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Closest Hypergate Match EVER!!!


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So what's the closest hypergate match you've ever been in? I was in an amazing one a few nights ago, and a guy on our team got it on video.


I'm flintstud in this one, was very very fun!!

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So what's the closest hypergate match you've ever been in? I was in an amazing one a few nights ago, and a guy on our team got it on video.


I'm flintstud in this one, was very very fun!!

"Ever since I found out this buff right here gives you more damage, I run right to it"


He then proceeds to go cap his pylon instead of actually putting the buff to use. lol

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"Ever since I found out this buff right here gives you more damage, I run right to it"


He then proceeds to go cap his pylon instead of actually putting the buff to use. lol


Because hes an aware player, and no one else went to cap, so he did.


I like this guys vids, not high level comp or anything, but he has fun and plays well.

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1) Closest I say is, we were behind 9 points on last round. 2 of their team came to cap our pylon and as the sirens were going off, their 2 deaths made it a win or us.


2) Not a win, but interesting match. We went into double overtime. We tied on last round and as it goes after that, is first to cap pylon wins. Nobody capped first overtime and on second overtime they capped first.

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