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Mark Heroic missions differently than standard missions.


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This is a quality of life thing basically; but I'd really appreciate it if Heroic 2+ and Heroic 4 missions could be marked differently than standard side missions via the icon over the quest giver's head.


Essentially, as it is now, whenever I encounter a new area* - I end up talking to NPCs, going through sometimes a lengthy string of dialogue... only to find out the mission in question is for 2 or 4 people instead of something I can handle solo.** Now ultimately this is a minor issue, but it's annoying to go through that dialogue, start to feel invested in the quest... then find out I have to drop it or group for it; neither I particularly like.


Like I said, it's a minor QOL feature, but it'd be nice to be able to tell at a glance whether or not a given NPC is worth talking to in the first place.


*Or repeat one I haven't been through in awhile.


**I know some people can solo Heroic 4s, and more can solo Heroic 2+... but I can't really handle either beyond Coruscant or Dromund Kaas; and I'm mostly just here for the story anyway.

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Not a deal breaker, but a nice QoL feature, as you say.


Agreed sometimes I take characters to a planet only to do heroics and others I don't want to do them at all.


I would suggest that for heroics simply turn the mission emblem upside down. Pretty much all the flashpoint quests are given by a flashpoint courier so you know but even if you made them grey with a gold trim just so you can tell.

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This is a quality of life thing basically; but I'd really appreciate it if Heroic 2+ and Heroic 4 missions could be marked differently than standard side missions via the icon over the quest giver's head.


Essentially, as it is now, whenever I encounter a new area* - I end up talking to NPCs, going through sometimes a lengthy string of dialogue... only to find out the mission in question is for 2 or 4 people instead of something I can handle solo.** Now ultimately this is a minor issue, but it's annoying to go through that dialogue, start to feel invested in the quest... then find out I have to drop it or group for it; neither I particularly like.


Like I said, it's a minor QOL feature, but it'd be nice to be able to tell at a glance whether or not a given NPC is worth talking to in the first place.


*Or repeat one I haven't been through in awhile.


**I know some people can solo Heroic 4s, and more can solo Heroic 2+... but I can't really handle either beyond Coruscant or Dromund Kaas; and I'm mostly just here for the story anyway.


I would also really like this... maybe something as simple as making the Mission Triangle Red insted of Yellow...

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