion, the server transfer showed how little of a PvP community we had to begin with, considering how only a few notable names left and suddenly the server's PvP quality goes to complete crap. This is an RP server to start with, and with the way PvP is designed, it really isn't "successful" for the people that are looking to run it without the competition. From what I can see from most of the community, many people that are in the que and "ruin it" are always looking for people to tell them the secrets and answers to PvP, without realizing the whole purpose of it is competition with others. It's not rocket science, but the problem comes from the overall server's mentality, where it's like training a casual kid to be an athlete: not going to happen.


I mean, just take the Republic players for example. Directly after server transfers, there was literally only Urshanabi's little premade group that I personally could say that was queing for the Republic and giving them a good name. But after a majority of them transferred, I rarely see any Pubside vs Impside matches, where my entirely weekly was completed before I even played against a Republic team in regs. Without Infamous and ASB, Pubside PvP quality is beyond a joke, and Impside only beats it because the people that get stomped on our side just keep queing while Pubside players leave it entirely.


Overall though, I would say the health of the Impside is slightly better, but the main players that are dependable and play with the mindset of competing are now avalaible in the kickball que. And to me, I personally have left the reg que mostly behind because that one exists.


TL;DR, PvP on this server has always been a joke. We were super top heavy with guilds like ASB, GD, Infamous, etc., but the que has almost always been decided by "who can carry their anchors best". The departures of the small top we had only confirm how many people were being carried, and what we have now is the result.

Edited by ZooMzy
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Lol Zu I do the same thing with the dailies now too.


I went from solo-queuing 95% of the time to.... doing it maybe 1% of the time. It's like kickball spoiled me and now I expect that level of play in regs and pugs... XD Which we all know just leads to so much frustration my brain is bleeding by the end of the match.


Of course it doesn't help that there is absolutely no attempt at class balancing still. If I solo-queue on a healer, I am on a team with 5 other healers. If I solo-queue on a tank, we have no healers. -_- Is it really THAT hard to put some if>then statements into the coding? Especially when it's same faction crap all the time like was already mentioned... So yea, having at least 1 other person queue with me is the only way I go now. =(

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I love that description of PVP on BC. :D


Hehe, well it's good to know for sure now that I wasn't alone in that viewpoint xD


Lol Zu I do the same thing with the dailies now too.


I went from solo-queuing 95% of the time to.... doing it maybe 1% of the time. It's like kickball spoiled me and now I expect that level of play in regs and pugs... XD Which we all know just leads to so much frustration my brain is bleeding by the end of the match.


Of course it doesn't help that there is absolutely no attempt at class balancing still. If I solo-queue on a healer, I am on a team with 5 other healers. If I solo-queue on a tank, we have no healers. -_- Is it really THAT hard to put some if>then statements into the coding? Especially when it's same faction crap all the time like was already mentioned... So yea, having at least 1 other person queue with me is the only way I go now. =(


Well, to be fair, this is a game where the devs are still struggling to code the chairs to let us sit in them. I think the unstable mess they have now would probably explode if they attempted to create an automatic system for ques lol.


If they could make something though, I think it would be nice if they included a system similar to Group Finder, except make it to where there are only three roles that need to be accounted for. Rather than trying to match all 8 players together based on roles, they should at least try to balance the teams a little by setting up the ability for players to que for a certain role, and then require that each role is at least filled by one person in order to gain a successful pop.

Edited by ZooMzy
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What little PvP I've done in the past month has been beyond terrible. I watched as my teams started a NC with 6 players vs 8 Imp, we get a triple cap, have half the Imps bail, we fill in our 2 more slots, only to promptly lose 2 nodes, have the Imps backfill, half of my team bails and us win because it timed out before Imps caught up to us on points. I stopped running PvP a while back because spending most of my time near combat rooted or stunned until dead, now when I do take a peak back at what's there, it's just gotten that much worse. There's just too much frustration with PvP for me to have any desire to play.
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That's why I left, I only have 3 characters here now, one that's lvl 53 and probably will stay that way for a while, a lvl 55 sage who is now a crafting toon and for when I need extra credits from dailies and when I am pvping on her I mainly just forget about objectives in pugs that are obiously teribads because most of the pugs won't help me in completing them, and yes as good as I am I can't carry 6-7 people *cough* so I just rage target the person who got the first KB on me at the beginning of the match (JIAT) and a 55 juggernaut who is only partisan and has been unaugmented for a long while and I will probs only use for late night premading with my guild or a few bro's from bsr!


And my Aussie connection speeds here allow for a wonderful 5 second ability delay on everything, and making it hard for me to targe people (I gotta stop damn BP I learnt from how to fight assassins because I doesn't work on ranger classes >.>)


The end, yes u agree it is a pretty wonderful story /bow


Besides I have been a core pvper since I started this game as very few of you would know because I'm not even that very good, and I go where the pvp go's and sadly that is no longer here :(

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As stated before this reminds me of the state of PVP around 1.2. It took a couple of months for the vast majority of players to start playing objectives correctly.


What I do see lately is that we do have a crop of say 20 players who can get 1 mill+ dps, 1 mill+ deals or 250k+ prot but sometimes those players just play for the numbers and medals and not play for the win so it is not showing the other players how to win each WZ for instance I scored 3 goals and setup 2 more in a 6-1 win in Huttball but my numbers weren't great, nor did I have many medals to show for it (I think I finished in the middle of the scoreboard) but there were so many deathmatches going on so ppl could up their dps etc.... this is not how to win Huttball. Pass the ball or push towards the endzone is the way to win. Luckily I had 3-4 really good players on my side who knew what they were doing.


It is no surprise sometime when we have people out dpsing or out healing the next person by 300k+ yet still lose the match. I think the kickball matches are the only matches left where we have 10-20 people of about equal skill and tactics are actually used in the WZ (i.e. focusing healers, pushing tanks away from who they are guarding)

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I think I have queued up for 55 PVP on my main since 4 days after server mergers. As I tried to explain to the new PVPers on how things are done about objectives and them saying I don't know what I'm talking about. I basically just go to the fight log up my DPS then I get tells asking how I DPS so high taken these are the same people who just said I have no idea how to PVP in the last WZ.


I know it's a stun fest still I enjoy PVP well at least I did. Too many terribads now that think they know everything and ignore what you have to say on the pub side so I give up. Been thinking of finishing my operative and just heal on the imp side for awhile.

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It is a server wide problem Silversaint, as many Imps also act the same way. In my opinion, there is no problem with how to train the guys or how to explain it. It goes back to the type of server mentality we have, which is that most players are coming in as straight casual 55s that aren't competitive and aren't looking for someone to help them improve their game. This is an RP server first and foremost, with the second label being PvE. Not a lot of people here are very competitive, and that's why a lot of the pugs are naturally bad.


Most of the terribads are players that get offended by criticism easily if it's not presented in a manner that is sugar coated, which that aspect alone is the problem in terms of improvement. Players who actually care about improving their game and becoming better will use the criticism, no matter what form it's presented in, to improve their game. The ones who don't expect the leaders to either sugarcoat the criticism to the point where the information doesn't even make an impact (You don't remember advice in the middle of a WZ unless it's put in full caps 90% of the time :/) or flat just trash talk people that try to help. Think of it as trying to help someone run a certain pace: there is a point where you are leading the other person where it's too fast, but the real problem is when you run too slow because they don't want to run a pace necessary for improvement, wanting to keep it slow and easy. It's like trying to train someone to run when they don't want to; it's not going to work without the desire to improve. And that's exactly what we have as a majority, people who either think they know it all or people that don't care about winning WZs.


I usually just resort to PvP raging in Fleet chat half of the time if the frustration gets too intense. Helps with a release and at the same time, I know the players that care about improving will pick out the f words here and there to learn some more about objectives. Don't get me wrong though, I don't recommend it as the best alternative lol.


Just saying, if you're going to criticize, do it in the way that makes you feel better. Because no matter what way you put it, in caps littered with F words or in very politically correct sentences with smilies, criticism will always be criticism. You just have to hope someone out there will listen and improve based off of what you say :/

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Just saying, if you're going to criticize, do it in the way that makes you feel better. Because no matter what way you put it, in caps littered with F words or in very politically correct sentences with smilies, criticism will always be criticism. You just have to hope someone out there will listen and improve based off of what you say :/



Belive me ive tried that and the response i get is that no one listen or the classic "shut up (insert f word here) and play" so i stop trying :/

if you think about it the low pvp was here since the bs bolster , the thing is is in that time we had the top pvpers here so you get teams with good pvpers to keep things normal but now thye are gone the rthat remain have to face the fact that the teribad pvpers are more than the good pvprs , and i dont blame them couse everybody has the right to play the game but they dont get better couse either they dont listen to feedback couse they are "too good" or they just dont give a crap :(

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Its more on the line of they don't care Hugob. I use to pvp with you a lot and your at least an above average player who knows the objectives and know what to do. I stopped mainly because the terribads one don't listen nor take feedback, two don't follow objectives and three know know kill priority on roles.
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Its more on the line of they don't care Hugob. I use to pvp with you a lot and your at least an above average player who knows the objectives and know what to do. I stopped mainly because the terribads one don't listen nor take feedback, two don't follow objectives and three know know kill priority on roles.


I should stop too but i have hopes that someday the teribad player realize they are bad and actually try to get better ... or till ESO comes and i move there :p

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I miss the old days, sigh. Yesterday had a hyper gates match (55) where 7 players went to cap our pylon every reset, leaving me stranded and shredded in middle. Some how, we managed to go neck and neck till both teams were mid 600. Looking at our pylon, from middle, I saw one assassin uncloak and start capping in front of the, I kid you not, THREE guards. I screamed in chat, stop the capper. The three of them gave no response, and did absolutely nothing except to start DANCING with the capper!! I was then called out by them when we lost the match, for "negative attitudes over a simple mistake don't help".


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I miss the old days, sigh. Yesterday had a hyper gates match (55) where 7 players went to cap our pylon every reset, leaving me stranded and shredded in middle. Some how, we managed to go neck and neck till both teams were mid 600. Looking at our pylon, from middle, I saw one assassin uncloak and start capping in front of the, I kid you not, THREE guards. I screamed in chat, stop the capper. The three of them gave no response, and did absolutely nothing except to start DANCING with the capper!! I was then called out by them when we lost the match, for "negative attitudes over a simple mistake don't help".



They were practicing their "stylish" (Gungam) dance with the sin.

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I miss the old days, sigh. Yesterday had a hyper gates match (55) where 7 players went to cap our pylon every reset, leaving me stranded and shredded in middle. Some how, we managed to go neck and neck till both teams were mid 600. Looking at our pylon, from middle, I saw one assassin uncloak and start capping in front of the, I kid you not, THREE guards. I screamed in chat, stop the capper. The three of them gave no response, and did absolutely nothing except to start DANCING with the capper!! I was then called out by them when we lost the match, for "negative attitudes over a simple mistake don't help".



Belive me ive seen worse :(

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