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The datacron system is awful and needs to be redesigned from the ground up.


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I'm not going to weigh in on the need or no need for improvement here, but, I didnt know anything about datacron's until a day ago, didnt know they made relics till I read this post.


I'm not one for exploring, but I am big time on min/maxing, which means I NEED to do this stuff.


Does anyone have any online resources for locations yet regarding these things? Usually within a week of an MMO release you will have someone who's made a guide for this kinda thing.

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I'm not going to weigh in on the need or no need for improvement here, but, I didnt know anything about datacron's until a day ago, didnt know they made relics till I read this post.


I'm not one for exploring, but I am big time on min/maxing, which means I NEED to do this stuff.


Does anyone have any online resources for locations yet regarding these things? Usually within a week of an MMO release you will have someone who's made a guide for this kinda thing.


There were full guides for them before the game even launched. You can google them.


But I know for a fact IGN.com has a guide up. I haven't looked at it yet, but it seemed pretty complete at a glance.

Edited by Bigguyonarock
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Is this what gaming has become? The datacrons provide a reason to explore the game world. You are complaining about some of the best aspects of any game. Being rewarded in unexpected ways for stepping off the beaten path.


Seriously...The OP is complaining because he has to move and jump...


Has to be a troll...

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Is this what gaming has become? The datacrons provide a reason to explore the game world. You are complaining about some of the best aspects of any game. Being rewarded in unexpected ways for stepping off the beaten path.


You mean jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, falling, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, falling, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, hitting an invisible wall, falling into a group of enemies with low health, dying, rezzing, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, falling, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, falling, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, falling , jumping, jumping, jumping off the beaten path?

Edited by carnac_fett
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You mean jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, falling, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, falling, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, hitting an invisible wall, falling into a group of enemies with low health, dying, rezzing, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, falling, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, falling, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, falling , jumping, jumping, jumping off the beaten path?


Exactly! Pity if you can't see the beauty in it. It's called platforming. Under appreciated in an age where games play themselves for you.

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Is this what gaming has become? The datacrons provide a reason to explore the game world. You are complaining about some of the best aspects of any game. Being rewarded in unexpected ways for stepping off the beaten path.


Welcome to life after WoW. Feed them WoWbabies, they need their minimal work for maximum reward.

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Exactly! Pity if you can't see the beauty in it. It's called platforming. Under appreciated in an age where games play themselves for you.

It's called bad platforming.


I prefer good platforming. Examples: Super Mario series, Banjo series, Sly Cooper series, Jak and Daxter series, Ratchet and Clank series, Prince of Persia series.


All of them built from the ground up as platform games, not an MMO with platforming shoehorned in.

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Do we need to dumb everything down? I like the mystery behind datacrons and look forward to finding some of them when the time is right.


People complain when everything is "on the rails", and they complain when things are "off the map". I see so much complaining on this board about all aspects of the game, its almost laughable.

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None of the guides actually explain the current implementation of how to actually use the crystals to make a relic. Everyone copied and pasted the same outdated info. Has anyone figured it out? I found the spot for the empire, (far Western cave on Dromund Kass) but it didn't help me make a relic, unless I did it wrong.
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It's called bad platforming.


I prefer good platforming. Examples: Super Mario series, Banjo series, Sly Cooper series, Jak and Daxter series, Ratchet and Clank series, Prince of Persia series.


All of them built from the ground up as platform games, not an MMO with platforming shoehorned in.


Are you serious? It's a tiny diversion. It only needs to be functional. And it is. Besides the very best platform games are brutally unforgiving. Everything you described in the previous post is what you experience in any game in that genre worth playing.

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Do we need to dumb everything down? I like the mystery behind datacrons and look forward to finding some of them when the time is right.


I bet you'll change your mind when you actually start trying to get them. Even if you find them (and you almost certainly won't without a guide), getting to them still sucks. It's not a matter of difficult combat or puzzle solving, though. That would be just fine! No, the problem is that you have to engage in platforming with a game engine that really doesn't support it well. Jumping on junk piles and pipes is frustrating and tedious.


Besides, where's the lore to support these things? Why the hell would powerful artifacts be in these locations, of all places? The whole system is just poorly done.


I do disagree with the OP on one thing, though. There's a datacron on Coruscant that you'll almost certainly run across if you just play the game normally and that one serves as an introduction to the system. I don't see the need for a quest. That said, it's easy for players to assume that this datacron is the first and then never backtrack to the started planets to find those six, so perhaps each starter planet should have an easy one instead.


People complain when everything is "on the rails", and they complain when things are "off the map". I see so much complaining on this board about all aspects of the game, its almost laughable.


Some people complain when everything is "on the rails", and some people complain when things are "off the map". Generally, these two groups don't overlap much. Is the concept that different people have different ideas and preferences than others really that hard to grasp?

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1. Data crons are suppose to be somewhat secretive so to give a quest would make little sense, a glwoing box that tells you everything about it is well over enough for anyone to point I think only the first maybe second should explain what it is than should be shortened, etc...


As for the rest, yes jumping, invisible walls, etc... are a major pain when are they not? This game will polish in time so relax... until than.


IMO I do think that classes should have some sort of aiming ability of movement (some already have leap attack, why not have a leap move, bounty hunters have jetpacks a fair amount of the time why not have a short thrust, smugglers/spys could have a roll easily etc...)


+Also the the one thing I do totaly agree on, though provides a ton of exploration, Good Amount of them should have some sense as to why they are there they don't have to be hey look at me or all be under heavy guard or any nonsense like that as again they are secretive and what not (etc...) just why would it be there. --> some I think do this fantastically, like --> one was being worshiped, one was near scavengers type of thing, one either fell or was placed for reason in a jedi temple with a powerful sith nearby it, etc..., but there defintly is way to many that make you wonder how the freaking heck it got there and why :confused::confused:...

Which therefore does simply fall to hey wanted this to be a pain in the arse to get to and hard to see if at all from anywhere a player would be.. so lets do that which should virtually not be the reason but could still be the case.

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"imprecise platforming tools"






I mean, glitchy terrain, ok, i haven't really encountered any yet, but i can see that. valid.


But keyboard and mouse being 'imprecise platforming tools??' Um, dude, last i checked you have wwwwaaaayyy more control with these tools than a game controller. maybe it's just me tho.


well the guy might be a thalidomide baby and have flippers that are one foot ling instead of arms - YOU try using a mouse when you have flippers lol

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I take this entire topic as proof that fanbois will defend anything in this game, no matter how poorly it's implemented.


You are an idiot. It's the way it's been done since wolfinstein 3d introduced secret rooms with treasure inside. It's nothing new. It's implanted correctly and most aren't even difficult to get. You are complaining because you might have to explore and press the space bar.

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Actually, they're often guarded by elites, I've rarely had any trouble whatsoever climbing to the area (when needed, it's often not) to find them, and they're always VERY clearly visible when exploring because there's a HUGE COLORFUL LINE coming up from the ground... seriously?!?


I loved the amazing feeling that I had of discovering something special when I found my first one while I was randomly exploring Ord Mantell.


My only complaint is that they don't move around (ie have random spawn-points). That would have been something really compelling for avid explorers (and the bored).

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They require you to use your brain instead of setting up a macro to get to them lol. You really sound like someone that just want the stat boost without doing any work what so ever.


Give it another week or so youtube will have all the vids you need to find every last one of them and show you how to get to them.

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I've had to skip a lot of the datacrons on Coruscant because my skills at platforming just weren't to the task of getting them. But it's not that bad to be honest. But I do like the suggestion of placing them someplace where it makes sense of where they are.
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I have to say, I HATE HATE HATE HATE all the stupid jumping around I have to do to get to datacrons. I detest those kind of games, and think that it is stupid that these are done that way.


I get that they're a cool incentive to wander the world, and I like that part, but seriously, if I wanted to play super mario brothers, I would. I want to play SWTOR!

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There are so many things I love about SWTOR but I somewhat agree with the OP in that this current system is a bit of a swing and a miss in the "Star Wars-iness" department.


Basically I agree on one of your points, in that they should be found in places that would make sense in the Star Wars universe, currently that is not the case, they would never be found just sitting on top of a box or out in the middle of a field or any place random like the ones i have found so far.


I'd personally like to see some sort of puzzle involved in finding them, not so much of a specific quest but maybe along your quest line you get hints or rumors about them which make you think. They should definitely be in more deliberate places like tombs and old forgotten buildings, maybe even a crashed starship perhaps?


I keep thinking back to the Darth Bane books, and in those stories he would scour all sorts of books and old parchments for hints on the locations of these highly sought after items.

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